The Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space
In this creative article were considered scientific aspects of the dialectical understanding of TIME [future, emotively emotional dia physical presence, past] DIA SPACE [spirit, mind dia reason, matter] by implementing the dialect-culture, and then, this dialectical content was reconsidered from the standpoint of the philosophical and artistic dialect. The main drawback of the existing (recti)linear comprehending of TIME [past ⇢ PRESENT (TIME) ⇢ future] AND SPACE [the fused mind-spirit, matter], is the mathematically verified fact, that as it was farther travelled out of the dialect - PRESENT (the realm of five basic senses) in direction of this (recti)linear understanding of the dialect - future, either in the sense of largest (biggest) conceivable (for example, universe), or in terms of the smallest (least) conceivable (world of quants: Microuniverse), as this kind of comprehension of the time and space is less and less appropriate, unreliable, imprecise, .... ILLUSIONARY one. On the other hand, the dialectical comprehending of TIME DIA SPACE because being based on the DIALECTICAL way of thinking which by definition includs the basic features of the dialectics
- [transition, transformation, metamorphosis and the transfiguration .... negation, annihilation, annulment DIA renewal, regeneration of various states of the dialectical reality (understood in terms of a multitude thesis, antithesis, synthesis DIA the renewed thesis, which will be over time DIA space contradicted by an antithesis or by numerous renewed antithesis .... until the temporal conclusion was achieved), understood in terms of the creatively interactive operation of the three basic dialectical aspects, principles, properties and manifestations in time DIA space]
is able to follow much better, and more authentic these initiated dialectical processes. In other words using this dialectical approach, various traps of the "optical" illusions and phenomenon (paradoxes) of the (recti)linear conceiving and comprehending of TIME AND SPACE can be avoided.
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF "US"
Actually, all these kinds of the "optical" illusions and phenomenon of the remote time and space, are result of the ABSENCE of thy physical presence (dialect - matter) on the place in time DIA space, where thou want (EMOTIVE - EMOTIONALLY) to be present (dialect - spirit). As an example, just, reconsider the various scenarios in time DIA appropriate situations in space, understood in terms of dialectical understanding of TIME and SPACE, as a consequence of the aforementioned distance between someone's current physical presence [for example, here on the earth: the physically captured space in time] and her, his desire to find a new refuge, but which is unfortunately situated somewhere far away in the universe
- [emotively emotional presence, understood in terms of the TIME IN SPACE: The Future in Spirit; see the graphical illustration on your left side, "Dialectical Creative Framework for the Orientation in Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces"],
compared to the (recti)linear understanding of TIME AND SPACE, which is based on the abilities of five (scientific) senses, As an example, observe a still visible, very remote star with its (potentially) inhabitable planets, but which is perhaps already dead, or more simply this star is unreachable for one or another reason. The right and properly made decision in this case is a question of life and death, not only for her, him but for all those, (s)he loves.
Because such kinds of unutterably COMPLEX and deep considerations in time DIA space, understood in terms of the distinguishing good from evil (wrong and bad) choices and ways within the worlds of dialectics, particularly by considering this through the prism of achieved technological progress, requires higher spiritual (cap)abilities, or (intuitive) leadership, if you so will, as the core of the dialect - culture were reconsidered in a CREATIVE WAY the deepness of the following words of Christ: "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN THEE". No any doubt that the previously mentioned dialectical content is also present within the dialect - present (time), that is, within the (recti)linear way of conceiving and comprehending of time, but in this concept of the time and space this is less relevant, observable within the ("barell" of) relatively short and close distances of the dialect - present (time), accordingly these DIALECTICAL considerations were simply assumed, neglected, swallowed and vanished in endless deepness of the abandoned, CREATIVELY BLANK HOLLOW of the (recti)linear way of conceptualization and understanding of space. In either case, consequences of this disintegrity of the dialect - (physical AND emotively emotional) presence, that is, THE ABILITY of being spiritually present somewhere outside of the physical (matter-like) presence, within the MEDIUM - mind dia reason, are various manifestations of DEVIATIONS AND PHENOMENA of the time in space (future in spirit) DIA space in time (matter embedded in past).
The different interpretations of this dialectical content, perceived from the point of view of this ability, or disability, if you so will, are various ways of thinking and suitable views of the world within DIA around thee (you). In short, in order to be understood and properly managed such kinds of deviations, accordingly to be understood the various manifested paradoxes, phenomena, self-deceptions and (optical) illusions of the (recti)linear time and space, instead of the dialect - present (time), the dialect physical DIA emotively emotional PRESENCE was used for the various kinds of journeys, including the creative ones as well, through this dialectically conceived and comprehended time and space. Or more simply said, such complex dialectical interactive contents, being also of dialectical nature, and not only static - dynamic processes, cannot be placed, be considered and be properly managed within the afore mentioned tube - barrell of the blurred and impersonal presence of crowd, organised in myriad of groups, which is known in the concepts of the (recti)linear understanding of time as the dialect - PRESENT (TIME: realm of the five basic senses).
(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
By comparing the (RECTI)LINEAR understanding of SPACE with the dialectical comprehension of the space (see the graphical illustrations on thy left side), READ too, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Dialectical Understanding of Time DIA Space", the difference between them is relatively easy to perceive. In other words, it is clearly noticeable that the graphical illustration of the "RECTILINEAR (Creative) Framework for the Orientation in Time and Space" lacks one triangle, respectively the two right-angled triangles, a space inside each human being, which is by birth determined for the medium - mind dia reason. On the other hand, comparing the (recti)linear understanding of time [past ⇢ PRESENT (TIME) ⇢ future] with the redefined dialectical understanding of time [future, emotively emotional dia physical PRESENCE, past], the difference is NOT ONLY IN THE ORDER and way in which constituent dialects of the time were specified (listed), but rather in the initialised multiple multifaceted dialectical processes, in contrast to the (recti)linear ones. In other words, the concept of the emotively emotional presence DIA physical presence (of individuals) in time DIA space, as a counterpart to the FACELESS present (time of the crowded people) in space and time ("barrel"), offers a creative framework for (pro)active participation of them within space in time DIA time in space, at least, within the creative sphere, understood in terms of the undertaking corresponding creative journeys through this dialectical understanding of time and space.
Space (Thesis) and Time (Antithesis) Merged in Absolute Terms into Spacetime (Synthesis)
Because creators of knowledge, being the followers of God, always dialectically synthesize in the sense of Good, and not in the sense of evil ('creating future without future'), distinguishing thereby good from evil, this kind of future is there, where the GOOD (for me, thee, us) is. Or understanding this dialectical content in the ultimate sense, this future is there, where the God is: EMOTIVE guide, motivation and source of inspiration for each human being. In short, this is actually also that, what Christ wanted to say to others with this very short, but deep, sentence. READ, "The Concept of the Living God". On the other hand, it has to be emphasised that the earthly concept (comprehension) of God (even within a concrete God's religion), as well as the distinguishing good from evil, understood in terms of the (ultimate or absolute) establishing what is truly good (right) choice, way, ..., and what is evil (bad) one, is a very difficult topic in the natiocratic societal dialectical universes. READ, "Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe". In particular in those, characterised by a very low level of the achieved development of consciousness of its inhabitants DIA the suitable level of CONSCIENCE, that actually says someone, whether it was handled in a good or bad (evil) way, whether something good or evil nature is and the like. This awareness of the difficulty of establishing IN EARTHLY SENSE, what the good, right choice, way... is, was implanted as a postulate in the developed dialectical interactive approach: The ultimate and absolute judgment belongs to the God. READ: "The Dialectic Interactive Approach". In other words, human beings are only properly capable during an initiated dialectical debate to follow the fundamental methodical pattern of the dialectical interactive approach by reconsidering and judging a dialectical content under CREATIVE consideration through the prism of the great pyramid of culture, philosophy, art and science, and for the all previously mentioned reasons, this dialectically interactive way of the creative discussion within the boundaries of the considered span of Time DIA suitable scope of the Space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter), each time should be ended by a TEMPORAL CONCLUSION of the time.
The Concept of Absolute Truth
For this reason, the distinguishing good from evil is the only DUAL (bipolar) dilemma [understood in the absolute sense of comprehension of this dialectical content], which was retained within the presented dialectical interactive approach. Regardless of all this, seen from a methodological perspective of the developed dialectical interactive approach, the solving of this dilemma, regarding the distinguishing good from evil is of THE CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE for a fruitful, interactively creative, dialectical debate. In other words, as sooner this issue was resolved in accordance with the basic principles of the developed dialectical interactive approach, as more fruitful its creative outcome will be. Keep in mind, each established societal order requires the suitable level of the developed consciousness of its inhabitants, which is externally manifested through the relation between the good and evil in a concrete society. For this reason, if it is not feasible to establish in the relative sense, what is good, and what is evil, then it should be determined, understood in terms of the basic principles of the dialectical interactive approach, what is better from the available and accessible choices, ways, ..., accordingly in the utmost sense, WHAT IS LESS EVIL (less bad) in a particular scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in space. By the way, most of us are able in most (many) cases relatively easily to determine it, but whether the final consequence of it will be right and acceptable for her, him, seen from perspective of her, his various egoistic, self-satisfaction's ..... considerations (of the potential gains, losses, measured by the incurred risks), it is another question.
Couple Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis
Synthese DIA "G" → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space
ETC. in the Time DIA Space UNTIL has been reached
"G" → The Temporal Conclusion of / in the Time DIA Space
As an instructive example, how should be handled with the challenges of a CREATIVE DEBATE (initiated dialectical interactive processes during the clash of ideas DIA thoughts) in the everyday living reality, read the noted down dialogues of Socrates DIA Plato. For a master-piece of the dialectics, noted down in the very ancient time DIA space using dialectic interactive approach, read the "The Book of Job". Note, during a creative debate, the validity of exposed ideas DIA the uttered thoughts are always measured and evaluated by THE STRENGTH OF THE SUPPORTED ARGUMENTS (elaboration), instead of the well-known natiocratic ones, understood in terms of the societal status of actor, money and the various manifestations of power: THE MIGHT. Unfortunately, outside of these mindual DIA spiritual worlds of dialectics, within this kind of the 're-physicalised' universe, are still valid these natiocratic "values" of the might, because their gods are only masks behind which were always hidden 'they' DIA earthly personification of them. The only beam of light can be faintly seen in the heavenly vision of this great narrator, uttered in the "The Book of Job" (the world of Holy Books and Scriptures). As a pattern for thinking, just compare the fate of the WINNER Socrates in the antique pagan’s world, or within any similar natiocratic one, including the world of these modern pagans as well, if you so will, to the "LOSERS" of a dialectical interactive debate, celebrated in the verses of the "The Book of Job".
In either way, reconsidered from a methodological standpoint, Plato’s (antique) dialectical approach,
Read, "Creative Travelling in Time DIA Space: 'Plato-Timaeus' - Part One",
although much more famous one (in particular in the philosophical circles), demonstrated through its actors by using a much
simpler form of the dialectic interactive approach: DIALOGUE. On the other hand, "The Book of Job" is a much more creative
(that means, artistic, cultural, philosophic and scientific) implementation of the DIALECTIC INTERACTIVE APPROACH
IN USE DIA the creative application of all its constituent dialects (elements), including the active participation of
more than two actors, culminated with the impressive divine MONOLOGUE (of the dialectics), where all presented
actors as enchanted listening to. As a kind of introduction or supplement to the reading of this jewel of the
dialectics, understood in terms of recognition of the used methodological thought patterns of the dialectical
interactive approach, read all parts of the creative article:
The Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use in the Ancient Time DIA Space - “The Book of Job - Holy Bible” - Part One
Source: "World of Dialectics versus Multidimensional Space – Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use", Jovanović, 2002 - ????
Appendix 3: "The Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use in the Ancient Time DIA Space - “The Book of Job - Holy Bible", Jovanović, 2004
The Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
The Ultimate DIA Probable Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
After this long but the necessary digression (of the subject under consideration ) in time DIA space, the right moment DIA place was reached for a deeper dialectical synthesising of the Christ's words "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN THEE". In other words, for a further elaboration of the initiated dialectical creatively interactive content, related to the mutual interrelated complementing and supplementing of the dialects future and past (thesis - antithesis: The couple dialect) within time DIA space, it is necessary to be continued with the further implementation and transformation of this content of the dialect-culture using philosophical and artistic one in order to be developed the compatible scientific knowledge: Redeveloped scientific dialect at a higher level of the creation in time DIA space by applying thy creativity. For more methodological details, regarding these four simulative (modelable) pre-ancient ways for discovery unknown in time DIA space by creating suitable knowledge, read the corresponding content in the methodological part of this creative article. "The Dialectic Interactive Approach: Its Methodological Creative Framework".
First of all, connected with the previously quoted words of Christ, seen from the perspective of the emotively emotional DIA physical presence, related to this cultural dialect - content, follows that the dialect future is MORE OF THE INNER character [time - in - space(like)], whereas the dialect past is more perceivable in the external sense [space - in - time(like)], and for this reason in the mathematical sense as well. READ, "The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static Mathematic". Even in the case that thou observed or have feeling DIA have become aware of the fact that THY FUTURE IS,
- [perceive, it is very difficult to express this dialectical content in the external sense (and without mentioning the feasibility or limits of the mathematical expression), without some kind of the inner reasoning (why?), in spite of the fact that the now-days' languages have been based on DIA reflect the (recti)linear understanding of space and time: "You are (here is) my future"],
for example, on the Mars, or on an another planet of a remote star, that is, within the realm of perceivable dialect (matter embedded in) THE PAST, this external travelling, understood in terms of thy physical presence, cannot be achieved
- [future created DIA the recreating it by means of the reuse of dialect past, understood in terms of their dialectical merging (convergence): Negations of negations]
without the previous undertaking the corresponding CREATIVE TRAVELING, with help of the power of thy emotively emotional presence, inside DIA through thy Inner DIA Inmost Being ["thy kingdom" (is within thee)]. Or someone else has to do it to create the necessary knowledge.
Source: Proposal for a Potential Ph.D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark:
"Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999"
The ACCUMULATED dialectical distances in time DIA space between the dialect emotively emotional presence, uttered in terms of the time in space (future in spirit), and the physical distance, understood in terms of space in time (matter built into the past), will be sensed in thy mind DIA reason(ing of that), as well as manifested by various phenomena, culminating over long time DIA space as a kind of DEVIATION of the time in space DIA space in time. For example, in the physical (matter) sense regarding the dialect past, ONE OF THEM is known in the science as the Olber's paradox: The farther one looks into observable universe the better (face of) the past (events) is visible. In other words, IN THE RECTILINEAR SENSE, the existence of a shining star in time and space
- [but perhaps already dead star, or dead, understood in terms of the future (unreachable star)],
was reflected and revealed by its LIGHT (rays), before this star had been annulled, extinguished, dialectically negated, dead. READ Primary Law of Dialectics. Or putting this dialectical content in another way, the last beam and gleam of the (spiritual) light of a TRULY (long time ago) dead star HAS PASSED THE PLACE of thy physical presence, (perhaps long) before thou cast thy (telescopic) gaze into the sky. In such a dialectical scenarios in time DIA this situation in space, it is only feasible to imagine and conjure up in thy mind DIA reason(ing) with the help of THY EMOTIVELY EMOTIONAL PRESENCE that there a shining star existed once upon a time (DIA space), whose light will never again be observable by the illumination (with a spotlight) the place of THY CURRENT PHYSICAL PRESENCE.
(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
In the similar way, as an upshot of the deviation (optical illusion) between the (recti)linear understanding of (physical) space and time (the so-called fourth dimension: DYNAMICS) and the DIALECTICAL conceptualization and understanding of
- TIME [future (WITHIN THEE), emotively emotional dia physical presence, past (AROUND THEE)]
DIA - SPACE [spirit, mind dia reason, matter],
is also possible (the scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in space) that somewhere in the observable universe, where the vacuum ("NOTHING") is seen (registered) with the five scientific senses that this same dialectical content reviewed with (dialectical interactive approach's) seven senses may be different. Various manifestations of DEVIATIONS AND ILLUSIONS of the (distant) time in space (future in spirit) DIA space in time (matter embedded in the past), also might be a consequence that the (photonic) light of new-born stars had not yet arrived, understood in terms of illumination of the place of thy physical presence. Or the existence of some dark (none-photonic) objects there cannot be detected with the applied technical equipment DIA developed (methodological DIA scientific) approach, even in the case they can detect in some way the place of thy physical presence. In other words, these celestial objects truly (dialectically) exist in time DIA space, although they are still not observable in the (recti)linear sense. The only way to avoid speculation is to fly away from the place of thy current physical presence to encounter its light or to be landed somewhere in the observable universe from where it is easier to detect these non-photonic objects and the like. In other words, the focus is again put on the issue of creating higher knowledge which can only be implemented by undertaking an appropriate creative (inner) journey within thy Inner Being DIA the Inmost one [thy kingdom, that is, future is implanted or hidden within you]. Seen from this dialectical perspective, these INNER dialectical worlds in fact are a qualitatively creative expression DIA dialectically COMPRESSED imprints and impressions of the universe in small, created by God too.
"...... If the strategies continue to be developed (created) on the basis of our (current) present (time) or even past, I-thou-we have to be aware of the fact, it was done AT THE EXPENSE OF FUTURE GENERATIONS. Such an approach was used in the past, and I think it is a high time to change this obsolete practice. The third millennium of a new Age is starting, but I- thou-we are still on the same place. If Darwin was in right by arguing that “my”, thy (your), our ancestors descended (climbed down) from the tree to stay under it forever, then the full significance of this endeavor of theirs in the dialectical sense is that they have taken A BIG STEP BACKWARDS (for humanity). In other words, I-thou-we are NOW FURTHER AWAY from eternity DIA infinity in terms of both time and space". Source: "Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach, Conclusion (the last paragraph), Jovanović, 1999"
From the aforementioned it follows that the further one looks at the worlds of dialectics, understood in terms of the largest / biggest conceivable, the (recti)linear understanding of space and time is less and less appropriate, unreliable, imprecise, .... ILLUSIONARY one. Related to this dialectical content under consideration, understood in terms of the smallest / least conceivable [dialectul, accordingly dialectical world of the microuniverse], the (recti)linear approach is even (far) more inappropriate and illusionary, because within this kind of the worlds of dialectics, apart from the accelerated dialectical processes, at the some point of "observation" even the mass of photon (VISIBILITY), understood in terms of the released energy (weight, gravitation) of thy physical presence, becomes sooner or later an additional obstacle. In other words, these mindual and particularly spiritual dia-processes can only be followed (detected) by means of some kind of meditative travelling through this dialectical comprehension of time and space using thy emotively emotional presence there, understood in terms of time in space [future (with)in spirit].
Dialectical Understanding of the Time DIA Space applied in the Dialectical Societal Universe
(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
By dialectically synthesising the all previously said, it is perceivable that the various phenomena (paradoxes) in time DIA space ARE NOT of (RECTI)LINEAR (DYNAMICAL) nature but rather the DIALECTIC ONE
- [continual transition, transformation, metamorphose, ... of the initiated processes, regardless whether thou art able to detect (insee) it or not using the five scientific senses, but hope thou art able to intuit and feel these diaprocesses, READ, "Fundaments of the Mental-Emotional Intelligence"],
that is, the result of the fact that thy PHYSICAL PRESENCE is missing on the other event's side (pole) of this bipolar line(s): (Recti)Linear DIA binary way of thinking, applied within the worlds of dialectics, which are in the state of continuous changes. A consequence of it are various manifestations of OPTICAL ILLUSION of the perceived space in time, being as greater as farther one looks into time AND space, revealing in this way the true "face" DIA essence of the (events of) past. In short, this and the similar optical illusions of the very remote time DIA space, understood in the sense of eternity DIA infinity, are caused by the (recti)linear understanding of space and time, that is, through their barren attempts to put such a complex dialectical interactive content into the afore mentioned tube - barell, known as the dialect - PRESENT (TIME). Because dialectical interactive approach IS APPLICABLE in each kind of the world of dialectics, there is no need for observing of the (past events in) universe (time DIA space understood in terms of the largest) to be perceived this illusionary phenomenon (optical illusion). It is present DIA perceptible around you just NOW: The present [time AND space as a (compressed) container tube] understood in terms of the least (perceivable).
Parallelogram - A Barren Dialectical Upshot: Blind Alley
Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US: Note, there is no inner space "and" time in the head of this simple-minded and simple-reasonable person but an abandoned hollow, as a consequence of relocation of the mind dia reason from its innate place [as a result of this, only external space and time is perceived, while each spiritual, minded and reasonable content also has to be "depicted" in this external space and time in order to be perceived and verified with the five basic (scientific) senses]
For example, in the societies (Societal Dialectical Universe) [READ, "Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe"], whose (economic) systems are based on the so-called debtor's DIA debt economics, READ, "Debtor's DIA Debt Economics: Part One", this kind of the "optical illusion" is manifested DIA best observable during various political rallies, where the various debtors (modern-day "slaves") as hypnotised ones swallow various POLITICAL DIA IDEOLOGICAL stories regarding the (concept of) freedom, uttered through the mouth of these (too loud) speakers of the modern-day "slave-owners". And all it, in spite of the fact that a large number of these modern day "slaves" [who sold (part of) their future] have no any chance to pay back their debts [whose expensive maintenance is also subsidized by the tax-payers' money]. Perhaps, they are only able (life-long) to pay them interests (the exerting usury). In short, they were made busy in (Sisifus-like) trying, at first, to reach DIA stay, and then, to survive on this kind of the (dialectically) "DISTANT (DIA perhaps already dead) STAR" [to acquire own flat, house ....; to get and retain a job in accordance with their skills and qualifications; to establish and sustain a (healthy) family, etc.], thereby working and living in poor (inhuman) conditions.
In such natiocratic societies, the state is reduced to the feudal servitude of the narrow-minded interests of the true masters of this established natiocratic order, where state budget is ALSO used as a kind of reserve fund DIA remuneration fund for the slave-owners' market failures. An additional earning to the already collected big salaries and bonuses ["in advance", that is, at the expense of the dividends (part of the truly achieved financial profit) that will never be paid out], including the compensation due to the lost income for the BAD DONE job, in the case if the contract was expired earlier of its stipulated time period. This clause is for them obligatory, whereas for the other workers, not only there is no compensation, but for a large number of them there is no any kind of contract, including the short-term temporal one, working only when there is work: Used as a kind of shock-absorbers and safety-amortisators (alleviators) against the blows of raw market. Yes, this is that, the well-spread natiocratic comprehension of the notion EQUALITY of its inhabitants (enjoying same rights), UNDERSTOOD IN TERMS OF PROVIDING EQUAL CHANCES BY THE STATE to all its citizens, that is, understood in terms of feasibility of realisation of it within the WORKING-, business sphere, or within any other one, instead of the purposeful ('profitable') DIVISION dia regrouping them into castes with not equal rights and chances for promotion within the established natiocratic (political) system, particularly, within the working enivironment: A kind of the 'battle' arena during this kind of the natiocratic peace time (not waging war) used to place its inhabitants into various hierarchically organized castes by reforming existing castes.
Pay also thy attention to the use of various empty slogans and catchphrases for the crowd manufacture (crowding) DIA grouping of its inhabitants, which is a recognisable feature of all natiocratic orders, and the constituent social units. Reconsidered from the methodological perspective of the dialectical interactive approach, all such, typically natiocratic, empty (idle) and barren activities take place within the artificially created framework of the MERGED (fused) dialect - mind and spirit (subordinated to it) in orger to divert attention from much more important events and happenings, which occur within the abandoned, CREATIVELY BLANK (DARK) HOLLOW, that is, behind the obscured sceneries [see the (Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space on thy left side]. In other words, this redirection (diverting) of attention from the more important events in society is an additional example of the reasoning DIA the (recti)linear understanding of space and time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US. For this reason, never pay too much attention to what they speak, wasting thy precious time (DIA appropriate space: spirit, mind dia reason, matter) on throwing thy gaze in this rectilinear direction, or in the linear direction of the deepness (and created darkness) of this (natiocratic) dialectic societal universe
- the (recti)linear understanding of the time [past ⇢ PRESENT (TIME) ⇢ future] and space [merged and the fused mind-spirit dia reason, abandoned creative hollow, matter], both spiritually and mindually dried off dia (natiocratic) reason(ing): The ideas of the physical universe implemented in the societal spheres of humans' and people's action.
In other words, not in the direction they pointed at [external expanses: space out of us], without previously to try peering into their inner beings [hidden inner expanses: abandoned, or neglected hollow of this modern (natiocratic) way of thinking], respectively, what they try to hide from thee, not plainly to say thee, and the like.