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 Dialectic Interactive Approach: Three Basic Dialectical Principles, Aspects, Properties and Manifestations in the Time DIA Space

Source: "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA Space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, 2001"

Rectangle / Square DIA Four Triangles

Unfruit - Bringing DIA Stunted Eight - Pointed Star VERSUS Germinating DIA Potentially Fruit- Bearing Eight-Pointed Star

Rhomb / Rhomboid VERSUS the Twelve-Pointed Star

Rhomb / Rhomboid VERSUS the "Four-Pointed" Star

Four-Triangular Star + new Rectangle / Square DIA Four Triangles

1 - The Unity and Overstrain of Dialectical Tensions (Contradictions) in Time DIA Space
2 + 2a + 2b – The Transition, Transformation, Metamorphoses and the Transfiguration of the Quantitative and Qualitative Accumulation in Time DIA Space into a Higher (Renewed) Quality
3a + 3b - Everything in Time DIA Space undergoes Development and becomes its Own Dialectical Opposing (Contradiction)
Dialectical Quartet of the Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations:

1’ - The Unity and Struggle of Dialectical Tensions (Contradictions) in Time DIA Space at a new Higher Level [New Rectangle (Square) DIA Four Triangles and so on] (with)in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces.
Primary Dialectical Cycle

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Three Dialectical Principles in the Classic and Antique Philosophy




Four-Triangular Star, as the culmination of the Acting Three Basic Dialectical Principles, Aspects, Properties and Manifestations in the Time DIA Space

READ the Next Creative Article: Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations

RECCOMMENDED FOR READING: Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from the Perspective of Creating Knowledge

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Introduction into Dialectic Interactive Approach

Static Synthesis


Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe

Dialectical Synthese DIA "G" → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space


Culture DIA Religion

The Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

In this creative article, the three basic dialectical aspects, principles, properties and manifestations of the time, in time DIA space were thoroughly reconsidered from the standpoint of the dialectical interactive approach. In other words, in an analogous way, just as the static presentation of a thesis, antithesis, and synthesis DIA the renewed thesis is made dynamical by placing some specific dialectical content in the creative framework for the orientation in TIME DIA SPACE for the purpose of converting its static properties in the interactive ones on this dialectical way, and then, as the next step, this creatively interactive content was metamorphosed in the creative dialects, something similar was done with the three basic dialectical aspects, principles, properties and manifestations of the time, in time DIA space. By reviving the lost PICTORIAL way of presentation of this very complex methodological content, in this series of images was shown the complete course of these utterly complex dialectical processes, understood in terms of unwinding dialectical mode of interactively creative action (interplay) of these three basic dialectical aspects, principles, properties and manifestations in time DIA space. In addition to this, in a vividly picturesque way was also presented, how they were maintained in this eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the world of dialectics, as well as how and in what way each of them derives from one another proceeding their dialectical path further in time DIA space: 1’ (the first) basic dialectical principle at a new (renewed) level of this encompassed time DIA space. In short, a very complex dialectical content for comprehension and understanding, as it the METHODOLOGY is, was significantly simplified by this vividly picturesque mode of presentation.

In opinion of this experiential traveler through time DIA space, even a child (Luke-10:21-24), who knows how to read and understand what is read, by viewing these shown images (graphical illustrations), is now capable of understanding the essence and role of methodology in the process of knowledge creation, that is, to comprehend what this is really about. Of course, provided that (s)he is allowed to do so by various "professors" of methodology

  • [in collaboration with natiоcratism proponents and various ideologic guardians of the existing frmly-established, dual (AND-AND) → bipolar (OR-OR).→ binary one-sided (OR resulting) simple-minded methodological approaches and methodics: inductive ↔ deductive reasoning in interaction with the general ↔ specific reasoning, the end results of which are various variations of the rational and logical methodological approaches [used in the modern scientific research projects] ⇄ strategic approaches, system approaches → network approaches ⇄ Hegelian dialectical approaches ↔ Marxist dialectical approaches.....]

that is, the study of this methodological approach (dialectic interactive approach) and the appropriate dialectical methods or set of methods: routines, methodological procedures, and techniques. As an example, try to read and understand the contents of most of the written books on methodology. I hope, it will not be hard to notice that most of them avoids to show how the developed methodological (creative) framework can be applied in a societal, business, and living reality. On the other hand, pay thy attention, how this creator of knowledge, authentically following fundamental postulates of this revived pre-ancient methodological approach to a creatively interactive way of discovering the unknown in time DIA space, shows how the dialectical interactive approach, can be implemented in the creatively considered reality: READ, The Methodological Creative Framework. Apart from this, the full third creative work of his, in a continuous development, was exactly done in this "practical" purpose. Keep in mind, in the pre-ancient time DIA space, each developed conception which is only theoretically elaborated, that is, her, his author did not show, how this can be implemented in a real scenario in time DIA the appropriate situation in space, was ignored (paid no attention to it). In other words, because such a pure theoretical conception has no practical value, it was not accepted and taken into further creative consideration.

  Three Dialectical Principles in the Classic and Antique Philosophy

Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel did not use the term three "laws of dialectics". In spite of this, parallels in some passages of their works, which refer to these three "laws of dialectics", can easily be drawn. Anyway, these three laws of dialectics were derived by Friedrich Engels from his reading of Hegel's Works:

  • The law of the unity and conflict of opposites (Anaximander dia Heraclitus);
  • The law of the passage of quantitative changes into qualitative changes (Anaximenes dia Aristotle);
  • The law of the negation of the negation (Hegel).

These three laws of dialectics were afterwards ideologically adapted and embedded in scientific materialism (by Marx) using dual ⇢ bipolar ⇢ binary way of thinking: idealism VERSUS materialism ["Marx turned Hegel upside down" VERSUS “Hegel turned Marx right way up”]. It would also become a part of later representations of Marxism as an ideology of dialectical materialism.

Although Fichte introduced into German philosophy the three-step of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, Hegel, who was influenced by Fichte’s work, never once used these three terms together in any of his creative works. Instead of this three-step model, he did use a three-valued logical model: Abstract-Negative-Concrete. On the other hand, the presented dialectical triad (by this creator of knowledge) of thesis, antithesis, synthesis DIA the renewed thesis, supplemented antithesis..... until the temporary conclusion of the time DIA space is achieved, was inspired by and evolved after unraveling dialectos of Plato: Timaeus.

Plato: Timaeus
Triangle: The Intermediary Existence
The Six-Pointed Star
The Two Beings DIA One
.... Out of the indivisible, eternally unchangeable Existence (ellipse) and also out of the divisible, changeable Existence of the physical world (rectangle), He placed a third kind of Essence (triangle) to intermediate between them. again with the Same (water) and the Different (air) He made, in the same way, compounds to intermediate between their indivisible element (fire) and their physical and divisible element (earth): and taking these three components (ellipse, rectangle, triangle), He binded them into single form (six-pointed star), compressing by force the Different (water), which was by nature reluctant and allergic to mixture (back to back position: ◄►), into the union with Same (air), and mingling them with the Essence, in this way out of three made one (whole)…... He then took the whole fabric and cut it down the middle into two strips, which He placed crosswise at their middle point to form a shape like the letter X; …….

I hope, in this Plato's divisible, changing Existence of the physical world (rectangle) are recognizable imprints of the four elements (fire, water, air, earth) in action [The First Dialectical Principle, Aspect, Manifestation and Property in Time DIA Space] because according to Plato, "The construction of this world (all and everything) used up the whole of each these four elements. For the Creator constructed it of all the fire and water and air and earth available ...." By the way said, perceive this charming presentation of the THESIS and ANTITHESIS with two triangles, which were symbolically represented as a pair-dialect by using linguistic dialects: the Same (water) and the Different (air). This creator of knowledge also hopes that the image of this six-pointed star [synthesis] was not difficult to recognize, as well as the renewed thesis, that is, its hexagon.... In short, apart from Plato, the way of thinking of Empedocles of Acreages in Sicily (490 – 430 B.C), who was also not aforementioned (by Hegel and Engels), had a much greater impact on the development of dialectical interactive approach than the previously mentioned Greek philosophers. An inspirational thought of Empedocles is also his famous sentence that

  • Love attracts and unites, strife repels and divides, and the everlasting elements of earth, water, air, and fire are governed by the sway of love and strife (among these four elements).

By the way, to the opinion of this creator of knowledge, this is the most authentically formulated dialectical interpretation of the first dialectical principle, aspect, manifestation, and property of the dialectical understanding of time DIA space: The Unity and Struggle of Opposites in Time DIA Space. As for the Engels' third law of dialectics (The Law of the Negation of the Negation), in the dialectic interactive approach it was substituted by the "Everything in Time DIA Space undergoes Development and becomes its Own Dialectical Opposing (Contradiction)", and included as a part of the "quartet" (triad dia its unity and oneness) of Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations. But despite all this previously said, keep in mind that only Plato (for sure), from all aforementioned antique and classical thinkers, was initiated into the secrets of the Egyptian hidden knowledge, understood in terms of a meeting point, because this interpretation of the three basic dialectical principles, aspects, manifestations and properties of the dialectical understanding of time DIA space is also based on the (lost) higher knowledge (of dialectics).


Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations

The Unity and Overstraining Dialectical Tensions in Time DIA Space


The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Culture DIA Religion

This first basic principle, known in dialectical methodology as "The unity and struggle of the dialectical opposites in time DIA space", was vividly picturesquely illustrated on the same way as the four "Primary DIA Proto dialectical paradigmatic presumptions DIA assumptions". READ: "Dialectic Interactive Approach: The Methodological Creative Framework". In other words, by these four pre-ancient dialects (fire, water, air, earth) was presented their interactive action in a state of imaginative dialectical equilibrium ("statics: rest"), understood in terms of creatively spanning these methodological worlds with their dialectical manifestations of time, in time DIA space. Keep in mind, within the worlds of dialectics, there is no absolute inaction but always some kind of motion dia change, even on the edges of the confrontation of these four elements with each other too. Just try by watching this graphical illustration to sense and feel the overstraining dialectical tensions between and among these four elements, although they are in an imaginary state of dialectical unity: an imaginary representation of this considered dialectical realty.

To cut this long story short, the initiated dia-processes are actually dialectically synthesized (absorbed) by the invisible action of dialectics of the dialectics through the negation of the negations of accumulated quantitative dialectical contents within this methodological creative framework, understood in terms of the dialectical interplay of these four elements in the background of these initiated dia-processes in time DIA space. In this methodological creative framework, which is based on the hidden knowledge, these four pre-ancient dialects (fire, water, air, earth) were presented by four triangles separated by a diagonal cross (X) within a rectangle or a square. By the way, this image of the four elements was vividly picturesquely imprinted and impressed in the ground plan of Cheops' pyramid, as well as in similar buildings of other ancient civilizations, which wanted in this way to perpetuate this dialectical interactively creative content.


Culture DIA Religion Culture DIA Religion


Culture DIA Religion The (Recti)linear Comprehending of Space and Time: The Concept of the Physical Universe

This second dialect, known in dialectical terminology as "The transition, transformation, metamorphoses and transfiguration of the quantitative and qualitative accumulation in time DIA space into a higher (renewed) quality", was picturesquely illustrated by two different ways of dialectical manifestation of the eight-pointed star [Fruits Not Bringing DIA Stunted Eight - Pointed Star VERSUS Germinating DIA Potentially Fruit- Bearing Eight-Pointed Star], which will result at the end of these initiated dia-processes in the form of emerging a rhombus (rhomboid) VERSUS a twelve - pointed star. In short, the highest dialectical quality (understood in terms of good) was reached, and symbolically presented by the twelve-pointed star VERSUS the lowest dialectical quality, symbolically represented by a rhombus (rhomboid). Although the focus of the dialectician is always on achieving a (higher) quality (understood in terms of distinguishing good from evil) in time DIA space (spirit, mind, matter), this does not mean that every time someone's creative endeavoring will end with a positive final result of the dialectics (of dialectics) set in progress. Keep in mind, in the worlds of dialectics were also imprinted and impressed various efforts of the forces of darkness, quantitative dialectical contents, counter-efforts and counter-actions, as well as anything else possible. In other words, all these considerations, understood in the methodological sense, must pass through the sieve DIA sieves of dialectics (of dialectics), which were set in a continuous progress of the time, in time DIA space.

Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations

The Unity and Struggle of Dialectical Opposites in Time DIA Space


The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach


The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static DIA Dynamic Mathematic

Fruit NOT Bringing DIA Stunted Eight - Pointed Star


Culture DIA Religion

Parallelogram - A Barren Dialectical Upshot: Blind Alley


The Methodological Creative Framework

Parallelogram: Potentially a Fruitful Dialectical Upshot


Dialectic Interactive Approach

Perhaps a New Opportunity?

Seen from this methodological perspective, sooner or later, all such QUANTITATIVE, less qualitative, dis-qualitative (un-qualitative) dialectical contents, as an end result of this second fundamental dialectical principle, property and manifestations of dialectics (of dialectics) in time DIA space, will result with the emergence of a ("four-faceted dual-pointed") STUNTED DIA UNFRUITBRINGING eight-pointed star, followed with the appearance of a parallelogram (rhombus or rhomboid). This FRUIT NOT BRINGING star was picturesquely represented by a "deformed" form of the eight-pointed star. This "deformed" form of the eight-pointed star emerged as a result of SETING IN MOTION (DIA transformation of) these four triangles in time DIA space, symbolically represented by the four elements (dialects) of the first dialectical basic principle: fire, water, air, earth. The aforementioned clearly demonstrates, in contrast to the classical interpretation of the second basic dialectical principle, that motion (movement) alone [dia (quantitative) change] cannot produce higher dialectical quality. And this is a great contribution of this revived pre-ancient methodological approach to the further development of the dialectical thought. For this reason, dialectical interactive approach clearly distinguish motion (dynamics) from the qualitative change (dialectics), which is blurred in the classical school of dialectics.

In the living reality, by this type of the eight-pointed star can be presented (conjured up) the scenario in time DIA the appropriate situation in space when, for example, a seed fallen on a rocky (fruitless) ground was forced to germinate. In short, it was not learned (prepared) in the required extent to ABSTAIN, that is, to wait for the right (GOOD) time DIA space to emerge on the light of day (come into being). Recall, in accordance with the DIALECTICAL understanding of TIME [future, emotively emotional dia physical presence, past] DIA SPACE [spirit, mind dia reason, matter], the dialect - spirit DIA the dialect - emotively emotional presence (THESIS) needs the dialect - matter in order the dialect - physical presence (ANTITHESIS) to be (again) embodied (come into being), understood in terms of dialects - future DIA past (SYNTHESIS), within the MEDIUM - mind dia reason (DIA THE RENEWED THESIS), that is, to be created (regenerated and renewed) this medium of the time (THE RENEWED ANTITHESIS).

  • This brief methodological consideration of a very complex dialectical content clearly indicates that the essence of this problem (CHALLENGE) in time DIA space is not in the well-known bipolar DIA binary dilemma (spirit OR matter), because if this bipolar dilama could be solved in this binary way, then the committing suicide would be an effective solution to it (Luke - 4:9-13). But such an attitude towards the meaning of life DIA death was not observable, neither in the ancient and antique world of heathens, nor in the world of flora and fauna but only present in terms of individual cases in the neo-secular (religious) world of modern pagans. On the contrary to this simple-minded (neo-secular) tendency, everywhere in the worlds of dialectics of God is still perceivable by all five senses the STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL DIA the prolongation of kind (genus). On the other side, by the sixth and seventh sense, each living being (of God) is capable of having a presentiment of the meaning of this continual struggle (to divine). By carefully reading these creative articles it is also easy to understand, why this trend prevails so significantly.

    In short, the core of this dialectical challenge in eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces is in the STRUGGLE BETWEEN GOOD and evil, which takes place within the INNER DIA INMOST BEING. And first afterwards the detrimental "by-products" of this inner struggle are manifested in the external living, working.... reality. From this reason, the distinguishing GOOD from evil is the main postulate of the dialectical interactive (methodological) approach. Seen from this dialectical perspective, a better approach is the finding some way for getting rid (herself, himself) of the accumulated evil over time DIA space, instead of the barren and illusionary attempts of getting rid of the dialect - matter (body), chasing the external evil in the world (Matthew - 23:25-26) around you [space and time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF "US"], inside of others (Matthew - 7:1-5) .... everywhere, but not there, where the core of problem (challenge) is. In short, this is a typical behavior of each simple - minded (and godless) person.

    On the other hand, putting in focus cultural, philosophical, artistic and scientific consideration of these hidden, enormous (but neglected) inner (creative) expanses (spaces and times) is another important feature of the dialectical interactive approach. Anyway, in accordance to this human(e) way of thinking, since the "evil part" of the inner being DIA inmost one [kingdom of ??, as your "loyal fellow-traveler" (accompanist) within the worlds of dialectics] cannot be removed in a PHYSICAL (material), normative.... way, the best approach is its inner purification and enlightment (Matthew, 12:33–37) DIA accumulation of light - fuel (Matthew - 25:8-9), as it all religions of God teach, although they recommend different ways of achieving it. Keep always in mind, this is the first step DIA prerequisite for a potential later (re-) illumination DIA re-enlightenment of a human being in time DIA space (spirit, mind, matter).

In either case, this seed, fallen on the unfruitful ground, was compelled in this desperate (bitter) way to refresh its inner kingdom (being) in order to revive the spirit by this short-evitive breath of life because the "light" (fuel) is running low inside its "kingdom". The alternative to this option is, for example, the refreshing body DIA to appease the hunger of some other living creature, to be dehydrated on the sun's heat, or to be undertaken any kind of risk, understood in terms of waiting. For example, to be blown away by the wind, washed down by the rain ...., on the more fruitful ground for the life and similar (risky) scenarios DIA situations in time DIA space. In either case, there will be no fruitful seed, as a dialectical creative end result of the possible blossoming including bringing fruits too. Perhaps, some next time (DIA space). For example, the next year, there is a new opportunity for the blossoming DIA bringing fruit. Remember, seen from the perspective of the dialectical (creatively) interactive approach DIA the appropriate way of thinking, wherever there are proto dialects - earth (thesis) and fire (antithesis), there are (already) hidden, or can be created dialects - water and air as well, and vice versa. This unwished barren (dialectical) scenario DIA situation in time DIA space was SYMBOLICALLY presented by a parallelogram, that is, by a rhombus or rhomboid, depending on the extent (precision of measuring) of this failure. In short, the appearence of this deformed form of the eight-pointed star symbolizes and hints at failure of the initiated dia-processes, that is, DYNAMIC (quantitative) properties and aspects [of the rectilinear time AND space] prevailed (dominated) compared to the corresponding DIALECTICAL (qualitative) ones.

Dialectic Interactive Approach: Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations

The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach


Culture DIA Religion

Germinating DIA Potentially Fruit- Bearing Eight-Pointed Star

On the other hand, seen from this methodological perspective, the second, normal (qualitative DIA potentially fruit-bringing) type of the eight-pointed star was formed by the imaginary imaginative growth (expansion) inside the protective membrane (dialectical creatively interactive framework) of these four pre-ancient dialects (fire, water, air, earth), by dialectically pervading each other within this captured time DIA space. This easily can be conjured up, by taking as an example, a seed while growing (swelling) in the fertile ground, waiting for the (right) moment to germinate. Seen from this METHODOLOGICAL perspective, in this way was demonstrated the action of the second basic dialectical principle and manifestation of the dialectics (of dialectics) in the living reality, understood in terms of transition of the qualitative transformation of DIA to the gradual metamorphosis of the seed into the (grown-up) plant, in this specific case under consideration. But the main difference between these two stars, seen from the dialectical perspective, is that this qualitative type of the eight-pointed star (POTENTIALLY FRUITBRINGING DIA FRUITBEARING) can generate DIA a further dialectical motion (growth) in time DIA space a twelve-pointed star (of HIGHER QUALITY DIA ITS NEXT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT: BEARING OF RIPE-FRUITS). This clearly shows that only simultaneous (inner) growth (dialectical interactively creative expansion), supported by the launch (setting in motion) of these four pre-ancient (COMPRESSED) dialects (fire, water, air earth) at the right time DIA the appropriate space, allows the creation even a higher quality, compared to the above described (DYNAMICAL) motion (expansion) of these four dialects without previous (preliminary) INNER preparation.

The (Recti)linear Comprehending Space and Time: The Concept of the Physical Universe

A Blossomed, Potentially Ripe Fruit - Bearing Twelve - Pointed Star

During the growth (expanding) of this twelve-pointed (FRUITBEARING) star in time DIA space, the interesting stage (of development) is appearance of the octagon within it (flourishing), meaning that (within it) can be pictorially displayed another eight-pointed ("BLOSSOMED DIA POTENTIALLY FRUITBRINGING and FRUITBEARING") star. It is not difficult to guess what is the next phase of this creatively interactive development ("fruit bringing"), during this kind of the dialectical creative traveling through time DIA space. In other words, it emerges a twelve-corner (12-gon) inside the core of this star, within which can be picturesquely displayed a twelve-pointed (FRUITFUL DIA BREED-ABLE) star DIA its own twelve-corner (dodecagon). In this way, there were again opened a recognizable door for undertaking a corresponding creative journey through this twelve-pointed DIA twelve-angled world of dialectics. Do not allow to be misled, by considering this dialectical content without a deeper insight into this initiated time DIA space, to fail perceiving the point of the previously elaborated dialectical content that by these four proto-primary dialects set in motion DIA growth, this dialectical world was limited by the span of time DIA suitable range of space of this twelve-pointed star (understood in terms of its further qualitative DEVELOPMENT).

In other words, to you, and at the first place to the proponents of the concept of simple(st) mind, (to no one) in methodological sense was limited the number of dialects on the presented four ones, if the previous dialectical content was not enough to be conjured up the action of the (three) basic dialectical methodological properties, aspects, principles and manifestations in time DIA space in any "other-pointed DIA different-pointed" world of dialectics. Apart from the presented dialectical content, there are also other (methodological) ways of entering into the port of the twelve-pointed DIA twelve-cornered (-angular) world of dialectics, and thus by definition in any other world DIA stage of the development of dialectics. For example, in the 24-pointed DIA 24-cornered (-triangular) world of dialectics. Because the twelve-pointed star consists of the two dialectically qualitatively synthesised six-pointed stars in time DIA space, this means, the twelve-pointed star can also be formed by the qualitative dialectical synthesis of (any) two six-pointed stars in time DIA space: Act of joining (putting together) two dialects DIA creative fructification (fecundation) in time DIA space. Seen from the dialectical metodological perspective, the outcome of this dia-process is a dialectical synthesis DIA the RENEWED THESIS, understood in terms of the confirmation of the basic properties, aspects and manifesting of the third dialectical basic principle. In short, by the QUALITATIVE dialectical synthesising two twelve-pointed stars, or four six-pointed stars, can be created a 24-pointed star DIA 24-cornered (angular) world of dialectics, and for this reason, any other world of dialectics by using this dialectical methodics and the appropriate methodical procedures.


The Methodological Creative Framework

Fruitful DIA Potentially Germinating Four-Pointed Star


The Concept of the Living God

The Unfruitful Rhomb / Rhomboid

This third dialect, known in the dialectic methodology as "Everything in time DIA space undergoes development DIA the suitable changes and becomes its own dialectical opposing DIA contradiction", was picturesquely illustrated with two different ways of dialectical manifesting the four-pointed star: Fruitful DIA Potentially Germinating Four-Pointed Star VERSUS The Unfruitful Rhombus / Rhomboid. During the further dialectical procession of this twelve-pointed star in time DIA space, understood in terms of its metamorphose

  • [continually getting older and older, this fruit-bringing (fruit-bearing) DIA (slowly) dying, as tree, which does not bring anymore fruits (with seeds)]

in the four-pointed star DIA multitude of small four-pointed stars

  • [representing fallen down fruit DIA "dying" seeds in the dialectical sense (a prerequisite for new plants to germinate: death in exchange for new life)],

the interesting phase of development is, when within this four-pointed star again appeared the image of the octagon. In other words, it means that inside it can be pictorially shown an eight-pointed star

  • [POTENTIALLY germinating DIA fruit-bringing (fruit-bearing) DIA THE FUTURE FALLEN SEEDS IN THE FRUITFUL GROUND (SOIL, in the best case)],

opening again a recognisable (previously mentioned) door for the creative traveling DIA the dialectical epitomising (synthesising) within this (potentially higher) eight-pointed world of dialectics DIA its octagon's world of dialectics

  • [(understood) in terms of the bringing even more fruitful seeds DIA trees and fruits over the passage of time DIA space: Compare DIA dialectically synthesise this octagon with the graphical illustrations of "The Dialectical Creative Framework for Orienting in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces" VERSUS "(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space"].

The Methodological Creative Framework

Fruitful DIA Potentially Germinating Four-Pointed Star


The Concept of the Living God

The Unfruitful Rhomb / Rhomboid

The interesting is also the detail that just from such a four-pointed star and from such a larger four-pointed star, which in the meanwhile "disappeared" in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the world of dialectics

  • [just by the previously presented falling down of a fruit with its seed from the rich fruit-bearing crown of the ancestor-tree DIA its own vividly picturesque and imaginable falling down, as a fruit with seed, once upon a gone time DIA space],

has been re-generated in sense of dialectical (continual re-) synthesising DIA revival in time DIA space, the previously described qualitative DIA fruit-bearing eight-pointed star. Its image still can be perceived DIA conjured up inside of this octagon. In other words, the overcoming these (hopefully already perceived) deviations and distances of the time, in time DIA space was methodologically presented in the developed dialectic interactive approach as the TIME IN SPACE

  • [future within spirit, that means, in this symbolically way were presented less / smaller (and more less / more smaller ... "vanished") and far more remote ("more greater / larger ...) DIA the slowly re-appearing and"]

manifestation of this four-pointed star, understood in terms of the intuitive and sensible (emotively emotional) conceiving, comprehending and understanding this dialectical interactive content DIA SPACE IN TIME

  • [the embedded matter in past, that is, symbolically presented as, a greater / larger ("and more greater / more larger ... more easily visible) DIA far more closer manifestation (creative results) of "this" four-pointed star, that is, these images arise (emerge) from the past in their physical (material) manifestations (as trees), understood in the sense of their emotively emotional presence in thy mind dia reason DIA their physical presence ["and for this reason, less and less necessary .... for conjuring up and reviving of this dialectical content: by naked eye visible trees all around you"]. In other words, this dialectical interactive content is perceivable and conceivable DIA is observable by the so-called five "modern scientific" senses].

READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space".

  Four-Triangular Star, as the culmination of the Acting of Three Basic Dialectical Principles, Aspects, Properties and Manifestations in the Time DIA Space

The Concept of the Living God

THE CREATIVE EXPANSES OF A FOUR - TRIANGULAR STAR: Potentially REGENERATION Prolific Star DIA ("Self"-)Transfering of the LIFE, by words of Plato

The (Recti)linear Comprehending of Space and Time: The Concept of the Physical Universe

A Twelve-Ponted Star representing 2 FERMIONS consisting of the TWO Dalectically Synthesised * 6 Six-Pointed Stars:

Dialectical Comprehending of the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe

2x3 DIA 3x2 LEPTONS - QUARKS, A static cross section in time DIA space

The last stage of this continual dialectical procession is appearance of the "four-pointed" (, opening within itself again the (starting) square (rectangle)

  • [the ground plan of Cheops' pyramid],

in which can be again placed the four "Primary DIA Proto dialectical paradigmatic methodological presumptions"], that is, the four pre-ancient substance (dialects: fire, water, air, earth). In other words, by this four-triangular,

  • [a LIFE-VITAL ("SELF"- giving) DIA LIFE ("SELF")REGENERATING STAR, because according to Plato, the four primary DIA proto elements (dialects: fire, water, air, earth) pass on to each other, as it appears, in an unbroken cycle the gift of birth],
READ: "Plato Timaeus - Part One: The hidden knowledge of Plato's Demiurge",

was again opened the way for action of THE FIRST fundamental dialectical principle, aspect, properties and manifestations in time DIA space (1') on a higher (and higher) level, and thus by definition for the action of two other principles, aspects, properties and manifestations in time DIA space. Note too that by this last stage of this continual dialectical procession

  • [ the dialectical (methodological) creative framework for the cognition and understanding of LIFE and the general happenings in the living reality. Pay your attention, on already omnipresent various SCIENTIFIC QUARTETS of the Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations, such as, for example:
  • representing the building a living cell from sugar (thesis) and phosphate (antithesis), and tied by the FOUR base pairings: adenine ↔ thiamine and guanine ↔ cytosine [multiple dialectical synthesises understood in terms of the DIALECTICS OF THE DIALECTICS DIA NEGATIONS OF THE NEGATIONS of this creatively interactive dialectical content in time DIA space],
  • the four physical forces (gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force) and so on,
  • as well as the various triplets DIA pair - dialects (2 fermions * 6) within the quantum world of dialectics (2x3 DIA 3x2 leptons ↔ quarks),
  • within the dividing (proliferation) of cells in a living organism,
  • within a (bio)chemical synthesis and the like.
  • Source: "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge - Impact of the Ancient Wisdom on the Modern Science, Jovanović, 2001"]

DIA appearance of the four-triangular [(RE)GENERATION ABLE] star from the deepness, remoteness and wideness of this (dialectically methodological comprehending) time DIA space was PICTURESQUELY DISPLAYED and presented not only the ground plan of (Cheops') pyramid, but now are visible all four (methodological) drafts DIA plan of its triangular (flank) sides (set in horizontal). For the finding the (true) reason of building Cheops' pyramid there are already many interpretations. The previously uttered dialectical content is, according to this creator of knowledge, a creative one (antithesis), that means, this was done by the old Egyptians in purpose of eternalisation of this presented pre-ancient dialectical approach: As a crucial part of THE HIDDEN (LOST) KNOWLEDGE. Keep in mind, by a further initialisation of the related diaprocesses, a whole universe could be filled up with these DIALECTICAL STARS. Particularly, an universe, where there is no death, as it firmly believed Egyptian pharaohs. And for this reason, for Egyptian pre-ancient pharaohs to be buried inside such an eternal construction sounded very alluring and attractive. In order to be preserved this privilege within the cycles of the family, they married their sisters. All other ones, except for these PRE-ANCIENT pharaohs, had to get through the underworld of dead ones, and only souls of the righteous persons will get into this four-triangular universe of pharaoh. Later, after the disappearance (fall) of these ancient pharaohs, as well as with the loss of this higher knowledge, followed with coming on the throne of these "new", better-known dynasties of pharaohs, not only that with the construction of these eternal pyramids was ceased but was changed the meaning of the Egyptian religion as well, understood in the sense that also these pharaohs have to pass through the underworld of the dead (of the lower kind).

Dialectic Interactive Approach: Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations

Higher School of Dialectics of Four Dialects


Introduction into Dialectic Interactive Approach

Primary School of Dialectics of Two Dialects

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Seen from this dialectical perspective, the point of the afore said is that apart from the possible starting DIALECTOSES of these four-dialects' of the "higher school of dialectics" within this "ground plan of pyramid", simultaneously, can be refreshed the stuff learnt in the "primary school of dialectics" of the two-dialects, symbolically represented by the (dialectical interplay of) six-pointed stars. In other words, by creating from the two triangles of this four-triangular ("CREATIVE-VITAL") star by thy choice, within which the four pre-ancient elements (dialects) were kept and ennobled all the time DIA suitable space, understood in terms of their SYMBOLICAL motion dia transformation, will emerge two six-pointed stars during this dialectical (creatively interactive) procession: Two beings, species, creatures, .... molecules, atoms, quants ... (potentially COUPLED) dialects DIA dialectuls of the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the world of dialectics. By the dialectical synthesising of these two dialectical interactively creative processes also begins the "highest school of dialectics", where the major theme under dialectical creative (re)considering are Dialectics of the Dialectics DIA Negations of the Negations, which will sooner or later discriminate DIA discern

  • [within dialectical sieves set in progress DIA initialisation of the corresponding (interactively creative) dialectical processes]

whether thy scientific, cultural, philosophic and artistic (simulative) choice, understood in terms of genetic, physical, bio-chemical, marriagial, sexual, ... thematic, social, adventuristic, ....

  • [(multitude of DIFFERENT AND DIVERSIFIED) choices DIA (the given freedom of choice DIA) the will]

proto-primary DIA paradigmatic choices

  • [understood in terms of distinguishing Good from evil],

have been the right choices DIA truly good one, respectively bad DIA truly evil one, if you so will to be said,

  • [ultimately DIA probably methodologically dialectical creative upshots]

understood in terms of final result in time, of time DIA space of this dialectical (interactively creative) content under consideration. Concluding this dialectical interactively creative content, keep always in mind that the previously mentioned recognizable

  • [in a twinkling DIA partly]

opened dialectical doors, and the differently created positions DIA states of triangles set in the dialectical motion as well, are the very important orienteers during any kind of the undertaken journey within this eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the world of dialectics, including the fascinating creative travelings.

READ the Next Part of the Dialectic Interactive Approach: