The Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
The Ultimate DIA Probable Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
Seen from the perspective of knowledge creation, and especially in the sense of the concept of retrospective recollection of knowledge, it is necessary to highlight some key points during the realization of a creative journey through this dialectical understanding of time and space. The foundation stone of spiritual (emotively emotional) perceptiveness is the presentiment understood in terms of intuition that actually allows sentience and the sensing of such ghostly contours and outlines of the time in space (future in spirit: NOW AND THERE) during the discovery of the unknown (knowledge). Keep in mind, within these vast inner expanses, there are no SCIENTIFICALLY established points (written sources archaeological findings and the like) for easier orientation in this (inner) eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the worlds of dialectics. On the other hand, the foundation stone of mental perception, based on the abilities of the instinct, is the hunch (ing) dia having a feeling about something without knowing why thou feelst like that, understood in the sense of instinctive precognition that actually allows transcendence, translation, and reinterpretation of these ghostly contours and outlines of the time in space (NOW AND THERE) into recognizable mental images of the space in time (HERE AND NOW).
The Phenomenon of a Small Child: Intuitive Creativity as an Inborn Gift of God
Some typical (inborn) patterns of behavior in response to certain inner stimuli, which are noticed at animals and people, have their roots in the (basic) instinct. For example, a small child will reflectively dia reflexively give back an object, which was dropped out of the hand of the parent on the floor. Apart from these superficial manifestations of instinctive acting and behavior, there is also a deeper co-acting of the instinctive and intuitive dia-processes, such as for example, having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity. As an example, thou learned someone to play chess, table tennis or some other sport, and after a while, there is no chance to win her, him. This power of the (inborn) talent can go so far that it is uttered in the everyday language in terms of having it in the genes or in the bones (or in the knees). The inborn talent for learning a language can also be added in this category. As an example, it is observed that children at the age of two-three years use language in the manner that they are not explicitly taught. In short, they form original sentences from words that they have not heard before by composing them in the right order, as well as they begin to understand grammatical rules before they even know what a noun, an adjective or a verb is. Or just watch how they quickly learn to play a very complicated computer game after attentive perceiving and observing how others with more experiences do it, understood in terms of prompt grabbing and making a sense of both related and unrelated scenes (through the acquisition of own experience].
This (innate) talent and the ability to make sense [of the spiritual dia mental "design patterns and the related contours of ideas and thoughts"] is present at (small) children even if their parents are completely computer-illiterate. In short, here the word is not about the so-called a priori knowledge in the Platonic sense, or about the innate knowledge in a rationalistic sense (also gained a priori, independently of experience), or about the innate concept thesis (part of the rational nature: a postulate of the rationalism) or about some kind of foreknowledge imprinted in the gene (materialism), nor about the above mentioned knowledge and (sense) experience, which was acquired through sensory perception (empiricism) but the point is exactly in the (mindual) way how this (innate) talent and (cap) ability to make sense dia conceptualization of this dialectical content functions, understood in terms of the dialectical interplay between the reflection of intuition (spiritual flash: of the emotive emotional origin) through a prompt instinctively (self-) reflexive rational absorption DIA
- [a kind of mental mirroring and reflection of it, as a reaction to the appropriate response of common sense of the human being to this irresistible impulse and spiritual stimulus, understood in terms of echoing and reverberation of this (inner, spiritual) sensing and self-feeling by means of]
dialectical synthesizing of various, both correlated, related and unrelated dialectical contents
- [presentiments, feelings, ideas, thoughts, experiences .... data, information, knowledge...]
in the mega-medium of time [emotively emotional dia physical presence] through the corresponding spatial medium [mind dia reason] in a dialectical, interactively creative way.
The Paradox of the Metamorphosis of a Child into an adult Person: The Natural Evolution of the Dual ⇢ Bipolar ⇢ into Binary Way of Thinking
Bipolar OR-OR DIA Binary Way of Thinking
Ultimate Upshot of the Bipolar DIA Binary Way Way of Thinking within the Framework for Creative Orientation in Rectilinear Space and Time
On the other hand, it seems that the need to come to know and interpret the (inside and outside) world
- [understood in the sense of a kind of linear interpretation of the time in space (future in the spirit) "and" space in time (matter embedded in the past)]
in a dual (AND-AND) form, then to reinterpret it in a bipolar (OR-OR) way [bipolarisation: rationalism or empiricism, idealism or materialism ....], and after that as the next step, this dialectical content under creative consideration is rendered, simplified, fused, translated, and understood in terms of the implementation of the binary ['OR': only one option] way of thinking is the (innate?) part of the nature of the inner being of those who use the fused mind-spirit for the creative orientation in time and space. A consequence of this way of thinking and the corresponding view on the world are various manifestations of the simple(st) mind-reason, for example, understood in the sense that every time when it appeared in their creative expanses and horizons a "black, YES" interpretation of a subject under creative consideration
- a kind of the limit of their abilities of mental perception, reasonable judgement, vigour, and utmost power of their way of the mental (simple-rational, simple reasonable, simple-minded, and non-spiritual) reasoning as a recognizable peculiarity of the creative orientation in (recti) linear time AND space: they at first start with a hypothesis, understood in terms of the binary way of thinking ["yes(-no)": similarly to the way in which a computer functions], and then complete and "perfect" it in the sense of the duality ⇢ antagonistic bipolarity of concepts, things.... ["(no-)yes"]
it is only a question of time when will be responded to this creative challenge by a "white, NO" concept or theory. And only after this typical black-and-white play of their art (model) was performed (and all ideas were exhausted), some others may try to reconcile these two antagonistic OR-OR conceptions (points of view, blocs).
Couple Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis
Synthese DIA "G" → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space
Seen from the perspective of the dialectical interactive approach as well as from the point of view of the common sense (of the human being), this (binary dia bipolar) approach to the creation of knowledge raises the following question: why someone of them does not even try to start a creative debate from the beginning with (at least) two dialects (thesis dia antithesis) in order to be feasible a dialectical synthesising of this dialectical content in terms of developing a more advanced concept and theory [renewed thesis, supplemented antithesis... until a TEMPORAL conclusion in time DIA space was reached]. It seems that in their yes-no, black-white world, the magic boundary of the duality dia bipolarity cannot be so easily crossed over even in the sense of making a place for a constructive antithesis but only for TWO antagonistic theses (blocs) regardless of how many theses there are, fictively "palely loitering" in their natiocratic skies because the binary way of thinking (the utmost result of OR way of thinking) and corresponding views on the outer world, is deeply imprinted in their inner being dia inmost one. In either way, by the pullback of this genuine spirit (of God), this period of childhood innocence, frankness, spontaneity and the brilliance, shown in the learning a computer-game, a language.... (even compared with the level of polyglottic abilities) was ending and gradually being replaced by a more inferior (own) spirit dia a strong emphasis on mental (rational) capabilities [that determines the nature of the inner dia inmost being, temper, mentality and personal character]: a continuous process of objectification and rationalisation dia (life-long) learning this way of thinking and living.
Crucial Milestone in the Process of Creating Knowledge
After this necessary creative digression in time DIA space, it is reached the right moment, to sum up, the all aforementioned. In short, the faculties of intuition can reach and penetrate much deeper in time DIA space, particularly, when it is considered from the perspective of the retrospective recollection of knowledge, compared to the relatively shallow and superficial penetration, based on the abilities of the instinct. An example of it is the (innate) creativity, a gift of God. As an utmost outcome of these dialectical interactively creative permeating of the intuitively-instinctive dia-processes, which take place in the unconscious expanses of an inner being dia inmost one, it is going to be born an idea DIA a subconscious emergence of the contours of still indistinct thoughts within the (spatial) medium - mind dia reason. The next crucial milestone during the creative journeys into the unknown times DIA spaces of the inner worlds of dialectics is the very moment of (self-)cognizance ("spoznaje") dia cognition ("saznanje"), understood in terms of a subconscious conceiving and making sense of this idea by putting it in the appropriate dialectical context of the subject under creative consideration.
Here it is crucial that this essential milestone in the process of creating knowledge occurs before the instant of becoming dia being aware of this spiritual (pre-) cognizance (self-awareness) through mental (pre) cognition, that means, not to be fully conscious of the reality without previously to be aware of this spiritual (pre-) cognizance, understood in terms of the mental (pre) cognition while thou are still within the edges of subconsciousness, otherwise, it takes place the well-known scenario in time DIA a real situation in space, after thou werest suddenly awaken and conscious, for one reason or another. In other words, thou camest back in the (living) reality from "the realm of dreams" at the expense of unrecoverable forgetting of all thou had dreamed during the sleeping. The last step of this way of creating knowledge is the dia-process of mindual conceptualisation of this idea in the set of related (emotively emotional) ideas understood in the sense of quick grasping of this dialectical content. Keep in mind, there is not much time for wasting, therefore frame this captured time DIA space in order to comprehend and understand this set of (already rationalized) ideas through logical reasoning dia a deeper rational insight into it, as well as its translation into the related reflective dia reflexive set of thoughts, understood in terms of the (self-) conscious making a sense of these blurry thought-patterns and of the related spiritual experiences that are acquired during these successive creative voyages.
Cleanness of the Inner Being DIA the Inmost One as a Source of the Paradox of the Metamorphosis of a Child into an adult Person VERSUS Inducements, Incentives, and Stimulus for Doing It
It is very important to understand that the notions REFLECTION (of the intuition, with roots in spirit) dia the appropriate REFLEXIVE response to these spiritual impulses
- [understood in terms of instinctive response, rooted in reason, triggering a chain reaction to these emotively emotional impulses comprehended in the sense of the action of a mentally interactive feedback],
especially during creating a knowledge in the sense of the retrospective recollection, is, in fact, an advanced way of silent communication within the realms of inner dia inmost being: asking questions, and then followed by a patient and calm waiting for an answer to the questions asked. Keep in mind, an instantaneous response to the creative questions asked is unlikely to be received (that is, immediately to be answered), either because of thy limited skills to create knowledge in this dialectical creatively interactive way
- [because of the insufficient cleanness of thy inner being dia the inmost one that actually determines the bandwidth of thy intellect to handle and successfully to resolve the creative interchange of these complex requests, arguings, and responses on this high spiritual dia mindual level understood in the sense of the needed emotive emotional (spiritual) abilities dia appropriate mental capacity, which is required in order to successfully deal with these creative challenges of the inner time DIA space]
or because of the necessary time dia corresponding space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter) to overcome these dialectical distances in order to be obtained an answer to the questions asked. Just continue with interpreting and translating thy impressions of these imprints of the still unclear contours of ideas and thought patterns in thy mind. Do not be surprised when ideas for solution of thy creative dilemmas occur and happen during a regular walk or another way of relaxing, meaning that a better answer or some additional information (antithesis) associated with the unresolved creative dilemmas have just reached thy mind dia reason (in the form of a package of compressed creative rechargings). In other words, this (retrospectively recollective) way of creating knowledge can take ... days, months, years.... But this time delay should in no way be considered as a waste of time (dia space) but a way of acquiring the necessary experience and a life-long process of (self-) learning of this (language without words for a) silent communication within the vast expanses of thy inner dia the inmost being: learning dia a feeling of thy self. Although the special knowledge of the area under creative consideration is necessary
- {imaginatively sensual "phonetic-picturesque" pattern: impressions of the dialectical content under creative
consideration imagined and presented in a spiritually pictorial form. For example, although, thou art able to perceptively
perceive, cognite and recognize the sounds of a heavenly aria, or of a symphony in these spiritual un- and subconscious
levels, but because of not being musically literate (no knowledge of music notes), it is not feasible to express and record
that in the external sense of the space in time, despite the
fact, its sounds still reverberate within thy inner vastness (apart from the well-known singing WITHOUT the supporting MUSIC:
hal-Le-LU-jah .... la-La-LA.....). Оr by analogy reinterpreting and simplifying it in terms of an appropriate example from
the living reality; although thou art an expert in the use of a software, but not of its development too (for example, of a word
processor: Microsoft Word, Wordperfect....), after these corporations allowed thee to watch the whole process of developing
their software: it will be only perceived and observed by thee some people (software engineers....) sitting at computer
desks and writing something (and not the essence and the meaning of that writing) in an unclear and unintelligible programming
language. Regardless of this unsuccessful attempt to quickly acquire such a highly sophisticated knowledge, do not be disappointed
for it was at least got the point and meaning of it (an IDEA about this knowledge was born in thy mind dia reason), as well as an inspiration
and motivation to create that knowledge dia imitation of this seen and experienced ("phonetic-picturesque" pattern of) knowledge. Bear in mind, the idea
is the foundation stone of (creating) knowledge. From the aforementioned can be drawn the conclusion that as the process of
creating knowledge more complex and sophisticated is as it is more difficult to get a clue hidden in it, and in particular,
to revive this knowledge in terms of the retrospective recollection. As an example, just rewind in thy mind the development
of the idea of flying dia construction of an airplane (its implementation): from mythical Icarus of the ancient times to
the Wright brothers of the beginning of the 20th century.
It is worth of emphasizing here that although the inspiration for this great idea was found in the outside world (THESIS) by observing, for example, birds (using the sense of sight), it does not mean it is inferior (SYNTHESIS) in comparison with obtaining it in the inner world (ANTITHESIS), for example, by performing the previously elaborated way (of retrospective recollection) for obtaining this idea. On the contrary, it might be argued that it is a much better and preferred way of the getting ideas, and for this reason, it is an excellent and much more superior idea (A RENEWED THESIS).... because it takes less time and other invested efforts (dia corresponding space: spirit, mind dia reason, matter) for acquiring such a great idea: THE TEMPORAL CONCLUSION OF / IN TIME DIA SPACE. Though, the previously stated seems trivial to be even mentioned but acquired without a deeper methodological insight into this dialectical content under creative consideration, in the case it would be reflected through the prism of the (recti) linear understanding of time AND space by using the well-known abilities of the fused mind-spirit (for translating and readjusting it), understood in terms of the re-tailoring of it in accordance with their black-white, yes-no dual ⇢ bipolar ⇢ binary way of thinking, for instance, to establish TWO antagonistic schools of thought in this simple-mindedly and the simple-reasonably way (this time, for example, 'dialectical mindual rationalism' versus empiricism). But here there is no word about establishing a new school of thought but about the application of dialectical interactive approach in a dialectical interactively creative way. Anyway, I hope, it was grasped the difference and the related gap that separates the dialectical creative orienting and understanding of time DIA space from the (recti) linear creative orienting in time and space, accordingly, the differences between dialectical and (recti) linear way of thinking.
The moral lesson that can be drawn from the aforementioned is that although each (traditional) thinker uses a lot of word-buzzers, sometimes they go so far in solo-purpose to mystify the created creative content or simple-mindedly to fascinate, or to bedazzle their readers by this way of understanding of the process of creating knowledge, it is always a good idea to be used in such scenarios in time dia suitable situations in space the power of common sense in order to properly be sensed, conceived, comprehended and understood what it actually is about (to demystify it). Bear in mind, common sense [the healthy sense and the meaning of everything undertaken and done during the life dia living] has its source in the inner peace and tranquility of a human being. Unfortunately, in the harsh, wild, turbulent, restless and troubled waters of the physical societal universe, characterized by the daily struggle for survival and with related problems, worries and concerns (for a large number of people), or simply being engaged and preoccupied with an endless acquisition of material richness, it is very difficult to achieve the inner peace and tranquility (of a good living soul).
Anyway, the best way for avoiding of being wrongly interpreted by others, understood in this concrete case in terms of establishing a new school of thought, only because of not distinct bringing of the uttered thoughts to the end, is self-doing it by the creator of that created knowledge, or of a creative content. And honestly, the idea of flying is one of the greatest ideas that can be imagined, particularly, when it is obtained in such an easy and comprehensible way (to everyone, regardless of their spiritual and mindual capabilities). Just reconsider in how many ways this splendid idea of Icarus has been creatively applied: from flying-dragons of the Far East to the wooden plane prototype of Leonard Da Vinci, to prototypes of paper aircraft, hot-air balloons, airplanes, helicopters, jetliners, turbojets, parachutes, flying squirrel suits and space-shuttles. To conclude, it is especially important to understand this great idea in the sense of a way of landing on some asteroid, or another planet.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get (such) a great idea in this trivial way. What's more, even if its images also can be perceived by five senses, it is not always so easy to be(come) aware of the creative potential and useful application of a visible frame pattern, which was perceived in the outside world understood in the sense of an imaginative adding the missing links. A good example of this is the dialectical creative framework for orientation in time DIA space. Although the images of this frame outline are present everywhere: in drawings, in buildings, churches...., as well as it is clearly visible on the flag of the UK, no one came to the idea [including also myself until I was evoked by the inner creator acting inside me] to fill it with the 6 dia 8 charming notions (words): spirit, mind dia reason, matter (space) DIA future, emotive emotional dia physical presence, past (time). Moreover, it goes beyond the (afore systematically) presented retrospective way of recollection of a (lost) knowledge because frankly said, I did not intend to create it but to do computer programming, which became a hobby for me instead of being an easier (extra) way of earning for living as an IT specialist. Anyway, being invoked and awoke by this inner creator I began with writing and describing some unclear, obscure and blurred contours of ideas and thoughts, expressed by an entirely new language for me (in those times dia space), thus I spent a few hours similarly to a small child having fun while making and giving a sense to unknown ideas, having no clue where to this creative adventure into the unknown (inner) time DIA space leads, as well as what kind of creative outcome it will produce [until I finally realized the meaning, usefulness, and especially the value of this encompassed time DIA space].
Although later using and applying the above elaborated dialectical creatively interactive way of creating knowledge (understood in terms of the retrospective recollection of a knowledge) it managed to unravel the dialectos of Plato (Timaeus), to reveal the essence of the dual ⇢ bipolar ⇢ binary way of thinking by methodologically going behind secrets hidden in the four basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication), and then by going beyond this dialectical content in order to put in front of your eyes the obscurely hidden images of the fused mind-spirit within it, as well as to rediscover the pictorial pre-ancient presentation dia understanding of the three basic dialectical aspects, principles, properties and manifestations of time / in time dia space, respectively, the secrets of the four ancient elements (fire, water, air, earth), or of the pyramid of Cheops, if you so will, I already had at disposal this powerful tool and began to use it: the dialectical framework for the creative orientation in the eternity of times dia infinity of spaces of the worlds of dialectics. By reconsidering all the aforementioned from the (methodological) perspective of the dialectical interactive approach, this is an additional proof, how each binary bipolar (OR-OR) creative discussion, for example, rationalism ["regards reason as the only reliable source and test of knowledge acquired by a priori means"] versus empiricism ["claims that sense experience of the outside world is the ultimate source of all ideas (concepts) and knowledge"] is meaningless and ridiculous, if you so will, for it is not in full agreement with the humane way of communicating dia an appropriate way of thinking. It should be emphasized here that thе capabilities of the fused mind-spirit were considered from the point of view of the CREATING (NEW) KNOWLEDGE, and not from the perspective of THE CONCEPT OF INTELLIGENCE, otherwise, thou will be surprised by the mental faculties, which are hidden in the abandoned hollow (full of surprises) of the (recti) linear way of (creative) orientation in space and time. More about it can be read in the creative article: Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from a Perspective of the Creating Knowledge. }
in order to be spiritually (fore) felt, experienced, cognited, conceived (what this actually is about), and comprehended [what is hidden behind these cognitive processes: their essence, (methodological) postulates, and principles], or it is simply necessary for the design and creation of a new knowledge, accordingly, for the deepening some existing knowledge; without the general knowledge (of philosophy, science, culture, art), as well as of a good knowledge of methodology, in particular, it can not (un-, subconsciously dia a feeling for tiny details) be found a trace and clue about the knowledge(dia an analogous recognising), which is hidden in the intertwined bundle of this own inner time DIA space as well as later for the external reconsideration and verification of this created knowledge from the viewpoints of these four crucial realms of human acting. In addition to this, during the initiated dia-processes of the comparing, analysing, associating, harmonizing, reflecting and opposing it, understood in the sense of dialectical synthesizing and compressing these inner dialectical contents with the correlate, related and unrelated ideas and thoughts from the realms of philosophy, science, art and culture, thy individual abilities to break up these inner and outer dialectical contents of the time dia space into the smallest pieces as it possible (dialectuls), and then again to put together, rethink, transform, recompose and re-design it, by synthesizing this puzzle of dialectuls in a dialectical creatively interactive way into a meaningful creative whole (thy creativity) is in fact of crucial importance in this methodological approach and the way of creating (a new dia deepening an existing) knowledge.
Source: Proposal for a Potential Ph.D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: |