Basic Ideas of the Netmodal Business Organising |
Dialectical Understanding of Time [future, emotively emotional presence dia physical presence, past] and Space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter] in Picture and 4 Key Concepts, expressed by its Two Paired Dialects: Time in Space ⇄ Space in Time DIA Medium of Time ⇄ Medium of Space
Source: Proposal for a Potential Ph.D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Jovanović, 1999
This creator of knowledge introduced DIA creatively elaborated the guiding ideas of the netmodal way of organizing, that is, the business organization of entrepreneurship by applying this network approach. In addition, it was presented how individuals and families, as the basis of society, could play a more prominent and agile role in the future, as well as how a greater share of responsibility could be transferred to them. This should also be understood in the sense of paying less tax, which is spent on the implementation of various types of unproductive and (completely) useless activities for society as whole, seen from a humane and human-loving perspective. Let me remind you, individuals and individualism DIA humanization, understood in the sense of forming project teams, are the building blocks of the Netmodal Business Management Environment ("Marknet": Networked Market). "For example, launching virtual projects or transforming the unutilized resources, activities, and actors, understood in terms of gathering them around projects, can considerably contribute to the flexibility of marknet-environment. In other words, the hidden idea of virtuality is to revive the existing hard and inflexible environment by continual transformation of companies (virtual ones to traditional ones and vice versa) with the purpose of a better and more humane utilization of differences, distances, and diversities in age, social-family status, cultural, educational level, enabling an easier movement of individuals and group entities (actors) left, right, up, down as well as the resources, activities and undertaken business actions within this very vivid, flexible and tolerable environment in continual coming into being DIA renewal of it". The existing group way of organizing teams has deep natiocratic roots, and is therefore one of the postulates of natiocracy. This way of organizing teams is based on a military way of thinking and organizing where a military officer assembles a squad or a platoon of available soldiers, and as such it is simply copied into other areas of social organization, including the business area. In other words, the role of this military officer in the public, state and business sectors is taken over by various manifestations of the supervisor or foreman ("with the whip"), whose role has remained almost unchanged since the era of slavery, except that the type of "whip" or the way of punishing disobedient members of the "team" has changed. " due to failure to perform given tasks in the way the supervisor believes that it should be (strictly) implemented.
The Hidden Knowledge: Methodological Reasoning in the sense of Understanding (Recti)linear Time and Space AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF us, or around us, but not inside me ⇄ thee ⇄ us
For this reason, the ideas of self-empowerment, self-control, and self-responsibility of team members, as the basic units of a virtual (non-hierarchical) way of organizing the company for the implementation of (temporary) projects, sounded very attractive to this always supporter of an individual way of thinking and mindset. Although to admit then I was still not the great or the greatest individual, as I am today. Especially, if these ideas are placed in the appropriate temporal and spatial framework of the overall events of the 90s (at the end twentieth century). Starting from these basic ideas of the virtual way of organizing, the netmodal way of forming teams because it is based on an individual way of thinking and mindset is completely different from the existing and ruling group way of organizing teams. Since virtual companies have a very flat management structure, the team leader chooses team members, not only from available but also from accessible (creative) individuals on the Internet labor market. This was a way to accumulate initial capital, create the necessary contacts, and experience in efficient and effective implementation of projects, as well as to strengthen mutual relations to form a network of actors (actor-net) to undertake much larger, more ambitious and longer-term business ventures based on this virtual team way of organizing. business. In order to make a difference between (military) group and a far more humane, creatively individual way of organizing teams, the role of strategy to achieve a given goal is replaced with a netmode elaborated and implemented through its four modules: Net-module (established) Relationships, Net-module of (established) Positions, Net-module (established network) Structures, Net-module of (started) Processes (of creating knowledge). By dialectically combining these two short-term with two suitable long-term network modules as a whole, a clearer dynamic picture of the desired appearance of the (global) network is obtained, which is implemented through the Net-mode (strategy) in constant development and adaptation to the opportunities on the (national, regional, and global ) market, as well as in the wider (global) environment. In short, these were the basic ideas and concepts of my Master's thesis based on the application of the network approach.
On the other hand, in the potential doctoral dissertation I had the intention to deepen, creatively refine and complete my master's thesis by reflecting it through the prism of a dialectical interaltive approach and a more appropriate understanding of time and space. Keep in mind that unlike the applied Network Approach, the Dialectica Interactive Approach, as well as the dialectical understanding of time and space, are based on an individual way of thinking and deliberation, which was a necessary prerequisite to create something new, even more humane, and different from mine original Master's theses. So what was the problem or the cause of my failures, not only to get a job but also not to be approved for further studies, and all this, not only in Denmark but also far beyond? Especially considering that I was a good student, who in the meantime published my Master's thesis, without mentioning its main creative result and contribution: the Netmodal Business Management Model, which is still the only alternative to the Strategic Management Model. At the beginning, reading more carefully both my master's thesis and the proposal of my doctoral dissertation, I considered that the criticism of the military roots of the Strategic Management Model, my ethnic roots, as well as the introduction of the concept of spirit in the dialectical understanding of time and space in these modernized pagan societies of the EU, were the main reasons of this failure.
Envy for my achieved creative result should not be ruled out here either, that is, they can get the desired position through the application of nepotism, cronyism or clientelism, but not to lay a bronze, silver or golden egg], as well as the ubiquitous role of ties and laces (favoritism of their favorites and members of their kind), including the innate natiocratic fear of unwanted competition (for a job). Be that as it may, it is very difficult for a human being to discover and fathom the incentives and motives (deeply) hidden and ideologically colored in their inner being, as well as skillfully disguised with the natiocratic uniform worn. Later, after developing the dialectical interactive approach, I realized as a methodologist that this was only partially true. The main reason from a methodological point of view is the introduction of a more humane, individually creative way of thinking and deliberation, not only in the sense of an alternative or criticizing and proposing a replacement for the ruling way of thinking of the mob and related groups, but because it strikes directly at the very core of natiocracy. As another reason, read carefully the essence of my master's thesis (Netmodal Management Model), and count how many times the role is emphasized or the words: more humane and more human-loving are mentioned.
In this graphic illustration, the "Netmodal Management Model" is presented:
In short, in each manifestation of natiocratism there is no place for an individual way of thinking and mindset, and therefore no place for the application of the terms more humane and more human-loving, except in the (natiocratically propagandistic) sense of speaking in the name and for the benefit of others or other members of the social community: "we humans ", "we human beings", "all human beings", and the like. In other words, considered from a methodological point of view, when the concepts of self-empowerment, self-control, and self-responsibility of team members, or the concepts of more humane and more human-loving are passed through the sieve of the mob dia group way of thinking, all this acquires a different sense and semantic meaning compared to passing through and reflecting these concepts and notions through the narrow prism of individual way of thinking and deliberation. On the other hand, the individual way of thinking is expressed and used in an egoistic or selfish sense, without taking much account of the interests or consequences for other, hierarchically lower layers or members of society, which is also in accordance with the military way of organizing, where recognizable worn "uniform" plays an important role in natiocratism. To summarize, unlike human beings, they have an innate need to gain power and might or appropriate authority in order to express and demonstrate their hierarchical role in society, not just to enjoy the fruits of their social position.
- It seems to them that the hunger for the expression of acquired power through the expression and exercise of it on hierarchically lower members of society, including the emotional discharge of accumulated squalor and gall on those weaker than themselves, is more important to them than money, as well as other material rewards: a kind of recognition and hierarchical separating members of their genus from individualized members of the human genus. This is probably the reason why not only individual members of (top) management but also company owners, and especially "impersonal" and temporary owners of joint stock companies, not only tolerate but also encourage such behavior and treatment of other, hierarchically lower employees workers.
- Moreover, on one occasion while working in Germany (2013) I witnessed the importance of the uniform worn by the lowest working class. Namely, one worker who worked for an employment agency (temporary, flexible worker) accidentally put on a uniform intended for workers who got the contract with the company. Another worker, who until yesterday also worked for an employment agency, that is, yesterday she was hired to work under a contract (higher status), started yelling at her as if she had hit someone or her, demanding that she immediately take off that uniform. And all this happens early in the morning before 6 o'clock, when at least I haven't even woken up properly to be able to notice that little thing, let alone react in such a way. What is the purpose of all this? To demonstrate one's new hierarchical status, as well as to immediately react in accordance with this higher status or what?
puzzling pathway of creation
Be that as it may, I did not manage to get a suitable job, not only in the private sector of business organization but also in the public natiocratic sphere of social organization. In short, continuing my studies and obtaining the title of Doctor of Science was not the result of my desire for additional studies, but rather the confluence of circumstances in which I found myself. If anything, I felt it was a better option to spend my precious time on something more useful than the futile and pointless attempts to get a job with my existing qualifications and relevant knowledge. Here it is important to point out that in addition to my degrees in the field of (international) business economics, I was also an IT professional, which I still do in my free time as a hobby. And all of this was supported by appropriate work experience. To summarize, all this had been happening at the end of the 20th century at the height of the ICT revolution, when there were not a large number of experts to meet the daily growing needs for them. But this phase of my life also belongs to the rubric: Believe it or not. In any case, all these events and the PERSONAL experience gained made me reconsider my relation and attitude towards this type of social organization and the corresponding value system in which I lived (debtism supported by a natiocratically democratic political system in which various forms of manifestation of atheism and modernized paganism also rule), which was exposed in my creative articles.
In other words, just as I do not expect readers to agree with my views on this form of manifestation of natiocracy, so should my disagreement with the existing black and white way of thinking be taken into account (yes - no, truth - lie, 0 - 1, for us - against us...), which is in complete agreement with the dialectical interactive approach. In short, this is about a primordial struggle between the individual, humane way of thinking and deliberation AGAINST the way of thinking of the mob divided into related groups, which is the basis of every form of expression of natiocracy. For this reason, I continued to live in this natiocratic security zone, because I did not understand all these adversities that befell me in terms of the ruling black and white way of thinking, but I understood it as a (great) individual, that is, I expanded and completed my understanding of the concept of natiocracy. After all, making key decisions solely on the basis of (current) emotional impulses belongs to the realm of various manifestations of emotional insanity, while making such important decisions using the abilities of emotively-emotional intelligence dia suitable mental intellect is in line with the dialectical interactive approach. Or to put it another way, no matter where you go or come back, you cannot get out of this vicious circle of the rule of the natiocracy and the corresponding political, economic and religious-cultural value systems. My roaming within the richest EU countries only confirmed my dark premonitions, without the need to visit the other EU members, and especially to try to do it outside the EU, where I don't even have a formal work permit.
Moreover, it is no surprise that this creator of knowledge (in the making) has abandoned the netmodal way of thinking in favor of a dialectical way of thinking and mindset. This Paradigmatic Shift in the Way of Thinking and Deliberation resulted in the development of an appropriate methodological approach (dialectical interactive approach), which was actually hinted at in my proposal for a potential doctoral dissertation: Netmode (Network Mode) - The Strategy for the 21st Century - Dialectical Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999. In other words, I have decided to direct my creative abilities to the completion of this proposal for my doctoral dissertation, without any expectation that it will affect or change my status in the social ladder of this form of manifestation of natiocracy. Since my vision of the future appearance and qualitative content of the dialectical interactive approach rested on a humane, individually creative way of thinking and deliberation, this in itself required a more appropriate dialectical understanding of time and space, that is, a dialectical understanding of time and space from the point of view of the individual seen , creatively considered and elaborated. Although in my proposal for a potential doctoral dissertation I laid out the basic concepts of this dialectically individual way of understanding time and space, enormous creative efforts had yet to be made to fill in the missing pieces and links in this kind of manifestation of the enigmatic puzzle. I say this, despite the fact that this dialectical understanding of time and space was supported with a corresponding graphic illustration, which when looked at carefully, and with a deeper insight into it creatively reconsidered, says more than a thousand words. Especially if it is taken into account that it is necessary to fit and harmonize this with the basic ideas and postulates of the dialectical interactive approach. However, since this dialectical understanding of time and space, as well as the dialectical interactive approach is based on hidden (lost) knowledge, the main feature of which is the pictorial way of showing the unfolding of events in the worlds of dialectics, as well as the corresponding pictorially creative way of communication, when these pictures start (on their own) to unfold, this was not the biggest (creative) challenge.
Basic Ideas of the Netmodal Business Organising
BASIC NETMODAL IDEAS for managing (virtual) business organization, including the development of an internet strategy (netmode) for a virtual way of organizing business, are still actual, especially, comparing this dialectical content with the still prevailing ideas of strategic management in business reality (static way of thinking). In other words, if the existing scientific staff, employed at the universities of the countries including their creative results too (management staff, members of the board of directors, ....), which actually together create the business reality (on the national, global level) by means of the international strategic management process, neither want to self-develop, not to accept an already developed DYNAMICAL model of business reality (netmodal management model), then how they, who do all to retain forever the static made time and space [the existing (global) business reality], could understand the DIALECTICAL way of thinking. Recall, the major features of the dialectics are the CONTINUOUS transition, transformation, metamorphosis and transfiguration from a state in the TIME (future, emotive emotional dia physical presence, past) DIA SPACE (spirit, mind dia reason, matter) into another one (CHANGE).
In either way, this creator of knowledge still argues, that the existing hard business (market) environment, where the major role play LARGE COMPANIES AND OTHER GROUP UNITS, should be made softer, ennobling it with adding individual [human(e)] values DIA values of a healthy traditional family. Wether the reorganisation, transformation and transition of the large companies will be done by the means of virtualisation or in another way, can be argued. But if someone wants to utilise its competitive advantages, understood in terms of the more intensive content of information and knowledge in the business environment, as well as the high educated knowledge workers, using as a starting point the acquired experience DIA wisdom of the gone times DIA spaces [the accumulated perceivings and awarenesses in the realm of culture, art, philosophy and science], it can be only done by creating the appropriate business and living environment, which supports this through the suitable incentives of those, which should provide (pre)conditions for its undisturbed functioning. And one of major actors, that should provide this is the state and its government agencies. Accordingly, it should be done, if their decision makers want to play a more dynamic and agile role with their actors, in purpose of creating (pre)conditions for a healthy-founded business environment / market [Marknet: the objective of which is emergence of the networked market].
"As it is already had been observed, THE LACK OF TRUST is the major barrier to the spread of ideas of virtual organising, because without it there is no genuine interactivity between and among its actors (individuals). No (making) network (based on the individual way of thinking). Actually, the trouble is that the trust as well as almost everything else in today's world is driven by the material (money) motives (by the dialect matter). As a result, network actors perceive and experience trust literally in the material(istic) (physical) terms. Due to the material nature of this driver in time DIA space, actors (people) trust only into physical objects DIA money expressible things (matter) and/or in the power, as a material substitute for the stunted and underdeveloped individual and spiritual values and abilities. For this reason, the use of force is also understood and based on group authority and a compliant way of thinking, and consequently always carried out on the behalf, name, and in interest of the group entities, as a pandan to the thinking of an individual, as well as a substitute for the God (in this modernized pagan world). In fact, within this group way of thinking, authority, power and vested interests are always obscured and hidden personal interests, that is, (mostly) narrow-minded interests of the ruling natiocratic elite." In order to alleviate this harmful influence of the widespread materialistic understanding and corresponding views of the world that surrounds us, and in which also I ⇄ thou ⇄ we live, earn and create, in my proposal for a potential doctoral dissertation, the dialect - spirit was reintroduced to this creative the scene.
As the expressed ideas and thoughts in this cluster of creative articles were a potential Ph.D. dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, let me, thee-us remind, with the words, noted down in a letter, as an answer to the organizing, a typical natiocratic artistic performance. Here is the concluding part of the eight-page letter (8. September 1999) regarding my Ph.D. proposal – "Netmode - the Strategy for the 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach" that was sent to the dean of the Copenhagen Business School [Gert Bechlund (Danish citizen)] trying to turn his attention to the proved "extremely creative artistic and gifted" talent, possessed by the members of the study committee [prof. Torben Pedersen (Danish citizen) and Lee Davis (American citizen)], after a six-month long, typical EU "theatre piece", where the dean himself was one of the many artistic directors. Let me remind you of that:
"Finishing this letter,I wish to remind you that regardless of your efforts to minimize and diminish my acquired qualifications, skills, experience, knowledge, and particularly my creative potential, you will not succeed in it, looking at it from a long-term perspective. See and read, for example, my master's thesis. Its creation, and way of becoming public, had been followed by a similar story and course of events. At this moment, I am sure that I was one of the most creative individuals, who lived, acted and created in the field of social sciences (and not only management) during the last two years of the century (millennium) in Denmark, and perhaps much wider. That will be shown and proved, either in a closer or in a further future. I claim it because I had no support (apart from God and the "living" reality, that is, common human beings) but only harassment, disturbance, and inconvenience during the creation process. Despite creating in such conditions, I managed to create a truly creative work again in just three months. If my master's thesis can be compared and placed on par with yours or your doctoral dissertations, this project study is several steps ahead, understood in terms of both the future and the place of its creation. Who knows maybe this will help you and others like you to start creating something that is in line with your titles, professions (scientists, university professors), and especially with the conditions and creative environment, which are provided by Danish society at the expense of taxpayers."
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