(Recti) linear Understanding of Space and Time from a Dialectical Methodological Perspective Seen
(Recti) linear Understanding of Space and Time, seen from a Dialectical Perspective
Dialectical Understanding of Time [future, emotively emotional presence dia physical presence, past] and Space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter] in Picture and 4 Key Concepts, expressed by its Two Paired Dialects: Time in Space ⇄ Space in Time DIA Medium of Time ⇄ Medium of Space
Source: Proposal for a Potential Ph.D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Jovanović, 1999
The rectilinear understanding of space and time lasted until the appearance of this creator of knowledge on this magnificent creative scene. The main characteristic of this way of space and time understanding is that it ignores the power and force of dialectical change, which comes more and more to the fore as one looks further into the far expanses of both the macrouniverse (universe) and the microuniverse (dialectical worlds of quanta, i.e. dialectuls). As a result of this lack of the sense of sight, including various auxiliary "glasses" ("powerful" telescopes), it gradually moves into the world of science fiction, i.e. cognition, discernment, and distinction are lost between (everyday) reality (space in time: Here and Now) and potential reality (time in space: Now and There). Or expressed this in the (recti) linear way of space and time understanding, the distinction between past, present, and future is erased and disappears.
As a consequence and lack of this way of space and time understanding, a paradoxical situation arises that some very distant but still shining star seen and measured at the speed of light actually (long ago) stopped shining. Or expressed through the prism of the dialectical understanding of time and space, the physical presence of this (illusory, falsely shining, non-existent) star passed, transformed, and disappeared in this (recti) linear way of the past understanding, while in its place something new and different arose and was born through the transformation of this potential reality (time in space: future in spirit) into reality (space in time: embedded matter in the past), which is, for now, invisible with the sense of sight following the linear path of the (speed of) light. In other words, the current understanding of the secrets of distant space and time, that is, the more one moves away from the present [space in time: the usable range of the world ruled by the five basic human senses], the more and more one moves into the imprecise and illusory world of the past, that is, into the world of the future [time in space: Now and There].
Methodological Inconsistencies of the (Recti) linear Understanding of Space and Time
It should be emphasized here that seen from the methodological perspective of this model of reality, this already outdated understanding of space and time can in fact only follow the material events within the physical universe as a form of their manifestation and understanding of space in time (a model of reality that includes both the macrouniverse and the microuniverse), where the photon (of light) is the existing understanding of the concept of the smallest (their understanding of the term dialectul: the ultimate limit of the action of physical laws represented as zero space distance expressed and measured by zero time), which is in complete agreement with the speed of light as the ultimate range of travel speed within the physical universe.
- In short, according to Einstein, the speed of light is absolute and unchanging, that is, it is the same inside airless space (299,792 kilometers per second) for all (inert) observers, regardless of the speed at which this observer is traveling, who is measuring it, or how fast this person measures it. Or to put it another way, the amount of energy necessary to move it any faster will also be infinite, that is, beyond the boundaries of the operation of known physical laws. In short, within this model of reality (Special Theory of Relativity: 1905), in accordance with the classical dialectical methodological approach, space (thesis) and time (antithesis) are synthesized into spacetime (synthesis), which is constructed in such a way that the distance traveled by a light ray is always zero. This presented Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity: (1905) with its light-speed limit works locally but not globally.
- In the General Theory of Relativity (1915, 1916), the concept of spacetime was further refined, when Einstein realized that it was possible that gravity was not a field or force but a property of this synthesized spacetime itself. In short, this supernatural manifestation of this still enigmatic and beyond comprehension source of gravity, which can also act as a repulsive and repelling force, causing that the recession velocities (receding: moving away from a observer) to be infinitely great, and for this reason, independent of the speed of light.
Ultimate Result of the Classical Dialectical Method Application in the Rectilinear Understanding of Space and Time: Space (Thesis), Time (Antithesis), Space-Time (Synthesis)
Despite Einstein's efforts to enable the explanation of some Macrouniverse phenomena, he did not manage to apply this General Theory of Relativity within the Microuniverse (dialectical worlds of quanta or elementary (sub)particles). In my opinion, the main cause of this is the methodological assumptions and settings of his model of reality, where the macrouniverse and the microuniverse are lumped into the same basket even though they represent inverse forms and manifestations of each other.
- In other words, the huge distances of the vast expanses of universe limited by the maximum speed of light movement, and thus the necessary time to physically overcome it in the (recti) linear sense, represent the main obstacle, these dialectical distances of the macro-universe in a continuous process of change to express by means of quantitative (dynamic) mathematics, considered from the point of view of human common sense.
- On the other hand, within the micro-universe, the small, tiny and decreasing distances of space are not only limited by the maximum speed of light, but also by their physical (material) understanding of the concept of the smallest and massless (photon), and thus sooner or later, it is impossible that the space beyond this ultimate physical limit is perceived and registered by the sense of sight, as well as to physically measure it spatially and express it temporally in the rectilinear sense, is also a shortcoming of this way of understanding space and time applied in these ghostly or spiritual worlds of dialectics.
- It also follows from this, seen from a methodological point of view, that this static photon-limited micro-universe also requires a static macro-universe, as a methodological prerequisite to start developing such a comprehensive theory of relativity, including a more suitable model of reality. However, if it is a dynamic macro-universe, that is, the universe continues to expand infinitely and forever, in that case, due to this methodological inconsistency, this previously developed static model of reality would not function properly in these new dynamic circumstances.
- But the biggest obstacle to the development of a comprehensive theory of relativity are the seen and still unseen dialectical changes that are continuously occurring in the universe (and beyond it), which cannot be expressed quantitatively using general (everyday) mathematics.
- Moreover, even if all these mentioned obstacles were to be overcome in some (magical) scientific way, including all the previously mentioned methodological inconsistencies and shortcomings, that is, such a comprehensive theory of relativity was developed, including the corresponding physical photon-limited model of reality (zero distance of space mathematically expressed and measured by zero elapsed time), which would function properly in the micro-universe and the macro-universe, sooner or later it would only open the question of its applicability or inapplicability in the physically unobservable inner worlds of dialectics, and thus with the invisible happenings in these non-photon expanses of both the micro-universe and the macro-universe.
- Seen from a methodological point of view, the dialectical understanding of time and space returns and redirects the creative discussion towards these currently unsolvable creative challenges, both of the physical worlds of the dialectic (macro-universe and micro-universe), and with the five scientific senses imperceptible inner worlds of the dialectic. And that is the purpose and the main goal of methodology in general, and thus of every developed methodological approach (dialectical interactive approach in this particular case).
In short, as above was emphasized, the invisible representations (ghosts) of the macrouniverse [time in space, i.e. the hidden future in the spirit: Now and There] and their (spooky) transition, transformation, and metamorphosis into space in time [matter embedded in this manifestation of the past, i.e. the distant future], the events in the microuniverse are even more spooky, that is, it is not necessary to cross such a great distance of space and time to enter this dialectical world of the rule of ghosts, within which it is impossible in a (recti) linear sense of space and time understanding, to clearly and precisely determine where the past and the future begin, and where it originates, that is, where the present is currently.
In other words, into the world of the domination of dialectical changes has been entered, where change, i.e. the transition, transformation, and metamorphosis of one state into another is (far) faster than their duration, which is inversely compared to the events in the world of the rule of the five senses [Newton's understanding and the usable range of public space and public time: the world of real appearance and awareness, that is, reality] as well as in Einstein's understanding of space and time, but only in the scope of the (potentially) reachable macrouniverse, but not in the ghostly realm of the observable universe with the sense of sight, as it was previously clear elaborated, and especially not in the still invisible parts of the universe which, due to the light speed limit, have not yet reached thy or your current physical presence. If this is compared to the currently accessible parts of space in terms of the current attainable speed of movement with the available level of knowledge, i.e. the actual reach of modern science and technology, it seems that traveling (approximately) at the speed of light also belongs to the world of imagination and dreams.
If to this is added that this methodological approach (dialectical interactive approach) clearly denied another ghostly form of travel through the past using the concept of wormholes of the macrouniverse,
- a model of reality based on a (recti) linear understanding of space and time, which allows one the possibility of killing one's own grandfather following the (recti) linear flow of space and time by traveling back into the past in the physical sense, that is, correcting the sequence of events, correcting the mistakes made in the previous life, undoing the committed sins against others, and the like,
the picture of the shortcomings of this still indisputably ruling (recti) linear understanding of space and time is even more complete. In short, seen from the methodological point of view, the final effect (consequence) cannot overcome and overpower the distance and gap that separates it from its cause [to return reverse: methodological concept cause → effect (consequence)], even in the sense of a methodologically achievable (recti) linear understanding of space and time. In short, it would be equivalent to calculating the ultimate value of a root of two, the PI value of a circle, or the ultimate decimal value within the realm of any two numbers, that is, to overcome the gap that separates them in absolute terms. And let me remind you, all these unsolvable problems of everyday dynamic mathematics belong to the realm of (recti) linear understanding of space and time, unlike the creative challenges of dialectical mathematics, which fall under the realm of a dialectical understanding of time and space.
On the other hand, following the primary law of dialectics, this form of dialectical change presented with dialectical synthesis [biological death, in this particular case] DIA renewed thesis [some form of manifestation of rebirth or renewal of worlds of dialectics on a new level of the dialectical understanding of time and space] as an end result of the action of the dialectics of dialectics dia negations of the negations, it can no longer go back as a consequence of the final separation of time in space [the future hidden in the spirit] from space in time [matter embedded in the past: the disappearance and annulment of the physical presence of the body in time DIA space]. In other words, this manifestation of space in time irretrievably disappears [in the infinite depths of the past] through the creation and realization of this (until then) potential future (in spirit) preserved in the core of this kind of manifestation of time in space, including the reuse and recycling of this disappearing space in time (embedded matter in the past) through its gradual dialectical transition, transformation and metamorphosis from this dialectical state to another. For additional Info, read:
Static Dialect
Ultimate Upshot of the Implementation of the Concept of Absolute Truth in the Rectilinear Space and Time
STATIC DIALECT: In the meantime, particularly after the appearing global way of thinking in all spheres of human (creative) action, all existing methodological methods, including the previously mentioned classic dialectical model (thesis - antithesis synthesis), were outdated due to their static way of thinking. In other words, they were no longer able to follow the dynamic properties of this changed world, let alone dialectics, whose basic feature is continuous changes of worlds of dialectics. Here there is no need to be mentioned the ability of following dialectical scenarios in time DIA appropriate situations in space, in this modern (paganic: quarrelling) world, which is in the state of continual changes. This creator of knowledge, studing "International Business Economics" in Denmark, spent some time on the "problematic of dynamics", by crowning this period of his creative acting with the master's thesis, dedicated to the development of the first dynamic business (netmodal management) model. This DYNAMIC model was based on a much more human-loving implementation of the basic ideas of the NETWORK methodological approach, which was developed at Uppsala University in Sweden.
And then by concurrence of the life circumstances, he has shown again the interest for the dialectical way of thinking. Seen from the perspective of the dialectical interactive approach, the classical dialectical model of reality represented by the triad of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is outdated, because it was developed within the creative framework of (RECTI) LINEAR UNDERSTANDING OF SPACE AND TIME by applying the dialectical way of thinking of the 19th century. Note, there is no "synthesis DIA the renewed thesis" in this kind of the dialectical of thinking, as well as they avoid to emphasise dynamical features of this methodological approach (made static), that is, the crucial words: "IN TIME AND SPACE". The final result of this classical dialectical method is the emergence and manifestation of a type of absolute truth (dogma) that is very difficult to contradict, let alone change, and for this reason it is still very applicable to the functioning of modern natiocratic political systems supported by the appropriate way of thinking.
Pair Dialect
Couple Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis
Synthese DIA "G" → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space
ETC. in the Time DIA Space UNTIL has been reached
"G" → The Temporal Conclusion of / in the Time DIA Space
COUPLE DIALECT: From the aforementioned, you are now capable to conclude why a triangle, following the basic principles of the dialectical way of thinking DIA the proposed dialectic interactive approach, was used to represent a dialect in time DIA space, including also both of these triangles (couple dialect). Due to the postulate of the dialectical way of thinking that nothing (with)in the world of dialectics is able to exist i.e. to be created without simultaneous existing both time and space, and that the time and space as well, is not able to exist without each other, all dialectical relations within the dialectical interactive approach are presented as PAIR DIALECTS expressed in terms of the thesis and antithesis of the corresponding concepts of the dialectical understanding of time and space. This rule applies even if it is a (dialectical) monologue of a single speaker.
Do not forget that in accordance with the dialectical interactive approach, although it is about one person, the monologue as a form of conversation represents in fact a dialectical interplay between the medium of time (emotively emotional presence dia physical presence) with the corresponding medium of space (mind dia reason) in this deeper and in the broader sense of this methodological approach. Perceive that both thesis and antithesis were presented with the (dialectically contradicted) triangles because both of them contain some dialectical quality, and which in accordance with the dialectical way of thinking can be ONLY preserved by a further qualitatively synthesising in time DIA space during a dialectical creative séance, understood in terms of the related dialectical creatively interactive processes initialisation within these most simplified (triangular) surfaces. Or more simply said, this quality can not be preserved within a line or a dot. On the other hand, as it will be later in more detail demonstrated, in the dialectical interactive approach the point is neither in the couple dialect of thesis - antithesis [the initial scenario in time DIA situation in space], nor in their synthesis [six-pointed star] but rather in the RENEWED THESIS (G - hexagon) of this dialectical interactive contents, which is continually dialectically creative contradicted by multi-faceted RENEWED ANTITHESIS within the [creative framework of this] endless deepness of six-pointed star(s) DIA hexagons, respectively in the TEMPORARY CONCLUSION (G - final hexagon) of this initiated dialectical séance (process) in time DIA space, as a final (but EACH TIME temporal) creative upshot of a myriad (renewed DIA complementary couples of) thesis ⇄ antithesis of the participants of that creative discussion. For this reason, in full agreement with this methodological approach, the thesis and antithesis have to match, coincide, and correspond to each other in sense of their suitability, understood in terms of the expressed creativity and quality of creative concept, supported by argumentation instead of arguing with each other in order to be successfully paired with one another, especially with regard to the subject that is creatively considered.
Bear in mind, this approach is not a militant one as the existing ruling ways of thinking, where all communication takes place on the PRINCIPLES of various forms of manifestation of hierarchical superiority (position on the social ladder, belonging to a class, caste...), forcing the interlocutor in this typical natiocratic way during some creative discussion, not to express his creative potential (to the end), to keep quiet, or to say what 'they' want to hear.
On the other hand, in the dialectical interactive approach based on the dialectical understanding of time and space, the participant in the (multilateral) dialogue should be silent while listening carefully to the other dialogue interlocutor, as well as (obligatory) keeps quiet when (s)he has NOTHING CREATIVELY to say DIA supplement her/him. For more information, related to the left traces (imprints DIA impressions of dialectics) in time DIA space, as well as the use of the dialectical interactive approach in the ancient age, with more than two partakers, read "The Book of Job" in the Old Testament, or Socrates' dialogs, which were noted down by Plato. Particularly, if you are allergic to the dialectoses, preserved in the Holy Books and Scriptures, or if the multi-faceted dialogs are too complex dialectical content, to be digested (with)in your (merged) simple(st) mind.
Six-Pointed Star
SIX-POINTED STAR: After the participants of this dialogue have confronted each other with their ideas and thoughts, or within a monologue, in the sense of thinking about the presented content of the started dialogue, i.e. carefully listening to their interlocutor, understood in the sense of synthesizing the exposed dialectical interactively creative content, symbolized or graphically represented with the pair dialect (of triangles) of the thesis DIA antithesis, the dialectical interactive process related to the dialectical content under creative consideration can be initiated within the framework of this dialectical understanding of time and space. After the careful and fundamental RAZmatranja of the exposed dialectical creatively interactive content RAStresajući RAZnovrsne RAZloge (logos) DIA RAZmatrajući, RAŠčlanjujući, RAZlikujući and RASuđujući DIA RAZborito (analytic) and RAZložno RAZgledanje, RAZaznavanje, RASpoznavanje, RAZabiranje, RAZdvajanje within an invisible but therefore imaginary imaginable "pore-spore" (kingdom of hers/his), managed finally RAStumačiti and RAZrešiti RAZlike on the RAZnim RAZinama (levels), RASponima and RAZmerama RASpremivši, RASplevši i RAZmrsivši, RAZdeljene, RASute, RAZasute, RAŠtrkane, RAZbacane, RASpršene, RAZlomljene dialectuls of the time DIA space in the RASprostranjenom and RASkošnom RAZumu of that initiated dialectical RAZdoblja, and finally, they made the decision to present this interactively creative dialectical content under consideration in terms of a Synthesis (the end result of this dialectical synthesizing in time and space) DIA the Renewed (Qualitatively Supplemented) thesis.
This state of dialogue considered through initiated dialectical interactive processes in time DIA space (Dialectical Synthesis / Summary), in accordance with the primordial approach to the illumination of the unknown within the framework of this dialectical understanding of time and space, is symbolized with the six-pointed ("David's") star DIA its hexagon, while "DIA renewed thesis, i.e. supplemented antithesis" was symbolized with the centrally positioned six-pointed star DIA its inner hexagon, which is already imaginable within this previous, larger hexagon. Note that although this dialectical process can "theoretically" go on eternally, that is, "creatively quantitatively" travel in the sense of eternity of time DIA infinity of space (innumerable six-pointed stars DIA corresponding hexagons), sooner or later this traveler is forced to get out of this creative loop, along the way, creatively synthesizing and summarizing that dialectical interactive content of the captured time DIA space, with the aim of exposing the brought knowledge, as well as to reconsider it through the acquired experiences and knowledge from this creative journey. Following this pattern of thought, the initiated dialog has to be ended with a dialectical synthesis DIA the (temporary) conclusion, and this state in time DIA space was symbolized with the end of traveling of these initiated two triangles of the couple dialect, in the so-called position "the back to back" (♦ ≈ with vertical ◄►). To feel the difference between the dialectical interactive approach [Synthesis DIA Amended thesis .... the Renewed antithesis .... until a (provisional, temporary) Conclusion in time DIA space was achieved] and the static dialectical approach (Synthesis of the thesis and antithesis in the linearly presented time and space), read again the dialectical content dedicated to the dialectical comprehension of the notion "DOT" (in the previous part of this creative article).
Ellipse and Circle DIA Crescent
Human Being
ELLIPSE and CIRCLE DIA CRESCENT: In pre-ancient symbolism round and elliptical surfaces represented symbols for eternity DIA infinity, while in today's modern science it could, for example, represent the expansion of the cosmos, the growth of something, because the surfaces of these heavenly bodies could not be divided by a triangle in the finite sense. In other words, there always remains a quarter of the moon [first quarter, last lunar quarter or any other lunar quarter, or crescent], or a quarter of any other round celestial body, as the end result of this futile and illusory division in time and space. In short, ellipse and circle can be only divided by a straight or circular line into various types of the crescent. In ancient higher knowledge, for a more detailed explanation of some dialectical content under creative consideration and questioning, an ellipse was used as the symbol for imperfection, while a circle was used, as the symbol for the perfection. Dialectically synthesising this dialectical content, the circle was used for the creative uttering, understood in terms of the implementation of the pre-ancient comprehending the role of culture and science during an initiated creative debate, which required far higher level of the perfection, understood in terms of precision, compared to the pre-ancient comprehending the role of philosophy and art, whose task was to "deviate and squirm" a little bit this creative content with their imperfection. Or expressed in another way, to disrupt and proactively prevent the creation of a "perfect" world in time DIA space, as an obstacle for any kind of creative manifestation of the "Tower of Babel", which is easily observable and perceivable to anyone, who is illuminated DIA re-enlightened, and who has lived in this modern (automatic, unfeeling, greedy ....) world.
Reinterpreting this from the perspective of the dialectical way of thinking, the objective of this is to prevent a scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in space, within which prevails the bipolarly binary way of thinking (black/white, yes/no, ...). Recall, the point of the dialectical interactive approach is neither in the thesis, nor the antithesis, nor in the thesis-antithesis (couple dialect), and for this reason, neither in the (concluded (recti)linear) synthesis, but rather in the previously interpreted dialectical synthesis DIA the renewed thesis .... DIA the amended and supplemented antithesis .... until [each time] a temporary conclusion was reached, that is able to encompass the quality of that concrete span of the (considered) time DIA the appropriate scope of space. Keep in mind, for your orientation in terms of the dialectical understanding of time and space, each manifestation of the dialectical universe, either in terms of the smallest dia the largest one, is in a continual state of dialectical change. In other words, it is in a continuous state of dialectical transition, transformation and metamorphoses, as a consequence of the acting three basic dialectical principles, aspects, and manifestations of time, in time DIA space. As a result, such a kind of (immense accumulated) DEVIATION in time DIA space, as it can be in terms of the largest one, for example, the so-called Olber's paradox of the space in time (matter captured within the past), manifested as a clearer and more distinct seeing the face of past (events), the further you look into space. In other words, this phenomenon is a result DIA consequence of the absence of thy physical presence there, where thou art already present in the emotively emotional sense [time in space: future in spirit].
Triad of Crosses DIA (one) Cross
Triad of Crosses DIA One Cross in Time DIA Space
TRIAD OF CROSSES DIA (ONE) CROSS: In the pre-ancient science, when precision was of the critical significance, understood in sense of the active creative presence of the creator (of knowledge), as it is, for example, the thematic of quantum physics (Micro-universe), then the circle containing a six-pointed star DIA hexagons was divided with two diagonal crosses and one cross, respectively with the three crosses DIA (one) cross, depending on which position of the twelve available ones thou art situated, as well as depending from the viewpoint thou art watching this picture. In dynamic sense of the considered two-dimensional space, this graphical illustration actually represents the turning of the cross DIA the rotation of the imprints of (one) cross in time DIA space that is altogether a base of the DIALECTICAL ONENESS and unity. Understood in a dialectical sense, this makes the methodological basis of the dialectical triad (trinity) DIA unity and oneness (with)in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces.
- In the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity within the dialectical understanding of time and space, developed and presented by this creator of knowledge in full agreement with the dialectical interactive approach, this TRINITY OF CROSSES DIA (ONE) CROSS was symbolically represented by Father (thesis), the Son ( antithesis), the Holy Spirit (synthesis) DIA their Unity and Oneness through the (hidden, true holy-spiritual) action of the IMMORTAL God (renewed thesis) from the eternity of time dia the infinity of space.
- On the other hand, reading the official doctrines of the Holy Trinity of the divided Christendom, they were interpreted in accordance with the classical dialectical approach as Father (thesis), Son (antithesis), Holy Spirit (synthesis), which from time to time led to the establishment of different church dogmas, and thus leading to division, schism, as well as the further institutionalization of Christianity, which was accompanied by an appropriate theological reorganization of the church and the emergence of new theological and church institutions.
- Seen from a methodological point of view, in fact, the application of the classical dialectical approach led to the gradual reduction and interpretation of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in terms of the worldly dual → bipolar dia binary way of thinking, the most famous of which is the theological dilemma: does the Holy Spirit proceed from the (God-) Father (Orthodox Church) or from the Father and the Son (Catholic Church and Protestant Churches)? Although they accuse each other of exaggerating or neglecting the role of the Father or the Son, in fact, the role of the Holy Spirit in their presented doctrine of the Holy Trinity was neglected and diminished in this way: The Lamp of God scans the inner being of a woman, a man; it investigates her, his innermost being" (Proverbs: 20:27), and then compare it with Luke, 6-43:49.
- In short, as usual, earthly values are exaggerated in relation to heavenly values [heavenly treasure (is hidden in thee)], which does not make any sense, especially if they truly believe that the concept of the Holy Trinity is about one and the same personality. Or to put it another way, in this particular case, primacy was given to the earthly version of the creation of the Earth (Genesis-2:4-25) over the heavenly human version of the creation of the heavens DIA earthens (Genesis-1 & 2:1 -3). As a result of such giving priority to worldly values (earthly treasure) in collaboration with the ruling natiocratic powers and the mighy ones, this also contributes to the construction of various earthly "heavens": "towers of cards". Or paraphrasing Christ: "Where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also" (Matthew, 6:19-21).
- Let's remember, according to Christ, the Holy Spirit plays a primary role: "Woman, Man will be forgiven for everything, for all their sins and their insults to the Father (within time DIA space). But if someone offends the Holy Spirit, she, he will never be forgiven. A sin has been incurred, which even Eternity does not can delete" [Mark 3.28-29, Luke 12.10, and Matthew 12.31-12-32]. From these words of Christ, His interpretation of the Holy Trinity can be extracted.
- In short, building on these words of Christ (thesis), and dialectically synthesizing them (synthesis) with His words (antithesis) to the apostles ["The words that I speak to you are not mine alone. I say truly, it is the Father, LIVING IN ME, who does all these" (John-14:9 -10)], this creator of knowledge believes that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Eternal, Immortal God (renewed thesis: Mark -12:29-30, Matthew -22:37-38), otherwise the primary role of the Holy Spirit is questioned (supplemented and renewed antithesis). All this is in fact a methodological consequence (synthesis) of not distinguishing the dialectical concept of time and space (renewed thesis: mortality), not to mention the still ruling (recti) linear understanding of space and time (supplemented antithesis), from the concept of eternity and infinity (renewed antithesis: immortality) within the wide worlds of the dialectics (synthesis) of God (renewed thesis...).
- Moreover, this gradually led to the appearance of various manifestations of modern paganism (in "Christianity"), such as the multitude of manifestations of 'my or our Jesus (christ)', 'my or our god'... supported with hidden expulsion from the use of the term Christianity or Christian. The result of this is that the newly introduced modern-pagan terms Orthodox Church, Catholic Church, Protestant Church, ("we") Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants... are used more and more in everyday language instead of Christian Orthodox Church, Christian Catholic Church, Christian Protestant Church, Christian-catholic, Christian-orthodox, Christian-protestant... In this hidden way, not only is the role of Christ [the Son, as one form of the manifestation of the Living God in time DIA space], but more and more Christ, Christ's role, significance, and His contribution to humanity are thrown out of use in everyday conversation.
- By the way, you will notice that this creator of knowledge in his creative articles uses the name Christ [that is, received after he officially began and ended (in fact) his earthly life mission] far more often than his civil name Jesus [that is, until His water baptism by John the Baptist].
The Broad and Narrow Crosswises (Diagonal Cross)
The Broader and the Narrow Diagonal Cross: (Dialectically Synthesised the Axises of the) Two Crosses in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
Triad of Crosses DIA One Cross in Time DIA Space
THE BROAD AND NARROW CROSSWISES (DIAGONAL CROSS): In the scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in space when the quality of some dialectical content needed to be emphasized, understood in terms of eternity (of times) DIA infinity (of spaces) of the worlds of dialectics, there were used the BROADER and the NARROW crosswise (diagonal cross). In short, by them was always dialectically synthesized a dialectical content in terms of deepness, remoteness, and wideness of eternity DIA infinity, by ONE (LEFT) AXIS of the dynamical (DIA dialectical) images of a cross, understood in sense of the created and the left behind imprints within these MULTI-THREE DIALECTS' times DIA spaces. In other words, it is not a plain presentation of the (depicted) cross in TIME DIA SPACE, but always a combination of them understood in terms of reducing the left behind imprints of the (axes of the) two crosses (in the two supreme times DIA spaces) DIA one cross (their unity and oneness), uttered in terms of their DEEPNESS, REMOTENESS, and WIDENESS within the encompassed (eternity of) times DIA (infinity of) spaces of the particular dialectics (dialectical content under creative consideration), symbolically represented with a wide and narrow diagonal cross, which were created by dialectically summarizing the outlines (axes) of the red and blue cross within this dialectical understanding of time and space, that is, by retaining and transmitting the essence and quality contained in them.
In the graphical illustrations of these three crosses DIA one cross, which was depicted by this creator of knowledge, pay thy attention that each axis of the diagonal cross was presented BY A DIFFERENT COLOUR of the parental crosses, symbolizing in this way the previously outlined DIFFERENT DEEPNESS, REMOTENESS, and WIDENESS of the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces within the worlds of dialectics. Both of these dialectically synthesized diagonal crosses were implemented in the second creative work of this creator of knowledge "[Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, 2001"], as well as, to the opinion of this creator of knowledge, Plato also used the wide (broader) crosswise (diagonal cross) in his creative work dedicated to the "Timaeus". This creator of knowledge demonstrated through the unraveling of this antique dialectical content, known in the pre-ancient terminology as the DIALECTOS way of expressing, that is, how this dialectical content can be retrospectively recollected and revived.
- In the previously presented Christian concept of the Holy Trinity by this creator of knowledge, these two manifestations of the diagonal cross are actually formed from one arm each of the two crosses symbolically representing the Father (Lord God) and the Holy Spirit. In this particular case, they cooperatively symbolically separate these two (2) beings in perfect unity (the outer worlds of the dialectics), uniting their inner beings dia innermost being [the inner worlds of the dialectics: "so that they are no longer two, but one being" (Matthew, 19:6].
- In addition to this, the (wide) diagonal cross in cooperation with the cross creates the structure of the Dialectical Framework for Creative Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces, that is, the structure for inserting the constituent dialects of the dialectical understanding of time and space. In the introductory creative article dedicated to the Concept of Retrospective Recollection, another interactive action of the (wide) diagonal cross in cooperation with the cross will be presented.
Rectangle and Square
Dialectical Frame for the Encapsulation of Eternity DIA Infinity represented by the Four Ancient Elements in a Temporary State of their Unity due to the continuous dialectical Tensions between Them
RECTANGLE AND SQUARE: Since a dialectical interactive content, which was encompassed and interlocked by an ellipse or circle, could not be closed in the ultimate sense of this notion meaning, that is, the quality of the "captured" time DIA space would have flowed out through this POROUS (DIA SYMBOLIC) dynamically dialectical circular line (recall of the non-terminal and non-repeating decimal "PI" value), this kind of the encompassing and "capturing" time DIA space, understood in terms of the retaining quality within it [in order to be, as the next step, finely filtered out through a myriad of triangles set in dialectical progress (process)] was SYMBOLISED by a rectangle or with a square, depending on the aforementioned level of the required precision of the dialectical content under creative consideration in time DIA space. Perceive too that both the rectangle and square in difference to an ellipse and circle can be divided with a triangle (in the three triangles), as well as with the crosswise (diagonal cross) in the four triangles, while by a diagonal line it can be divided into two triangles (diagonally "back to back": ◄►). In this way, the more comprehensive elliptical and circular representation of eternity (of times) DIA infinity (of spaces) is simplified and transformed into a rectangular representation of the dialectical understanding of eternity (of times) and infinity (of spaces) depending on the required level of precision (rectangle or square).
Pentacle and Pentagon
The Symbol of the Human and Human-Loving Genus
PENTACLE AND PENTAGON: After deciphering Plato's Dialectos "Timaeus" written 2400 years ago, this creator of knowledge continued this Plato's begun but unfinished story by adding missing links in order to complete it. In other words, he undertook a corresponding creative journey through the eternities of time DIA the infinity of spaces of this inner world of dialectics, thus revealing the meaning of the primordial symbols "five-pointed star and pentagon" as well. Here is important to be added that all these aforementioned pre-ancient symbols, although can also be considered in terms of why exactly these symbols are used in the religious ceremonies of God's confessions [six-pointed star (of David), cross, crescent, and star(s) ...], it must not be confused in the sense of equating religious rites with the process of creating knowledge understood in the sense of discovering the unknown in time DIA space, applying in this purpose exactly these pre-ancient symbols. In other words, these symbols were used before these creeds and religions of God were established. Or to put it another way, the Great Prophets of God were familiar with the meaning, secrets, and true purpose of these primordial symbols.
Eternity DIA Infinity, symbolically represented as chained Grummets of the Four Elements
All this is nothing unknown in the reality of life because even today students and pupils all over the world use these signs as symbols (+, x, *, ), ... while solving problems of everyday (quantitative) math, parallelly with using these symbols in religious purposes. At the same time, they neither mix them nor equate them with this ancient way of understanding the role of science and culture (which accommodates religion at its core) in an established social community. Similarly, these symbols, represented by this creator of knowledge, can be used to solve dynamic DIA dialectical challenges in time DIA space. By the way, just compare another static application of the cross (+) as a coordinate system for solving two-dimensional mathematical problems, or with one added HALF AXIS of the diagonal cross used to solve three-dimensional mathematical problems, and thou will already intuit dia feel that all the above that this creator of knowledge interpreted was no coincidence. In addition, all (Arabic) numbers transmitted from the Vedantic expanses were created by combining unclosed elliptical and triangular forms with the exception of the number zero (0) and eight (8), although originally in hidden knowledge the number eight was represented by two facing triangles [see image Pair Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis] while 8 was a symbol for eternity. In other words, this dialectical interactive content ( higher knowledge ) has its root in hidden knowledge, which unfortunately during the passage of time DIA space was lost.
The fact that these modern pagans, members of the dark (international) network, are ready to do anything to prevent the revival of this lost knowledge of dialectics, is not at all unknown to this creator of knowledge, as well as to his predecessors in the time DIA space. In particular, 'they' DIA them were AFRAID of giving a different meaning to existing God's creeds (religions), in the sense of uniting human-loving genus around this symbol, while maintaining and nurturing mutual differences and diversity (rituals, worldviews...) in terms of the previously explained methodological core and basic settings of the proposed dialectical interactive approach,
instead of putting into practice the recognizable DIA insidiously imposed quarrelsome feature and behavior of the inhabitants of this modern-pagan world by the international dark network, as the only meaning of life, taking as a role model precisely these omnipresent and omniscient modern pagans. In short, these latest developments in this modern pagan world are in fact an inverse bipolar-binary manifestation of the events of the medieval age of blackness (the reign of the fused spirit-mind), where the medieval blackness visible and perceptible with all five basic senses is replaced and masked with darkness (implementing and executing this primarily using various hidden "soft" methods).
For thy proper orientation and navigation in time DIA space, just look at around to see, how many of the true believers have managed
to occupy any higher position in any form of a modern manifestation of NATIOCRATIC society. In particular, to have become the owner of a company,
member of the board of directors, (top) management team, professor at a university under their full control
and influence, an advisor of a higher rank, high ranged politician, who would be able to provide a kind of
(higher) employment to those, who visit the houses of pray of God and think differently, and who are still
not ashamed to read the Holy Books and Scriptures (of all God's religions). How many of such ones art
thou able to see? In either way, by summing up this dialectical content, apart from these pre-ancient symbols
of the primary school of dialectics, later it will be revealed even more such star-like symbols, used by this
creator of knowledge in his work.
Emotional Insanity
(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
EMOTIONAL INSANITY AND MADNESS: This kind of cunning manifesting of the insanity (madness) is caused by the darkening of fused (merged) spirit and mind during the dialectical synthesizing emotional and mental dialect, within the 'kingdom' of theirs (inner DIA inmost being) which is infected by the accumulated darkness over time DIA space (from generation to generation). This emotional-mental state ('of the soul') is not a new kind of the spiritual-mental illness at all. The best documented case is the well known Saul's persecuting DIA the tries of his to kill David, driven by such dark attacks of emotional madness manifestation within his inner DIA inmost being (1.Samuel-18 & 1.Samuel-19). What to be said about the even more known and the oldest described case, finished with Cain's killing Abel, noted down by the Great Prophet Moses (1.Moses-4). Unfortunately, this seed of darkness sawn for long time ago manifested in terms of various kinds of emotional insanity and madness is very wide spread in the world.
Frankly said, everyone in less or greater extent, at least for some time DIA space, had opportunity to feel and sense the destroying acting of the softer forms manifesting of the evil-spirit as a temporal evil-minded seizure of the emotional insanity, uttered in the everyday conversation as anger, wrath, rage .... bad-temper, impetuosity and the similar manifestations of this gush of the emotional poison of the accumulated inner darkness. In the case of these softer ways of manifestation of the emotional (short- lasted) madness, the best cure is to find a human way [for beginning a walk, for example, to take "fresh air from this great room of God", ....] to empty thyself and get rid of this kind of manifestation of accumulated inner darkness by diluting that negative emotional content. After that thou should apologize to the HUMANS, who suffered of this abnormal state of thys, because it is the best help to thee, calming down the prick of conscience; a well known state of the soul of a human(e) being.
For all these previously mentioned reasons, this creator of knowledge uses the term mentally - emotive emotional intelligence or intellect, and never emotional intelligence
- he prefers to use the concept of emotional insanity and madness, fired with the externally invisible pressure of this kind of automatic trigger manifestation, driven and forced with accumulated negative emotions within the limited expanses of their inner kingdoms of ??????,
because in order to distinguish and separate positive (emotive) emotions from the aforementioned and elaborated negative and destructive emotions, it is necessary to separate this dialectical content mindualy, reasonably, and intelligently in the sense of thesis and antithesis using both common sense and intellect, and only then synthesize and summarize it dialectically in a synthesis dia renewed thesis at this higher level of the dialectical understanding of time and space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter). Unfortunately, as a result of the impossibility of controlling the inner being due to the (current) predominance of evil over good, which ultimately determines who is currently the master of thy inner kingdom, that is, who and which master will speak through thy "mouth" (Luke - 6:43-45), manifests itself externally in the form of various conflicts both at the interpersonal level and within the family, social, cultural-religious, business... communities and collectives (group level), including conflicts of formed nations, as well as of other natiocratic creations (mob level: ruling level above the mob). Keep in mind that many wars start in this vulgar way, unworthy of a human being, and it seems that the whole world is imbued and driven with various types of negative emotions.
For this reason, 'them' is the best to avoid, that is, those whose master is accumulated darkness, if it is feasible, or at least in the greatest possible extent. Any kind of apology (to anyone), they are unable to comprehend. The exception is to do it FORMALLY for the purpose of receiving some kind of benefit. Keep in mind, modern heathens are not ready to accept the existence of angels and God (to mediate between people, human-loving beings, and God). For this reason, there is no sincerity in their apology, so it has no meaning, because it is of a superficial nature. Since the master of their inner 'kingdoms' DIA the innermost being is darkness, that is, they have nothing holy, nor know for anything holy in the outer sense, starting from the Holy Book, for example, and therefore having no fear of God, for them all this is like saying a FORMAL 'hallo' during a telephone conversation. For additional Info related to the "Concept of a Simple-Minded Person DIA Simple (and the Simplest) Mind", read creative Articles dedicated to the "Concept of Simple Mind".
Read the next section: concepts used
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Creative Works:
- "Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, Denmark - Copenhagen, May - August 1999"
- "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, Denmark - Copenhagen, February - May 2001"
- "World of Dialectics versus Multidimensional space – Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use, Jovanović, Denmark - Copenhagen, May 2002 - 20??":
- - Appendix 1: More about the Fourth Dimension , England - Manchester, November 2002
- - Appendix 2: The Eternal Poem, Germany - Aachen, August 2003
- - Appendix 3: The Book of Job - Holy Bible, Austria - Salzburg, February 2004
- - Appendix 4: The Human (Re)Enlightenment DIA Divine Choosing versus The Natural Evolution DIA Natural Selection, Germany - Münster & Nürberg, October 2004
- - Appendix 5: Implications of the Implementation of the Concept of Simple(st) Mind in terms of the Theory of Natural Evolution DIA Natural Selection into Living Reality, Germany - Nürberg, November 2004
- - Appendix 6: Holy Scripture: The Teaching of Buddha – Vakkali Sutta, A Fragment for the Initiation of Dialectic Interactive Process, Netherlands - Rotterdam, March 2006
- - Appendix 7: Feodosian Spring Rhapsody, Programming in Java – A typical earthly creative Travelling: A short Fragment from this Travelling for Initialisation of a deeper Dialectic Interactive Process, Ukraine - Feodosia, May 2007
- - Annexing 7-1: Concept of the Free Will DIA Freedom of Choice versus Wisdom of God, Netherlands - Rotterdam, August 2008
- - Annexing 7-1: Natiocratic Concept of Secularism versus the Distinguishing and Separating DIA Discerning and Recognition Good from evil, Netherlands - Rotterdam, August 2008
About Website Portal:
The first internet portal, which included these creative articles, was developed in the year 2010 in Riga, Latvia. On the other hand, the portal's subdomain such as, for example, /apartments/lv/riga/salacas written by java programming language (after acquiring Sun-Microsystem by Oracle, it cannot be opened), were developed much earlier, at the end of 2007 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The most of the creative articles such as this one you are reading now, were also compiled during my stay in Riga, Latvia (2010), and only a few of them were compiled in Evpatorya & Sevastopol (Ukraine) and Kishinev (Moldova) at the beginning of the year 2011. After an unsuccessful try for hosting this website portal by an internet provider in Sevastopol, only the client side of this java applet was launched in Kishinev (march, 2011). At the end of 2015 it is actually paralysed by this host provider, simply by doing backup until was occupied all available disk space. An old version of the home page of Cosmopolis still can be opened, but not updated too. In the meantime, these original creative articles have been updated and expanded, and new articles have subsequently been written and put online.