"Internationalization Netmodal Management Process", introduced in my Master's thesis (1997), was developed to support the virtual (internet) way of organizing business actors (partakers). This net-modal approach to solving perceived creative challenges in the dialectical understanding of time and space offers a broader creative framework, understood in the sense of a proposal to be improved the existing hard (materialistic) environment with a softer (and more humane) working, business and living environment. Unfortunately, similar to numerous attempts in the past to achieve this goal, the realization of this great idea has remained within the realm of the imagination of human beings. In this creative article, the used terminological concepts of the net-modal way of conducting business of (virtual) companies are presented. In addition, certain aspects of this to me already very distant net-modal way of solving perceived (creative) challenges in the business, work and life environment are also commented. By the way, the most of this text was not a part of the Proposal for the Ph. D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark but written three month later [summer holiday for the universities, 1999] when was clear that my very polite Ph. D. proposal had been doomed to failure. In other words, in the creative work "Netmode - Strategy for the 21st Century - Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999", the way of expression was significantly changed (it became sharper) compared to the content of my Doctoral Dissertation Proposal or the content of my Master's thesis, that is, it was in agreement with the natiocratic environment, where I acted creatively. In short, I was prevented from getting a job with my IT skills, management and business economics qualifications [two degrees received in two different societal environments] in the Age of Information Technology neither in the (international) private-owned companies nor in the (semi-) state controlled institutions.
- [How many people (worldwide) had so good and appropriate skills and qualifications in those-days time DIA the appropriate space? But as in each natiocracy, it is about the old natiocratic school of nepotism, cronysm, ties and laces as well as about the loyalty to the established form of natiocratism.
- Without mentioning the dialect-spirit in the redefined time DIA space, together with the appropriate Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in it (to unmask and reveal easier the secrets of this form of natiocracy), the way of the integration of (faceless) financial coorporations, companies and faceless market in the distant future, or of virtual (software) companies organized around small projects at the very end of 20th century [a very small piece of these very distant prospects for achievement of this dialectically long-run humane goal] in "a FREE MEDIUM, consisting of the free but interactive and (self-) responsible individuals, who will be mindually DIA spiritually empowered to self-control themselves" was too much for them.
- Keep in mind, the point of this latest established natiocratic economic order (debtism) is just the opposite, that is, grouping, crowding and obscuring all and everything, so that you cannot catch them neither for head nor tail, except to see from time to time their barely visible dia (very) changeable contours of faces (on the global financial markets) by continually increasing speed of ITC].
In addition to this, it is worth of mentioning that these creative articles were written before I made PARADIGMATIC SHIFT IN THE WAY OF THINKING (dialectical way of thinking), and for this reason, these creative articles, although triggered with these events, they should also be reviewed and reconsidered through the prism of the time and space of their writing: the down of the IT revolution.
- It was time and the appropriate space of the fall of Berlin Wall and traditional communism, as well as flourishing of the internationalisation, social and technological revolution, particularly IT, and the emergence of a new phenomenon and global communication medium, which will later become known as the internet. In short, this was the time of great change(s), hope and the appropriate expectations.
- It seemed in those times that the conventional boundaries and divisions, both within the world, network structures and societies, were overcome leading to an unprecedented level of openness, trust, freedom, the free (and unrestrained) access, sharing and exchange of information, data and knowledge. Or more simply said, it seemed that these events and developments will collapse the conventional concepts of time and space, and the related conventional (militant) way of thinking. Or at least, this will happen within the established (political, military, economic) network structures....
- Or put it in another way, similarly to the global crowd consisting of numerous natiocratically organized groups and corresponding societal categories, I also did not know how various "optical illusions" [of their understanding of humanism, individualism, self-empowerment, self-control, self-responsibility, human and employees' rights...], and other appropriate utopian ideas of the natiocratism truly work (worldwide) in the political, business, WORKING, creative and living reality. But contrary to others, who are still lulled to sleep with this obscure music of the natiocratic darkness played by an hidden orchestra of this earthly Titanic, I was awaken by this inner creator (acting creatively inside me). To cut this long story short, in this societal universe of the natiocratism, as long as it lasts, there is only place for social experimentation with various ideas of its endless utopias. For further info carefully read: SOCIETAL ORDERS (OF THE RULE) OF NATIOCRATISM - NATIOCRACY AS A NEW ESTABLISHED POLITICAL AND CULTURAL SYSTEM (OF VALUES).
Either way, in the field of business organising, as an alternative to the concept of conflict management which is characterized by an endless improvement of the existing hard (life-, work-, business) environment, respectively, understood in terms of continual creating conflictual situations (problems), followed by milking these purposefully made problems by various kinds of the troublemakers, the international netmodal management process was based on a different creative (methodological) framework, characterized by a strong emphasize of the role of coexistence and co-destiny of the actors (partakers) within the globally established network DIA a few large (influential) networks. In other words, the focus was put on the trust, co-operation and collaboration of partakers in the established (DIA wished picture of the) network. In short, the dialectical tensions among the actors, which will be reflected and encompassed in the consisting net-modules of the netmodal management model of the business (work-, life-, societal...) reality, were utilized as an incentive for change of this current "picture" of the network with a renewed (improved) one.
Netmodal Management Process
Redefined (Netmodal) Role of Top Management (Leadership)
Dynamisation DIA Stabilisation of the Established Network
Process of the Re-Individualisation DIA Re-Humanisation within the Established Network
Drawbacks of the Group Way of Organising
Interactive Aspects of the Netmodal Management Model
Conflicts and Dialectical Tensions among Individuals within established Family, Company and Society
Netmodal Management Model
Proactive Features of the Netmodal Management Model
Redefined (Netmodal) Role of Top Management (Leadership)
For this reason, by using it as a starting point, in this model of business reality, the task of netmodal top-management, or of a leadership, if you so will, was deduced on the dialectical synthesizing (managing) of these dialectical tensions in time and space, in purpose of crossing over or removing the existing boundaries of the established (global) network for the good of their involved actors. In a netmodal sense, each kind of the fixed and hard boundary is seen as a main barrier to the dynamisation of the established relationships as well as for the realization of the initiated processes of creating (new) knowledge (in purpose of making continuous changes) within the formed (global) network (structure). In fact, this way of making continuous changes is a prerequisite for a continual progress of each established civilisation. However, this destabilised (global) network has to be re-stabilised to harvest fruits of this newly created knowledge. In other words, the previously established positions of partakers in the (global) network are reconstructured by re-making the established relationships within it, including also making new ones between actors of this reconstructured and re-stabilized (global) network. Or put in another way, seen from a long-term perspective, the renewal and rebuilding of this ossified (inflexible) network structure is necessary. Keep in mind,, each kind of the fixed and inflexible boundaries considerably limit dialectical interplay between and among the network elements, conceptualized in the networkl approach of doing business as trust, power (distribution) and (common) interests (Haakansson and Johanson, 1986). And as a consequence of that, these fixed and inflexible boundaries limit and shrink creative horizons of partakers during the process of creating a new knowledge, understood in terms of implementation of the shared intentionality of the partakers (actors) in the established actornet through their creative interaction, the result of which is creating interdependent relationships between them.
Dynamisation DIA Stabilisation of the Established Network
The actors, participants in this netmodal process, were presented as network conscious and to relationships in the network oriented as well as with them driven. Seen from the perspective of the developed NETMODE, main objective of the international netmodal management process was dialectically expressed and interpreted as management of dynamisation DIA stabilization of the established network through making, supporting and exploiting made changes. Or put in other way, the purpose of the undertaken netmodal (creative) actions is the guidance and supervision of these initiated dialectical processes in the desired direction for the good of their involved actors within the established (GLOBAL) network. To be reconciled, as well as to be softened these initiated multifaceted and divergent (contradictory) dialectical processes, the focus was put on basic human issues, aspects and the suitable value system, the purpose of which is the building of (more humane) relationships through connection of them into networks: multitude of small actor-nets. For an easier implementation of the previously said, management of the group entities should be further flattened, whereas its employees should be re-individualized, humanized, and self-empowered both in mindual and spiritual terms, to be capable to self-control themselves (to become SELF-RESPONSIBLE), in order to be decreased in that way a need for direct supervision of them by too many hierarchically organized levels of the management. In netmodal way of doing business, it is desarable that each actor is a determined and sturdy person with a strong will who is committed to the established relationship. In other words, they are deeply involved in achieving the set goal, that is, the action must be in line with the given word during the process of building relationships. In short, it is not here about a statement of intent but of intentionality (to make each of them its maximum contribution to creating a desirable picture of the network).
- In this potential P.H. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (year, 1999), neither God, nor citations of the Holy Books and Scripture were mentioned nor their citations were use in creative purposes. Or put it in another way, all this aforementioned could be expressed by the following words of David - Psalm-32:8-11:
- "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be CONTROLLED by bit and bridle, or they will not come to you...."
- In other words, the point of this way of truly flattening the organizational structure of the company, concepts of the self-control and self-empowerment using this way of thinking by its top management is a CHOICE of [human and humane] employees who do not need to be controlled constantly "by bit on the bridle" as a pandan to the existing militant strategic approach of the natural selection of labor force who need to be controlled by foremen and various supervisors all the time DIA spending this precious kind of the redefined dialectical space (SPIRIT, MIND dia reason, matter). In addition to this, although the same words and concepts were used, this does not mean they have the same meaning in the developed theoretical conceptions, methodological approaches and models of the considered reality.
- More on the non-use of cultural treasures for creative purposes, or on simple-reasonable redundancy or plagiarism, if you so please, READ: Widespread Practice of the Scientific Plagiarism of the Contents of Holy Books and Scriptures. On the other hand, to read about insurmountable scientific barriers to use cultural treasures for creative purposes, READ: Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from the Perspective of Creating Knowledge. An example of this modern scientific approach of knowledge creation (and the plagiarism too) is both my Master's Thesis and this potential P.H. Dissertation. In other words, although I used the concepts of self-empowerment and self-control, I did note quote these great and wise words of David.
Actually, seen from a netmodal point of view, the goal of this is decreasing the high costs of the management, in purpose of redirecting these released (financial and human) resources for initiation of the suitable dialectical processes of new knowledge creation, as well as for the rewarding employees for their contribution to the implementation of this common goal. Apart from this, the role of the dialect - matter (materialistic incentives) should be also reduced by emphasizing the role of the dialect - mind, understood as a medium for emerging and further development of new (great) ideas, which cannot be achieved without assigning a new role to the dialect - spirit (higher spiritual incentives: meaning of being human).
- An example of this is the (forced) sacrifice of the materialistic rewards by this creator of knowledge in favor of the mindual and (higher) spiritual incentives of this human and humane being for purpose of creating theoretical settings for the emergence of such a creative, working, business, and living environment.
In my opinion, only in this way can be REDUCED HARMFUL CONSEQUENCES of mis-/distrust, as a historically made source of all problems and conflicts in the existing hard environment. In short, the goal of this is the transition and transformation of this created 'stage' for various manifestations of physical battles of people (dialect matter) into the clash of ideas and thoughts of the humane individuals DIA the formed teams (the created SOCIAL MEDIUM of the dialect mind DIA spirit).
Process of the Re-Individualisation DIA Re-Humanisation within the Established Network
It is very important to emphasize here that the implementation of this great idea requires the appropriate level of the developed consciousness of its partakers. For this reason, if this great humane objective is not feasible to be carried out in the living reality on the global, network, societal level, this great idea should not be abandoned because of it but rather this should be implemented at the level of established actor-nets. And just this idea was embedded into the virtual (internet) way of organizing of business, human-loving individuals.... In other words, in the stone and ice of the existing firmly established hard (geo-strategic-military) environments, a hole should be made, somehow DIA somewhere. On the other hand, only in this way does it make sense to give GREATER AUTONOMY AND INDEPENDENCE to (virtual) employees during the launched creative processes (projects), [accordingly to citizens if you wish to be successfully harvested fruits of the initiated democratic processes] as members of the formed teams within the established actornets, whose precondition is just a continual increasing level of developing consciousness DIA (well-known prick of the human) conscience. For additional information, read: HUMANE, CREATIVELY INDIVIDUAL WAY OF THINKING.
The same is valid for the individual citizens, as members of a society, particularly, in the role of voters during the democratic elections, otherwise all of it will be finished with a typical natiocratic farce. In other words, the process of re-individualization, understood in terms of the (mindual and spiritual) SELF-EMPOWERMENT of the employees (and citizens) is a complete contradiction to the 'modern' democratically natiocratic purposeful pruduction of the vulgar mind DIA a further and further vulgarization of the simples(st) mind over the passage of time and space: Creating hollow-minded creatures for an easy materialistic, mindual and spiritual manipulation with them (for purpose of easier milking money). In either case, as an orientation point in time DIA space, seen from the perspective of the netmodal management, if a member of the created team does not feel and experience herself, himself within the formed team, to be treated as a humane being, but responsible, self-empowered and self-controlled one, as well as made capable to independently perform assigned tasks; it is not a team, understood in terms of netmodal management but rather, it is about a kind of well-masked (hidden) manifestation of the group (way of thinking).
Shortcomings of the Group Way of Organising
The main drawback of the existing group way of organizing and the appropriate way of thinking implemented within the realm of business, is that there are too many layers of management that prevents free flow of data and information within and between companies, respectively within the established networks and network structures, understood in a broader, wider and deeper sense of this basic idea. In other words, the existing division of roles in a company, where only hierarchically organized multi-levels of management and employees appointed by them, are authorized to store and keep data and information as well as to access, harness and re-distribute them, is unsustainable, seen from this dialectically long-run perspective. Because of the coming overflow of data and information, re-individualization DIA re-humanization [of the made objects referred to: Arbnor & Bjerke, 1997], understood in terms of mindual and spiritual self-empowerment of employees to be capable to deal more successfully with them, will play a decisive role in each new-created (living, working, business) environment. Simply, if "all" employees (as humane individuals) are not included into these initiated creative processes, there would be lack of "heads with brains" available within the encompassed time DIA space, to be successfully accomplished this continuous process (of new knowledge creation). For these reasons, ideas of the mindual DIA spiritual self-empowerment in purpose of SELF-CONTROL of employees, as basic postulates of the virtual organizing, are not empty words. Seen from the standpoint of this way of re-individualization DIA re-humanization, the available human resources should be diversified related to the skills, talents, knowledge, experience and the like, because the redundancy and complete overlapping of human resources (virtual employees in this concrete case), organized into small teams, might be also a shortcoming, particularly in a further future. In other words, one or some of them are not necessary, respectively the team created in such a way misses a member or more of them, if you so will.
Interactive Aspects of the Netmodal Management Model
The main idea behind the putting in focus on human issues, needs and desires, is my expectation that the "facelessness" of market in this netmodal way will disappear in a dialectically long run by using this netmodal approach, as a result of embedded human and human-loving values and attributes, which are consistuent part and a true value of each established relationship, and for this reason of each established actor-net too. I argue that interaction within the impersonal ("faceless") market by building these (mutually interactive) human relationships, understood in terms of embedding the suitable humane values into it, is the higher and far more appropriate manner of communication of market actors with each other [treating each other as humane-loving individuals]. Because of the fact that many of the people are not humane (at all), the (re-)making relationships in purpose of connecting them into network (of teams: actor-net) also assumes and embraces embedding these multifaceted and contradictory objectives of the networked actors into it, which are often divergent (evil) nature. On the other hand, this netmodal approach of the interchange of ideas, thoughts, information, experience, knowledge and the like through continual maintenance of established (personal) relationships, allows all involved actors to be informed about latest events, trends and flows in the (working, business, societal) network structure, respectively within the established global environment. Or more simply said, netmodal management of human resources through interacting and developing relationships with other actors continually CHECKS and EVALUATES objectives of the established actor-nets in the work, business, societal and living reality.
As a result of all this, the building of humane relationships with the aim of connecting them in networks, makes market less impersonal: less obscurred and "faceless". In other words, in dialectically long-run this leads to creation of a far more human marknet (networked market: netmark), due to the human attributes and suitable value system, which are built into each relationship, established in this netmodal way. This future desarable scenario in time DIA suitable situation in space, particularly emphasizes the role of re-individualized DIA re-humanized employees (and citizens), during these processes of creating (new) knowledge. The results of this observed trend is a kind of integration of two previously clearly separated concepts: company and market, which in this Age of Information and Communication Technologies is manifested by various ways of virtualization (and individualization) of their constituent parts. In short, only in this way companies and market can BE HUMANIZED, understood in terms of imprinting human qualities and features by embedding this type of (humane) relationships into each existing (natiocratically formed) group-entity. As a result of these multifaceted dialectically netmodal processes, the market will become in a distant future, A FREE INTERACTIVE MEDIUM, consisting of the free but creatively interactive, responsible and mindually DIA spiritually empowered human-loving individuals (actors), understood in terms of their renewed ability and capability to self-controll themselves. Seen from this dialectical perspective, in this netmodal way the "faceless" market will be transformed in the future with such kind of the initiated dialectical processes into a softly and far more humane (work, business and living) environment.
Conflicts and Dialectical Tensions among Individuals within established Family, Company and Society
The incentives for this are of individual (human-loving and human) nature. On the one hand, human-loving individuals want to bring together (SYNTHESIS) the cozy environment of their homes (families) [conceived and based on love, trust, truth, and mutual respect: THESIS] and a much harder work and business environment [conceived and based on the materialistic (money) motives: ANTITHESIS], where there are also friendly and dear beings (SYNTHESIS DIA a RENEWED THESIS). Simultaneously, there is a hard pressure on societies, actors, as well as on the families (and citizens) further to be cut costs of doing business (and living), understood in terms of (money) value of time, in purpose of reducing the related spatial and the corresponding time pressure (lack of time), in order to be overcome the suitable dialectical distances, diversities and differences between these two initiated divergent and contradictory processes. Simultaneously, both individuals (citizens) and families want to preserve their privacy, as well as the cozy and softly environment of their homes. These multifaceted and DIVERGENT dialectical pressures make by definition dialectical tensions between and among individuals, families and various other involved societal partakers, transferring all these dialectical tensions and the caused problems on the established social institutions, in one or another way. In short, all this affects all spheres of my, thy, our lives. Reconsidered it from the dialectical point of view, all HUMAN AND HUMAN-LOVING individuals want to make a qualitative (proper) dialectical synthesis between and among dialects - Spirit, Mind dia Reason, Matter (Space), by placing it in the appropriate time (Future, emotive emotional dia physical Presence, Past) framework. These problems and threats (in the traditional strategic sense), accordingly challenges and opportunities in the dialectical sense (managing Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Triad of Dialectics), must be addressed and managed sooner or later. In my opinion, it is better to start with addressing and managing them as sooner as possible. For this reason, netmode, as a proposed strategy for the 21st century, cannot neglect (ignore) these both challenges and made opportunities for involved actors [human-loving individuals: citizens, employees, employers, consumers, buyers, suppliers, distributors ... parents, members of families ...] in this very volatile time DIA the appropriate space.
Netmodal Management Model
Either way, seen from this netmodal point of view, involved actors should both in-see, re-examinate and re-evaluate all these flows of events and initiated dia-processes in the Great versus BIG Picture, by reconsidering them from the perspective of and with others through building appropriate relationships (forming actor-net). This should be understood in terms of their common intentionality, based on their common (humane) value system, to be made, maintained and preserved such a created living DIA work, business and societal environment. In short, based on these introduced broad ideas, issues and suitable challenges of the future, a dynamic netmodal management model (1996) was developed by me, combining methodological frameworks of Easton and Haakanssson & Johanson, which are all based on the fundamental ideas of the network approach. See the graphical illustrations of this netmodal model of reality. As far as I know, this netmodal model of (business, work, societal) reality is still the ONLY AVAILABLE DYNAMIC model of reality. This business model is developed in purpose of supporting the concept of virtual organizing of partakers, understood in terms of development of an appropriate netmode (strategy) for the established virtual (internet) companies, as an (and still only) ALTERNATIVE to the various very akin strategic (management) models of reality. Keep in mind, all strategic models of reality are based in its core on the military way of thinking. On the other hand, the purpose of this developed netmodal model of business reality was establishing A CREATIVE (KNOWLEDGEABLE) FRAMEWORK for the involved actors, which provides the appropriate guidelines, both for initiation of suitable creative processes for making desirable changes in the created marknet (MARKET-NETWORK) through new created knowledge, as well as guidelines for exploitation of the made and perceived opportunities within it for the good of all involved participants of the established (global) network.
In this graphical illustration was presented the developed "Netmodal Management Model":
Seen from the netmodal perspective, the faceless, abstract network concept and an insufficiently defined conception of ideas where the emerged network has no clear boundaries, nor any center or apex but it exists as an ‘organization’ in terms of a certain logic affecting the ordering of activities, resources, and actors (Håkansson and Snehota, 1995), is very hard to implement into business reality. For this reason, these abstract ideas of using the implemented Activities, Resources, and Actors were defined more concretely and distinctly by reducing them to key activities, key resources, and key actors which is more in line with my (individual) way of thinking and the corresponding mindset. After all, seen from this individual perspective, all involved partakers with available resources and appropriate activities do not have the same weight in the established actor-net. Keep in mind when the Netmodal Management Model was created (1996), I had neither ambitions nor intentions to take part in this endless scientific debate (to continue with P.H.D study) but thought and acted pragmatically as a future manager.
In line with the Netmodal Management Model, key-actors interact through established relationships (Relationship Network Module) sharing knowledge and exchanging acquired experiences to carry out key-activities by combining their shared (and common) strategic resources to create (added value and) a new knowledge (Process Net-Module), which enables them to make changes in the established (global) network. In other words, this active and proactive approach allows them to exploit the created changes as an opportunity, as well as to position themselves better (Position Net-Module) and in the long-term to be deeply embedded and structured in this reconstructed (global) network (Structure Net-Module). Keep in mind that each newly established or broken relationship can significantly change the position of the actor in the network, including the possibility of putting it out of business, especially if it is a small actor that is not deeply structured into the established network. You can read the methodological aspects of this potential doctoral dissertation of mine in the creative article: DIALECTIC METHOD IN ACTION: ITS METHODICAL PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES.
Proactive Features of the Netmodal Management Model
Ending this part of the creative article devoted to the International Netmodal Management Process, this netmodal methodological approach provides to the management and leadership, generally speaking, a suitable 'tool' with the appropriate dialects (net-modules for building relationships, positions, structure and processes) for an intentionally (pro)active and creative partaking (read later the concept of intentionality) during the process of creation of a desirable (work, business, societal...) picture of reality (netmode), through the initiation of wished activities and processes of creating (new) knowledge in this ("netmodal") Great versus ("strategic") BIG Picture by using both the available as well as the (creatively) accessible resources. The purpose of this in a long run is a continual (re-)building of the (virtual) teams DIA (remaking of the already established) relationships of participating actor-nets in the established (global) network. In short, the objective of this way of achieving set goals, in a long run, is a (pro)active and creative re-structuralization of the established networks consisting of numerous actor-nets, instead of the passive watching of happenings in it, followed by a too late responding on these challenges of the (future) course of events. In other words, seen from this netmodal perspective, involved actors are seen as intentional creators of their future. These proactive features of the actor's concept of intentionality (Arbnor & Bjerke, 1997) is of the essential importance to understand the introduced (internationalization) netmodal management process, and they were included two years later (1999), during the writing a proposal for Ph.D. dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School. To remind you, according to Arbnor & Bjerke (1997),
- "intentionality refers to the structure that gives a purpose to experience. Intentionality is not the same as intentions; it is the dimension behind intentions. It is through intentionality that we bridge the gap between subjects and objects. The concept of intentionality is not used by traditional empirical researchers because it does away with part of their (methodological) foundation. In strictly empirical thinking, people are seen as passive experiencers and interpreters of objects in external reality.
- ...... The concept of intentionality overturns traditional empirical thought, which states: We are attracted by surrounding objects through our senses and our senses make it possible to perceive them (the objects). On the other hand, intentionality asserts that via our purposeful consciousness, we reach out by using our senses and find or mold objects according to our purpose. This ABILITY TO CREATE OUR ENVIRONMENT is called intentionality".