The Hidden Cult of Darkness, of the Dead, of Infinite Martyrdom, and of Human Suffering
But the emotional insanity and madness described in the previous creative article is chronic in nature and appears to be incurable because it is from Cain inherited, that is, inborn. Transcarriers of this kind of various manifestations of cunning, malicious manifestation of emotional insanity (the infection of soul) do not know for the human pang of conscience, for mercy and the like, because 'they' DIA them belong to the Cain's offspring. Woe to that group formation, where 'they' DIA them prevailed and succeeded to crowd it like herd with a correspondingly inhuman way of thinking.
- In short, they dia them carry within themselves the innate Cain miserliness, envy, and hatred towards everything that reminds them of the original Garden of Eden (Eden) and the events in it. To recall, Cain killed his younger brother Abel out of envy (the mother of hatred), because the Lord God loved Abel's sacrifice more than his (stinginess: the mother of greed). For this reason, God spent more time with Abel than with him (jealousy), and therefore consistently rewarded far more fruits of Abel's labor (livestock) than his (agriculture). As punishment, Cain had gottn the killer's mark engraved on his forehead, while his offspring were cursed to bear these inhuman traits and characteristics in their natural (beastly) temper and nature, that is, until their inner being was cleansed of this original evil committed (sin): 1. Moses, Genesis 4.
- Unfortunately, during the further development of events outside the Garden of Eden, as a result of intermarriage through marital and extramarital relations between these two originally separated human genera, the situation was further complicated and worsened. From the remaining ancient records, it follows that the original shepherds (herdsmen) transformed into robbers (predecessors of military leaders and warriors), who gave their weapons intended to defend their livestock from beasts, a new purpose, that is, they began to use them to rob the fruits of the farmers' labor [instead of the original exchange of their products].
- Although all this looks like a story for small children, in reality, it is not like that, because the purpose and content of this type of cultural heritage and treasure of humanity will be recognized in everyday reality, at all levels of organization of modern natiocratic societies around the world.
- All of the above is in (complete) opposition to nurturing (inner) values, as well as to the traits and characteristics of true human beings based on them. Unlike these five-sense beings, human being innately intuits, feels, and senses the harmfulness of all these previously mentioned manifestations of emotional insanity and madness. In short, they still carry within themselves positive memories of the Garden of Eden, and for this reason, whenever they get the opportunity to do so, they try to implement it into everyday reality, rejoicing with their (modest) available means, i.e. celebrating their ancestors' reminiscences and memories of the Garden of Eden.
- As one example, consider again Christ's glorious supper with his disciples, even though He knew or had a premonition that it was the last supper and the last meal of His short life's journey through various paths, mostly covered with thorns. In other words, unlike foxes and birds, He did not have a permanent den or nest (Luke, 9-58), that is, Christ very often slept in the open sky with his followers, eating what nature provided them. It is also recorded in the New Testament, how his disciples, in order to satisfy their hunger, pick and eat the heads of grain on the Sabbath (Saturday), and were criticized for such behavior (Matthew, 12-1:8, Mark, 2-23:28 , Luke, 6-1:5). For this reason, whenever they had the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of life that this Great Room of God provides, they did so under the guidance of Christ.
- Just pay attention, to how Christ enjoys while a girl (Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus) anoints him with expensive perfume oil so that the whole house is filled with the smell of this perfume, which his disciples would rather sell for money and feed the poor, including them. Christ responds to this type of display of stinginess in a manner that says that they will always have the poor with them, while they will not have Him (Matthew, 26-6:13). For all these reasons, it is no surprise that this divine and human behavior (rarely, and from time to time) was exaggerated to such an extent that the envious and greedy of that time called Christ "a glutton and a drunkard" (Matthew, 11-16:19).
- Keep in mind that such a lavishly furnished Great Room, which is noticeable even in the desert, barren spaces, as well as in cold icy expanses, could only be designed and furnished by someone (the Living God) who truly knows how to enjoy the blessings of life, even though it is a copy of the Paradise Garden. In other words, the Lord God was not so cruel and stingy, even when He was punishing Adam, Eve, and their descendants, otherwise, He would not have given them this Great, Pleasant Room of His to reproduce in it [1. Moses, Genesis - 1:28, Heavenly Version of the Creation of the Human Being], as well as to get rid of Cain's sin: the original spilled human blood.
- On the other hand, Cain's evil-spiritual offspring, even when they have (huge) material and financial resources and opportunities, seem unable to rejoice or truly enjoy the benefits of such a life. In short, all those infected with the Cain syndrome, including their innate miserliness will try to satisfy their insatiable greed: to take possession of everything they can reach with their five senses, while their representatives of (deeply) vulgarized simple mind and their offspring, the profit acquired in some (inhumane) way will spend in various ways of manifesting simpletons [the devil gave, the devil took]. Moreover, some of them will use their acquired wealth to cause harm to others or for living over others, as their way of expressing enjoyment and pleasure, as well as the ultimate purpose and meaning of their assigned life.
- Besides, these self-conceitedly all-knowing and all-possessing minions, favorites, and representatives of the (inter)national network of darkness believe that money can buy everything, including God's greatest gift: the innate gift and talent of creativity. And it is precisely this lack, weakness, and lack of this talent, including their innate inability to feel pleasure, as well as a sense of inner satisfaction, true enjoyment, and joy in a broader, further, and deeper sense of this notion leads them (with the speed of their darkened light) to these insidious manifestations of emotional madness and insanity.
In other words, these layers of inner darkness in 'their kingdoms' are so deeply embedded in some of them, because these type of darkness was imprinted there from the very beginning with more dangerous and more cunning manifestations of the emotional madness, such as envy, jealousy, malice, hatred, and (insatiable) greed.
From this perspective of the manifestation of various types of emotional insanity and madness, the rejection of my doctoral dissertation not only in Denmark but also much more widely should also be viewed, as well as the prevention in different ways to get a job in accordance with the minimum requirements of my acquired qualifications, including the vast knowledge and experience in the field of information technologies [especially at that time and space: the end of the twentieth century], i.e. pushing me to the bottom of their natiocratic pyramid. Despite these efforts of theirs, they have not succeeded in preventing me from carrying out the ultimate purpose of my life's mission in this evil-dominated world, that is, to write creative articles, which can be read by anyone with access to the Internet. And what is the worst realization and awareness for them, or humiliation for them if you will, these creative articles were written in my spare time using my modest available personal funds, and not at the expense of society including private institutions and organizations. Unlike me, they receive fat salaries for their (very) modest creative abilities, working in well-equipped offices, as well as enjoying other benefits that the taxpayer's money enables and allows. Moreover, some of these articles were written in Internet cafes throughout Western Europe, because moving "belly for bread", or being driven by the (inter)national dark network from one city to another, a heavy personal computer and printer is impossible to carry with.
All this shows the strength and power of the spirit in cooperation with mind and reason, filtered through the prism of common sense, which creatively breaks and demolishes everything before it, including their barricades of cold iron, hearts of ice and stone. Since the members of this inhuman genus, gathered in various international and national networks of darkness, continue to nurture the cult of the dead and martyrdom, the end result of which is the continuous suffering of human-loving beings, that is, they continue to cultivate the traditions of the ancient ‘fraternal temples of the Brotherhood of Darkness’,
- This previously described innate tendency of theirs towards the destruction of everything created by God, (Arch)Angels, their followers, as well as by human beings, that is, the annulment of life and the benefits of its enjoyment in the ultimate sense of this term, led to the founding of a pre-ancient secret society: 'Brotherhood of the Temples of Darkness'. In short, their main goal is, generally speaking, the destruction of all living things through insidious action, i.e. nurturing the cult of darkness, martyrdom and suffering of mankind and human race and their offspring.
these creative articles must not be misused for implementation of their hidden goals of darkness, and especially not to further foster this inhuman cult, or to preserve any manifestation of natiocratism, generally speaking.
For your proper orientation and navigation in this dialectical understanding of time and space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter], this modern manifestation of the 'ancient temples of the brotherhood of darkness' leads this evil-dominated world into their very understanding and manifestation of paradise: The dark hole (unlike the black hole) of which not only the ray of light cannot come out, but also a darkened spirit trapped in this manifestation of time in space [Now and There (where eternal darkness reigns)]. For this reason, human beings as individuals need to cleanse their inner kingdoms by removing the accumulated darkness (committed evil), that is, to accumulate light [good: Matthew-25 (from generation to generation)] and then to set off towards the higher worlds in the spiritual sense where if not good prevails, it is at least better than here on earth, especially if these observed trends continue. In that case, do not pay any attention to their offers of many paradises after biological death.
A little more about the Kingdom of Sky, as well as about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God
From this it follows (Matthew-25) that this inner light (accumulated good in the inner being), as a kind of universal currency and a means for undertaking various kinds of journeys, including also creative journeys, is usefull both during every manifestation of the apocalypse (the end of the world) and the day of judgment as well as before of it on an individual level, that is, after thy personal manifestation of the apocalypse (death). Pay attention that even during the end of the world, Christ does not describe the kingdom of heaven (read also, John 18:36), that is, the outer expanses of the macro-universe [kingdom of sky, in this particular case] in the sense of something perfectly created, but rather as something of medium quality (50℅ - 50℅ ), within which certain key dialectical events are beyond the reach of human influence (extinguishing or dying of the sun, stars, super nova or gamma ray burst, etc.), or as an individua has (very) limited or no influence on these predetermined dialectical events.
For this reason, every human being should focus its attention to the continuous cleaning and nurturing of the sown seed of good [Parable of the Mustard Seed, Luke, 13:18-19], as well as to the additional accumulation of good through the further humanization of its inner being, also understood in the sense of doing good by helping other (good) human beings, disseminating and spreading that light from this torch of goodness. In other words, it should not be "buried" in the grave without further enrichment and refinement, i.e. like that lazy servant burying it like a bag of gold, considering that he is already ready for the kingdom of heaven
- because whoever does not do that, what (s)he has will be taken away, and given to that one who most enriched, ennobled, and humanized his inner being (kingdom of God).
- Or to put it another way, with so much wealth accumulated in such a way (good and light) within you (actually borrowed), it doesn't even make sense to join this type of (extraordinary) evacuation, because you wouldn't have got far [permanent capture of your inner kingdom], and for this reason, rather before the beginning of this long and uncertain journey, it is better to give it to the winner of this interplay of life and death, that is, the final battle of life and death in this particular case.
- Or to put it another way, in this puzzling story of Christ, it is actually about a borrowed good (the inner holy light) in order to get the opportunity to enjoy the advantages of being given two hands, as well as to walk on two legs, upright, proud, and worthy of a human being.
- In other words, a forehead of a human-loving being should be turned towards the sky (and the dialectical happenings in it) during the allotted life span, that is, symbolically directed towards the heavens and the heavenly values (heavenly kingdom) in order to still get the opportunity to enjoy also the future fruits of this dialectical understanding the eternity of times (and the infinity of spaces), that is, the various lengths of the allotted duration of (human) life.
All this previously said related to the inner spaces is in complete agreement with the well-known words of Christ: The kingdom of God is within thee (Luke, 17:21), that is, there thou should look for the narrow gate, God's path illuminated and enlightened by the spirit, as well as the key which opens the appropriate heavenly realm according to thy abilities and merits.
Methodological Comprehending of the (Recti) Linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE US
On the other hand, since followers of the physical universe school armed with their five scientific senses still perceive SPACE solely as SOMETHING OUTSIDE US, it is no wonder or surprise that they try to find a solution to every problem in these vast outer spaces, including traveling through the past in a physical (bodily) sense, using the wormholes of space for that purpose. Although this creator of knowledge supports and encourages distant travel and conquest of the cosmos, it is done for more human motives [it is better and more humane to spend available financial, material, human resources for this purpose than for making wars, for example], as well as from human creative motives and reasons [the creation of knowledge, as well as creativity in general, is the favorite occupation and pastime of God and His followers, a not the destruction of all created].
Or expressed it in another way, this creator of knowledge is also aware that the higher the level of knowledge achieved is, understood in the sense of distinguishing good from evil, someone or some of you have reached a higher level of humanization of their inner being, i.e. permeated, enlightened, and re-enlightened its inner being with good (Luke, 13:20-21). And especially if these great individuals became role models for others as a counterpart to various natiocratic ideologues, 'theologians' and other trouble-makers, simple-minded ones, and simpletons, oppressors and destroyers of everything that bears a human character and epithet.
innner spaces
Regardless of that, this creator of knowledge still believes that the key and solution to these previously mentioned creative challenges should be sought in the inner spaces (time in space: the future in the spirit) by undertaking appropriate creative journeys, and not exclusively in these outer spaces (space in time: embedded matter in the past). How much creative potential and hidden treasure is hidden in these inner expanses of the universe in miniature is also shown by the fact that by undertaking suitable creative journeys, lost knowledge can be revived, enigmatic dialectoses and parables of the ancient past can be deciphered. In short, the enigmatic puzzle of the dialectical understanding of time and space has being mapped ("copied") by thee through the dialectical interplay and creative cooperation of inner time in space (the future hidden in spirit) and this outer earthly space in time (matter embedded in the past) within the dialectical medium of time [thy (spiritual) emotively emotional presence (NOW and THERE) dia thy creative physical presence (HERE and NOW)] and the corresponding medium of space (thy mind dia reason).
Abstract Methodological Creative Framework: Four Key Concepts of the Dialectical Understanding of Time and Space, expressed through its Two Paired Dialects: Time in Space ⇄ Space in Time DIA Medium of Time ⇄ Medium of Space
In other words, from this hidden and invisible future in spirit (time in space) variously shaped pieces (dialectuls) of this enigmatic image are transmitted in the spiritual sense, using two typical human senses: the sense of presentiment and the sense of feeling thy self (THERE and NOW), which are then incorporated into this five-sensory space in time in the physical (material) sense (HERE and NOW), continuously unfolding, dissembling, and reassembling this enigmatic puzzle of the dialectical understanding of time and space. Furthermore, this described methodological procedure and technique in worlds where good prevails over evil can be used to transfer knowledge from higher worlds, that is, to exchange created knowledge despite the huge distances of time and space that separate them. In short, there is a possibility that instead of being sent by spaceship for training and education across the vast physical distances of the macro-universe, this type of students from worlds where Good over Evil prevails is sent through the invisible pores - spores of the inner universe in small, tasting "the fruits of the tree of discernment of good from evil".
Although this also sounds like science fiction, keep in mind, in the world where evil prevails over Good, everything belongs to the world of unrealizable fantasy. For your proper orientation and navigation in time and space, the closest star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, actually a red dwarf, which is 4.3 light years away. With the existing level of technological development to get there is equal to the capabilities of a snail to overcome the distance from one end of the continent to the other, provided that he overcomes all the obstacles and dangers that await him on his way. However, from the point of view of the dialectical understanding of space and time, which includes dialectical changes, it is clear that there is no future there, even for a short-term stay, because this star is older than the sun. Other stars with habitable planets are also a pipe dream, seen from this dialectical point of view. In other words, one needs to untangle a star that is now being born, as well as to predict that it will have a habitable planet similar to Earth, in order for it to make sense to go in that direction considered from the point of view of common sense. Of course, the words "in that direction" should be understood in a dialectical sense, and not in the (recti) linear conception and understanding of space and time, because in worlds, which are dominated by dialectical changes, nothing stands in the same place, and waits for someone, which is not easy to determine, that is, it requires some form of manifestation of inner spiritual guidance. In any case, it follows from all of this that the solution is found in the inner spaces, where the necessary knowledge for this adventure into the unknown comes from, which is again in complete agreement with Christ's words: The Kingdom of God is within thee.
Dialectical Understanding of the Spiritual DIA Mindual Intellect
Ending this long story, instead of briefly presenting the used concept of Retrospective Recollection and Reminding, you are given the option to read four creative articles dedicated to this concept, while as another option, you are offered to read the deciphering and decoding of Plato's dialectos "Timaeus", that is, to see how this much broader concept of the Mental dia Emotive Emotional Intelligence can be applied in (creative) reality.
READ: Plato Timaeus - Part One: The hidden knowledge of Plato's Demiurge