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  Dialectic Interactive Approach:

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space


Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces


Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Negations of Negations

The Unity and Exerting of Dialectical Tensions in Time DIA Space


The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

This methodological approach is based on the dialectical way of thinking. To understand the source of the (mathematical) ideas related to this dialectical view of THE CONCEPT OF SIMPLE MIND (which is presented on the left), it is assumed that you have already read "Static DIA Dynamic Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach, too." Actually, only a few starting paragraphs is enough to read, and then only watch the shown images and illustrations by paging down (scrolling) the creative articles. In other words, ATTEMPT DIALECTICALLY TO SYNTHESISE the imprinted words (read text) with the left impressions of the seen pictures and illustrations in thy inner being DIA inmost one to able to follow and understand the creative articles related to the dialectical interactive approach in this picturesquely vivid way.

Methodology is a very complex topic. Actually, this is one of the most complex dialectical contents for figuring out the true point of it. On the other hand, if thou managed to conceptualize, grasp and understand the ESSENCE OF A METHODOLOGY, at thy disposal is a very powerful tool for disclosing unknown within the broad framework of this dialectical understanding of time and space, either by creating a new knowledge, or by deepening existing knowledge. By the way said, the introduced dialectical interactive approach is in fact a deepening and improvement in terms of DIALECTICAL SUMMING UP and synthesis of existing knowledge of dialectics, which was accumulated and preserved from oblivion and destruction of this treasure of mankind in the gone time and space. In other words, the existing written knowledge of dialectics was used in the form of BUILDING BLOCKS to develop dialectic interactive approach, and then as the next step, on this fundament the missing links of this pre-ancient creative methodological approach were revived by putting this dialectical creatively interactive content in the right dialectical context. As a final result of this, the preserved (survived) knowledge of dialectics was reconnected in time DIA space with these traces of the hidden (lost) pre-ancient knowledge left behind.

Apart from this, in full compliance with this pre-ancient dialectical methodological approach to the creation of new knowledge understood in sense of deepening and perfecting existing knowledge, the SYMBOLICAL MEANING of the left PICTURESQUE imprints, impressions and traces of this hidden knowledge, which was lost in the labyrinth of (recti)linear perception of time and space, was emphasised. In other words, this was used as some kind of linguistic "pictographic script" for an advanced way of the CREATIVELY INTERACTIVE communication in TIME [future, emotively emotional dia physical presence, past] DIA SPACE [spirit, mind dia reason, matter] during the process of knowledge creation. A good example of this linguistic "pictographic script" is the vivid presentation and interpretation of the three basic dialectical principles, aspects, properties and manifestations in (of) time DIA space. Who of you could think that a so simple picturesque presentation of these four antique substances (fire, water, air, earth) has SOMETHING TO DO with the three basic dialectical principles, aspects, properties and manifestations in (of) time DIA space? In short, this PICTORIAL presentation of the worlds of dialectics is the major feature that distinguish the dialectical interactive approach from other methodological approaches.

Introduction into Dialectic Interactive Approach

Couple Dialect (Matching and Paired Dialects): Thesis DIA Antithesis

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

As a result of all this, the developed dialectical interactive approach is a UNIQUE methodological approach, just because of its vivid linguistic approach, which allows that a very complex methodological content to be relatively quickly adopted and understood without use of too many supporting words. Just watch the shown graphical (and animated) illustrations in the creative articles and enjoy in such an easy way of learning: SEE, The Methodological Creative Framework. In spite of the fact that a dialectical approach, due to its dialectical features, is the most appropriate and suitable for the emulation of a living environment, this natural ubiquitous and for this reason, a self-imposed way of looking at the world around us has not been supported in the scientific (methodological) reality. For additional information read: Primary Law of Dialectics. The reasons for this are the building blocks of dialectical way of thinking, such as it:


  • requires an antithesis, due to the postulate of the dialectical way of thinking that nothing in the world of dialectics can exist or be created without simultaneous existing both time and space, and that time and space also can not exist without one another. For this reason, all dialectical relations in dialectical interactive approach were presented by COUPLE DIALECTS (pairs of dialects), understood in the sense of a multitude of pairs of thesis and antithesis during the creative consideration of dialectical content,


  • [puting again (and again) under dialectical consideration and re-examination in time DIA space, each kind of the manifestion of the (natiocratic) absolute truth],

dialectical synthesis

  • [gives the possibility of conceptualizing, grasping, understanding OF SOMETHING],

DIA the Renewed Thesis .... until the TEMPORARY Conclusion of time, in time DIA space is reached.

  • [the basic postulate of the dialectical interactive approach because the ultimate and absolute judgment belongs to God and to no one else],

three basic dialectical principles of dialectics

  • [give the possibility to understand how functions and emerges CHANGE in the considered reality],

that is, all these notions haven't properly fitted, (neither in the past nor) in the existing established NATIOCRATIC ideological, political, societal and business reality.

The Natural Evolution of the Dual ⇢ Bipolar ⇢ into Binary Way of Thinking

Bipolar DIA Binary Way of Thinking

Implications of the Conflict within the Concept of Simple(st) Mind

The Ultimate Synthesis as the Ultimate Outcome of the Classical Dialectical Way of Thinking, a Kind of Current (Earthly Understood) Dogma, an Ultimate Outcome of the Binary "OR - OR" Choice between TWO Bipolar Dialects - Abandoned Hollow and Present within this Triangular Understanding of Space and Time

From these reasons, the priority has been given to the far more simpler (for control) rectilinear methodological approaches, such as, inductive and-or deductive method, as well as to the systematic and profitable utilisation of the methodological approaches, based on the mob DIA group way of thinking, such as, (mechanical) system approach, network approach and the like. In other words, no effort was made to develop an applicable dialectical methodological approach, in spite of the methodological limitation of the RECTILINEAR understanding of the space and time, which both requires and ALLOWS that each initiated dialectical process within this methodological environment, due to this methodologically vaguely defined predestination, HAD TO end with an ultimate synthesis. In short, such a developed dialectical approach would be still within boundaries of the fundamental methodological postulates of the rectilinear understanding of space and time, understood in the sense of the application of dual ⇢ bipolar dia binary way of thinking which offers an ideal means of mobilizing, mobbing, and grouping people (AND ⇄ AND) around corresponding natiocratic ideas (OR ↔ OR), which is inevitably followed by re-crowding (mobbing, understood in the sense of huddling together and behaving like a herd : → OR).

In other words, this insufficiently elaborated classical dialectical methodological approach is still very suitable for any modern natiocratic political system, because its final synthesis as a kind of natiocratic dogma is very difficult to contradict, and especially to change, in spite of the fact that change is a basic and innate property and feature of dialectics. Comparing this rectilinear methodological scenario in time DIA the appropriate situation in space with the developed dialectical INTERACTIVE approach, this type of rectilinearly dialectical (triangular) approach can be graphically illustrated and represented with ONE TRIANGLE, which is symbolically enough to describe and understand the ultimate purpose of this kind initiated dynamic processes. As a final result of this methodological vagueness, any interactive process initiated in this still rectilinear manner will have to end with a final synthesis, making it STATIC AGAIN; and this final scene within the rectilinear way of understanding time and space is all that counts and is valid in any natiocratic form of manifestation of government.

Introduction into Dialectic Interactive Approach

Couple Dialect (Matching and Paired Dialects): Thesis DIA Antithesis

Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe

The Endless Dialectical Worlds of a Six-Pointed Star in Time DIA Space

On the other hand, in the dialectical interactive approach, the initiated dia-processes of a thesis (triangle) DIA antithesis (the opposite matching triangle) is ended by a dialectical synthesis, symbolically represented as a whole with a six-pointed star (the merged couple dialect) DIA THE RENEWED THESIS, represented by its hexagon (G): the essence of this six-pointed star, which should be understood in terms of the embedded quality of these initiated dia-processes during this phase of the knowledge-creating process or during the initiated creative or philosophical discussion. A new (additional) six-pointed star (dialectical synthesis) was used for the pictorial representation of the continuation of this initiated creative discussion within the deep framework of this dialectical understanding of time and space, which is depicted within this previously mentioned hexagon (G). In other words, the renewed thesis is contradicted, respectively complemented and supplemented by an amended antithesis, whose dialectical content is again dialectically synthesized as a whole and represented by this new six-pointed star (synthesis) DIA its hexagon (G'). This new hexagon (G') represents the supplemented and renewed thesis at a new (preferably to a higher) level of time DIA the appropriate space and so on, creatively traveling through this dialectical understanding of time and space, interrupted only in cases where a new temporary conclusion of the subject under creative consideration has been reached:

  • The current or present hexagon (G ') of the last painted six-pointed star [of the creatively re-examined and reconsidered time dia the appropriate space], that is, a new (super) star has appeared on this creative stage, creatively expressed and proven through her, his demonstrated creativity, understood in terms of the current end result of the initiated creative debate within this dialectically commonsense understanding of space and time.

For these reasons, in full compliance with the presented dialectic interactive approach, this achieved temporal conclusion will be challenged and faced by a renewed and supplemented antithesis of the mature time DIA space sooner or later. In other words, after a creative challenge emerged on this creative stage, this current temporary conclusion was reduced to its synthesis DIA the renewed thesis, symbolically announcing that this endless creative confrontation of ideas and thoughts within this dialectically commonsense understanding of space and time takes place and continues at an equal level. As it was demonstrated, the point of the dialectical interactive approach is not in the struggle or in a multitude of thesis and antithesis but in the mutual CREATIVE complementarity and supplementarity of each other (a couple of matching dialects) during the initiated dia-processes. For this reason, in full agreement with this methodological approach, the thesis and antithesis have to match, coincide, and correspond to each other in sense of their suitability, understood in terms of the expressed creativity and quality of creative concept, supported by argumentation instead of arguing with each other in order to be successfully paired with one another, especially with regard to the subject that is creatively considered. The terms Dialectical Creatively-Interactive Approach and Dialectical Interactively-Creative Approach were used for this way of expressing the dialectical interactive approach, depending on whether Creativity or Interactivity was temporarily emphasized during this way of the knowledge creation process.

For additional information regarding this way of creating knowledge, understood in terms of bridging and mirroring the enigmatic puzzle from the invisible inner worlds of time in space (NOW and THERE) to these outer worlds of space in time (HERE and NOW), which can be perceived with the five basic senses, READ the creative article, Retrospective Recollection as a Source of the Great Creative Discoveries. Reading this cluster of creative articles, dedicated to the concept of Retrospective Recollection, thesis, and antithesis,

  • understood also in this particular case as the gap between these dialectical inner and outer times and spaces that need to be successfully bridged creatively (synthesis) by this revived knowledge [closed jigsaw puzzle: renewed thesis ↔ supplemented antithesis .... until a provisional conclusion is reached],

must match, coincide, and correspond to each other in the sense of their appropriateness, as well as in terms of the quality of the dialectical content presented and the creativity displayed by the knowledge creator during this creatively interactive way of creating knowledge. If one carefully observes the full meaning and essence of this creatively interactive methodological approach, one can clearly see that the ultimate purpose of this dialectical method is in fact to fill in this kind of enigmatic jigsaw puzzle of time and space, i.e. the continuous assembly and disassembly (correction) of the component parts of this puzzle of space in time (HERE and NOW) with the brought parts of the original imaginary puzzle from time in space (NOW and THERE) until all its pieces fit together correctly or (significantly) better. I hope that after reading this cluster of creative articles, it will be clearer why it is so important that theses and antitheses match and coincide with each other in terms of their appropriateness and affinity, which should be also understood in the sense of the right and proper choice within this multitude of available options.

Undoubtedly, this is much more difficult to achieve during an initiated creative or philosophical discussion (Dialectically Interactive Approach) than in the process of creating knowledge, where the aforementioned is necessary. In other words, the process of creating knowledge using this dialectical, creatively interactive approach is more reminiscent of the way a painter creatively composes and paints an image, that is, more precisely, in the way this image is transferred, mirrored, and reflected from these invisible inner worlds of time in space (NOW and THERE) to these outer worlds of space in time (HERE and NOW), than of these modern rigidly regulated patterns for creating knowledge. Note too, for this graphical presentation of a debate was used the PRE-ANCIENT perceiving and awareness that within each hexagon can be drawn a six-pointed star and vice-versa. This essential feature (of dialectics) is valid and applicable FOR EACH KIND OF STAR, allowing within these star-like creatively interactive frameworks to be presented and taken place dialectical processes of different levels of complexity, as well as giving a possibility to be creatively combined and dialectically synthesized with each other. In the last three creative articles can be read more about this dialectical content, within which were the methodological issues of the developed dialectical INTERACTIVE approach considered. READ: "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Its Methodological Creative Framework".

Culture DIA Religion

Background Simulation Methodological Settings of the Dialectic Interactive Approach


The Methodological Creative Framework

The Ultimate DIA Probable Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

In addition, using the methodological procedures and techniques of this revived dialectical interactive approach can be established, what the author of any (creative) work TRULY DIA GENUINELY wanted to say to her, his readers, by going methodologically (far) behind and beyond its basic methodological settings and presumptions, on which the presented (creative) ideas were based. In order to achieve this goal, a precondition is the disclosure of its methodological background of simulative settings ("background simulative assumptions") as well as the ultimate presumptions on which the functioning of common sense is based (or of the creative DIA methodological limitations, if you so will), that is, methodological settings on which the creative work was founded. Here, it is very important to emphasise, each methodology which is based on the distinction between GOOD and evil, is in fact A COUNTERBALANCE TO EACH IDEOLOGY. This essential issue (subject of dispute) and requirement, to the opinion of this creator of knowledge, was best elaborated in the Holy Books and Scriptures. As a masterpiece of the application of the dialectical interactive approach in the ancient age as well as an example of the application of Holy Books and Scriptures in creative purposes, read: The Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use in the Ancient Time DIA Space - “The Book of Job - Holy Bible” - Part One.

Just pay thy attention to the CULTURAL, artistic, philosophical and scientific imprinted depths in the time DIA space of the CREATIVELY embedded and applied citations by this creator of knowledge, both in the creative works and in the creative articles. No any doubt, the ideological proponents of the established natiocratic order would like very gladly to get rid of this dialectical interactive content, by DELETING it forever, from people's memory and remembrance. In other words, they want to prevent development of (cap)abilities of this kind LONG-TERM dialectical synthesising of such an enormous span of time DIA suitable range of space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter embedded into THOUSANDS OF YEARS of this bygone past], that encompasses and cross-bridges this dialectical understanding of the past and the future, understood in terms of your creative (emotively emotional) and physical PRESENCE, not just in terms of their narrow-minded grasping and understanding of the term "future", trapped and continuously eroded, eaten and consumed within this creatively very limited "container" of the linear dialect - the present (time), while the distant past, and the wisdom acquired in it, is completely neglected, forgotten, or completely ignored.

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Recall, dialectic interactive approach considers each dialectical content in terms of a multitude of thesis DIA antithesis (of the couple dialects) in purpose to be dialectically synthesised at the very end of the initiated dia-processes into a synthesis DIA THE RENEWED THESIS (accordingly into a temporary conclusion), which by definition allows a (re-)continuation of this endless process in time DIA space, by confronting and contradicting it sooner or later with (a multitude of) supplemented and IMPROVED ANTITHESIS of time, in time DIA space, understood in terms of both the future and PAST. In other words, in this initiated endless dia-process in TIME DIA SPACE, there are enough places DIA moments for the participation DIA FACTUAL CREATIVE PRESENCE, not only of the existing (still living) actors but also of the actors DIA THEIR GREAT (SPIRITUAL) IDEAS AND THOUGHTS of the gone past, as well as of actors, who will one day cross the threshold of this great creative stage. A great stage, intended and created in purpose of creating (pre)conditions for a FAR MORE HUMAN(E) clash of ideas, thoughts ... within the reintroduced spatial and temporary MEDIUM - mind dia reason understood in terms of thy physical dia emotively emotional presence, using available linguistic dialects of this revived methodological approach.

Apart from this, in full compliance with this methodological approach, each dialectical content (subject) under creative consideration should be reflected DIA modeled (simulated) through the prism (of the greatest ideals) of philosophy, science, culture and art. Such a broad, deep and all-comprehensive creative framework doesn't offer any of the existing methodological approaches. READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: The Concept of the Dialectical Time DIA Space versus The Concept of (Recti)linear Space and Time". In short, if there is a way and method, using the previously mentioned (pictorially linguistic) dialects, to approach the (absolute) truth in the most faithful way IN THE EARTHLY SENSE, then this possibility enables a dialectic interactive approach. All of the above was the reason, why the dialectical interactive approach was met with so much resistance by the ideologues dia rulers of the current established world order. Keep in thy mind, in my opinion, based both on the past and the existing (own) experience, any societal, social, political, economical, .... order, developed on the NATIOCRATIC PRINCIPLES AND CORRESPONDING SYSTEM OF VALUES, neither endure NOR TOLERATE ANY KIND OF THE REAL AND TRUE ANTITHESIS. Bingo!

READ the Next Part of the Dialectic Interactive Approach: