The Symbol of the Human(e) Genus, as a possible Solution of the Cosmological Containment Riddle
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
This creative article builds on the theme of finding an all-encompassing picture of the universe as a possible solution to the cosmological puzzle begun in the creative article devoted to the Concept of the Physical Universe. In fact, this is only an introduction to the further development of the model of dialectical societal reality (Dialectical Social Universe), which, similar to real events in cosmos, is also represented by various types of stars at various stages of development. It is admirable how even a relatively small group of people in mutual (creative) cooperation is able to create its own constellation of social universe within the encompassed dialectical range of time and space (a world of dialectics), within which very complex social relations are established. What particularly attracted the attention of this creator of knowledge is not the cosmological riddle itself, but the way in which it was presented and exposed, which shows how deeply the rectilinear way of thinking is engraved into the consciousness and subconsciousness of people, that is, the rectilinear way of understanding of space and time (past → present → future). It was also demonstrated by this creator of knowledge that while finding the solution to the cosmological riddle (the all-encompassing picture of the universe) a paradigmatic shift in the way of thinking (dialectical way of thinking), which was embedded in the dialectical interactive approach, in fact solved this cosmological riddle of a rectilinear understanding of space and time.
In other words, instead of focusing his creative attention on solving this cosmological riddle, bound by the shackles or limitations of the existing way of thinking, he managed not only to free himself from these shackles, but also to recognize its pattern of thought, the essence of the expressed way of thinking, as well as its methodological settings and assumptions, and to then reinterpret and translate all that in terms of a dialectical way of thinking. Keep in mind that every way of thinking and deliberation, as well as the corresponding understanding of time and space, has its limits of useful and purposeful creative activity. For this reason, when the weight and complexity of an identified problem, that is, of a creative challenge of time and space, is beyond the limits of the existing way of thinking, creative attention should be focused on creating a more suitable methodological approach, as well as an appropriate way of time and space understanding if necessary, instead of futile attempts to solve it within the existing obsolete way of thinking based on an outdated understanding of time and space. As one example, pay thy attention, how this creator of knowledge immediately recognizes the essence of the methodological content under creative consideration in TIME DIA SPACE, that is, the fact that the real world is not rectilinear but DIALECTICAL ONE, and proposes, as a possible solution to the cosmological containment puzzle, that is, an all-encompassing picture of the universe, the last picture of the deciphered Plato's dialectos "Timaeus".
- In short, the containment riddle (Harrison, 1985) asks: Where in the presented universe is the cosmologist conceiving that universe? By cosmologist is meant anybody who stands back (behind the devised universe) and looks at things in general. The riddle is made clear by using the analogy of a painter, who paints a picture of the interior of a studio. A complete and faithful picture must show the studio containing the painter in the act of painting the picture. But this entails an infinite regress: The picture contains the painter who paints the picture, that contains the painter who paints the picture, that contains … and so on indefinitely.
the ancient model of the dialectical universe
For more information on the cosmological containment riddle of the all-embracing picture of the universe [the universal and all-inclusive picture of the cosmos, containing everything within itself], READ, "The (Recti)linear Apprehension of Space and Time: The Concept of the Physical Universe". Notice also how within this image of the ancient universe, represented as a rectilinear cross section in time DIA space, is distinctive the "Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces", noticeable as THREE (3) DYNAMIZED RECTANGLES (3 spirally rotated Racetracks) DIA ONE STATIZED RECTANGLE of this Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in Time DIA Space. By the way, do not fail to notice that both versions of the Diagonal Cross (Crosswise) were drawn in this graphic illustration, that is, the narrow variant of the crosswise and its wide version (Two Crosses). At the same time, it is very important to emphasize that the dialects of mind, reason, and spirit, together with the dialect of matter, can also be contained in this dialectical model of the ancient universe, because they are integral dialects of this Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in Time DIA Space. Of course, with this simple model of reality, there was no attempt on my part to solve the riddle of mind, reason, and spirit. On the other hand, there is no doubt that also the dialectical understanding of time [future, emotiv emotional presence dia corporeal presence, past] and space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter] is contained within this dialectical universe (model of reality), presented with a dialectical interplay of triangles of their multiple dialectical summaries (synthesis). In other words, imaginatively add the missing lines (Cross) to this figure, using the acquired knowledge of Dialectics.
"At the same time DIA space, it is very important to emphasize that this creator of knowledge does not claim that this simple model of reality, although dialectically one, is a complete and faithful representation of the dialectical social universe. In other words, this ancient model of the dialectical universe should be accepted AS AN ANTITHESIS to the existing models of the universe, presented with one all-encompassing picture of the universe, as one possible solution to the cosmological puzzle. In addition, it is also important to point out that from the dialectical point of view, this model of the universe, represented by the six-pointed star, is one initial stage of development during the initiated dialectical processes including also their multiple inter-interactivity in time DIA space. Or to put it more simply, sooner or later within this model of reality pictorially represented with this six-pointed star, will begin its dialectical transition, transformation and metamorphosis into a multitude of eight-pointed stars, twelve-pointed stars and so on into eternity DIA infinity, understood and dialectically summarized (synthesized) it in the sense of the largest / most enormous (expansion - thesis) DIA the least (smallest) as well (contraction - antithesis)". READ: "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Its Methodological Creative Framework".
"In the ancient model of the dialectical universe represented by this figure (shown on thy left side), I hope that it is also easy to recognize the cosmologist, who conceives and thinks about this universe, that is, the two of them in perfect union and oneness (Matthew, 19 :6): a human-loving being, as a couple, [1.Moses - 1:26-27, 1.Moses - 5:2. For additional information, read the elaboration for thinking 3.1], in case one wonders how cosmologists reproduce. Within the pentagons of this five-pointed star were represented countless future DIA past outlines of cosmologists in this dialectical understanding of TIME AND SPACE, who differ from the two original cosmologists in the sense that they are differently positioned within this picturesque dialectical presentation of the universe. In other words, they are not simple copies, that is, a simple rectilinear repetition of them in TIME AND SPACE, as a result of infinite repetition [(recti) linear way of thinking]. If someone disputes their reproduction, the disputants are told that no creator of knowledge wants to stop either time or space, because they are not destroyers of anything created".
"In addition, creators of knowledge are very emotively emotionally sensitive, especially related to eternity DIA infinity, expressed in terms of the left footprints and impressions of time, in time DIA space, understood in terms of the least / tiniest, because thanks to the WISDOM of the Greatest of us all, these invisible but self-aware 'channels' enable them to survive and fulfill their life missions, while being, having, existing, living, acting and creating, in any environment. Or put another way, 'NATURAL' SELECTORS can, which has been demonstrated by them innumerable times both in the past and in the present, to prevent the creators of knowledge access to the eternity DIA infinity, understood in the sense of the greatest / most immense, that is, to close the 'sky arcade', putting them in (home) detention, prison, in the grave and the like (Jeremiah-37:16-21 & 38:1-6). At the same time DIA space, they cannot close these, for them, invisible channels of communication, that is, these channels for living and surviving in wider, in a further and deeper sense...." (A Possible Solution to the Cosmological Riddle, Jovanović, 2001).
a dialectical reinterpretation of the societal universe within the worlds of dialectics
Paired Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis
Synthese (Six-Pointed Star) DIA its Hexagon → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space
ETC. UNTIL the Temporary Conclusion of this considered Time, in the Time DIA Space, is reached
The main feature of this dialectical model of reality is the individual conception, apprehension and understanding of "things and relations" within this societal universe (INDIVIDUALIZATION) based on a dialectical way of thinking. For this reason, in this dialectical social universe, the individual, represented in the sense of thesis - antithesis, whether in the spiritual, mindual, rational or material sense ("so that they are no longer two persons, but one" - Matthew, 19:6), represents the basic unit of this societal model of reality. Remember, that the full meaning of the dialectical way of thinking is not in "thesis - antithesis", but rather in their resulting DIALECTIC SYNTHESIS DIA RENEWED THESIS: One renewed dialectical individual outcome of the three basic dialectical principles on a new level of time, in time DIA space, achieved through the dialectical summarization of this dialectical (both qualitative and non-qualitative) content by the dialectics of the dialectics DIA negations of negations, that is, countless initiated dialectical processes within the eternity DIA infinity of worlds of dialectics. READ: "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Three Basic Dialectical Principles, Aspects, Properties and Manifestations in the Time DIA Space."
A Dialectical Societal Universe
A static cross section in time DIA space
"This dialectical model of reality (dialectical universe) is graphically represented with various forms of stars at various stages of development. For example, within this social universe, each star represents an individual person in time DIA space, in various stages of development (age, social, societal, and cultural status, attained level of education and life experience, ....) In short, in the dialectical social universe, each dialectical individual unit has a (clearly distinguished) name (Holy Sign), as well as its own time DIA space within assigned world of the dialectics. Like any model of reality, this dialectical model of social reality is in fact also a dialectically idealized and simplified picture of reality painted and presented in accordance with the dialectical way of thinking. With this dialectical societal model of reality was demonstrated the fact that individual persons live, exist, act and create both individually and collectively in a specific social context. Within these dialectical worlds they evolve (maturing and gradually transforming) into various states and stages of development during the passage of this dialectical understanding of time and space".
"Pay special attention to the fact that each individual person within this dialectical model of reality retains his own time DIA space, as well as potentially his own worldview, including the potential possibility of obtaining the opportunity, understood in terms of its feasibility, to actively DIA creatively change the created social universe over time DIA space. This model of social reality also includes and depicts the so-called 'lone' stars, that is, individuals who do not want, for one reason or another, to accept the current 'state of affairs and relations' in the existing societal universe, as a convenient and suitable living environment for them. Or simply put, they are unable to (re)find their place in the external objectified reality (accepted by other persons), or in the so-called objectivistic reality (imposed by others). In this illustration, many team, collective and group formations were presented and shown (clusters of stars: constellations). They were formed by individuals with similar mindsets and worldviews. On the other hand, they could also simply be grouped into them, understood in terms of the manifestation of the objectivistic understanding of this dialectical content under consideration, using various means and methods of coercion or force, including the application of various 'soft' manifestations of power and compulsion".
5 . A static cross section in time DIA space Source: "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, 2001" |
"It is very important to emphasize that this picture of the social universe is in fact a statized cross section in time DIA space (STATICS). In other words, during time DIA space, individuals (individual dialectical units: dia-units) can, in some scenarios in time DIA the appropriate situation in space, change the selected (imposed) group, collective, team (DYNAMICS). For example, by changing the sports club, company, party, country, family (marriage, adoption).... In addition, they will be dialectically transformed during time DIA space into some new star form (DIALECTICS). For example, due to the aging process (becoming a pensioner, parent, etc.). At the same time DIA space, one individual person can be a member of various group or team formations. In short, every dialectical reinterpretation of the universe 'mirrors' and imitates the real universe both in the sense of the smallest [quantum world of dialectics (Micro-universe): Dialectul] and also in the most enormous, consisting of planets and satellites within some star system, within star constellations, clusters of galaxies and the like. At the same time, it is very important to emphasize that for some individuals (dia-units), it may be impractical to prevail and overcome the appropriate distances expressed in terms of time DIA space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter) within the created societal universe, that that is, to move freely from one 'star system, star constellation or galaxy' to another, for various reasons, both subjective, objectified and objective, as well as OBJECTIVISTIC reasons."
"From the above, it is evident that this dialectical social model of reality (societal universe) is able to modulate, emulate, simulate, 'follow' collective and individual ways of thinking, as well as their combination. What's more, it is able to emulate and simulate a hierarchical way of organizing, acting, creating and living, which is a recognizable characteristic of every (objectivistically) imposed social or societal universe through some kind of natiocratic force or coercion. Or in simpler words, the dialectics of dialectics DIA negation of negations, will dialectically summarize (synthesize) EVERY DIALECTICAL CONTENT in time DIA space, regardless of its quantitative - qualitative peculiarities, (more or less) good or bad nature, origin, ..... everything and all. Despite this possibility, note that in the dialectical long run, only the (most available) QUALITY will be retained within any manifestation of dialectical reality. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that this project study was written in order to support a human-loving, creative, individual way of thinking, as well as its (dialectical) collective interpretations, based on a dialectical way of thinking".
"As an orientation point in this dialectical understanding of time and space, the family and team collective organization can be used, based on the principles of freedom of choice of its members while taking into account the distinction between Good and bad (evil) options and choices. But the future development and progress of established societies, or this civilization within the existing dialectical societal universe dia numerous social star constellations also depends on many factors, both objectivistic, objective, objectified, and subjective, as well as the (great) individual. In other words, which model of reality DIA social universe will prevail in the future depends, in addition to the possibility of choice, i.e. the feasibility of making a choice (the concept of freedom of will DIA freedom of choice), to the great extent also depends on the way of choosing a good (right) versus an evil (wrong) alternative in the areas where it was created. This creator of knowledge hopes that the way of thinking presented in this project study or one similar to it, which takes into account the prosperity of humane lovingness (that is, humane beingness), (wo)mankind and humanity as a whole, will prevail in the future" (Dialectical Reinterpretation of the Universe, Jovanović, 2001).