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  Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

Parallelogram - A Barren Dialectical Upshot: Blind Alley

In this creative article were more thorough elaborated the far-reaching consequences of the superiority of reason compared to the mind in the present-days living reality, which were initiated in the medieval age of the spiritual blackness. In short, the Age of Reason without firm evidence was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should play the main role in human life, rather than emotions, spiritual suppositions, speculations as well as other religious beliefs, understood in terms of the MATTER dia reason, which is the main postulate of every kind of manifestation of scientific materialism. Unfortunately, in the age of the dominance of this modern understanding of the assigned role to REASON, as a final result of the bipolar (OR - OR) DIA binary way of thinking the simple-rational, simple-reasonable and logical (mental) reasoning, cognition und judgment (and from this reason simple-minded reasoning and acting too), based on the reasoning in terms of the "cold" (insensitive and unfeeling) brain (rationalism), is a dominant approach, while any kind of compassionate and sympathetic act (partnership among mind and reason), understood in terms of various ways of human showing of sympathy and compassion ("heart"), was pushed (completely) aside (dehumanisation). Keep in mind, human beings, unlike the followers ('clones') of this way of reasoning and thinking, do not need to understand everything (literally) in the sense of cold (brain's) reasoning, but rather a great part of this dialectical content, by using their common sense, they can (intuitively fore)sense and feel (sympathise) "in the heart", as well as to instinctively respond to these self-appealing mentally soul's impulses of outburst of human feelings and compassions. This "modern" approach can best be expressed by the (propagandistic?) quasi-words of Maria Antoinette (or true ones?):

  • "For what reason is this crowd gathered?"
  • "For they have no bread for eating".
  • "Why then do not they eat cakes when there is no bread?"

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space

Whether or not this dialectical content was a propaganda of the French revolutionaries, such people certainly existed, and are still present in these modern days of the rule and domination of (cold) reason, thanks to just the French Revolution, which this idea of superiority of reason compared to mind carried out in the sense of application of the bipolar (OR - OR) DIA binary way of thinking (black-white, 0-1, true-false....). In short, to such people and thinkers can not be denied that they have no "great" reason (mental intelligence), even the wit and sense of (black) humour (mocking), but without any doubt they have a small (shallow and superficial) mind. In any case, by this approach, based on the five ("scientific") senses rather than the use of all seven (human) senses, the emotive emotional potential (mental DIA emotively emotional intelligence) was lost. Here it is very important to emphasise that the contemporary ('modern') interpretation of the rationalism has little to do with the original (conventional) ideas of rationalism, which were introduced during the so-called Age of Reason of the 17th Century by Descartes (1596-1650), Leibniz (1646-1716), and Spinoza (1632-1677). In the living and creative environment of the medieval Age of the spiritual blackness,

  • [actually, a manifestation of the fused spirit-mind, where this time the dialect spirit tries completely to undergo the dialect-mind dia reason by continually suffocating (stifling) and subordinating them],

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

Bipolar DIA Binary Way of Thinking

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

Ultimate Upshot of the Rectilinear and Traditional Dialectic Way of Thinking within the Rectilinear Space and Time

the Age of Reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should play the main role in human life, rather than emotions and religious beliefs. These at first glance, in all likelihood logical and reasonable ideas and thoughts, but acquired without a deeper (METHODOLOGICAL) insight into this dialectical content under consideration, as it will be later shown, was at first expanded in the sense of the aforementioned natural evolution of the dual ⇢ bipolar DIA the binary way of thinking with the hypothesis that all concepts, knowledge, and the understanding of truth are acquired independently of sense experience (EXCLUSIVELY by a priori means). In the full compliance with this natural evolutionary methodological and creative approach, empiricists responded with the claim that sense experience of the outside world is the ultimate source of all ideas (concepts) and knowledge. Pay thy attention, how the original idea "of playing the main role" begins to disassemble despite the existence of TWO bipolar concepts in the direction of the binary (OR) way of thinking, In other words, although there seem to exist two concepts, it is already hidden, like a mask behind it, an (obscured) indication and inclination understandable in terms of the already initiated trend and the tendency for the existence of (only) one dominant ⇢ ruling concept.

In the "modern" understanding of rationalism, to be a rationalist is to adopt at least one of three claims: the intuition-deduction thesis, innate knowledge thesis, and the innate concept thesis. Seen from the perspective of the previously presented dialectical, creatively interactive way of creating knowledge, although they use concepts INTUITION and innate, understood in the sense of being part of our rational nature, a better idea is to interpret this dialectical content dia translation of them in terms of the notion INSTINCT, because its creative range and horizons being based on the capabilities of the dialect reason are lesser (shallower) compared to the abilities of the intuition, whose roots are situated in the dialect - spirit. That is perceivable and evident in their definition of the notion of intuition: a form of rational insight [seeming-state: a particular kind of seeming or appearance]. Keep in mind, the intuition cannot be perceived in terms of a manifestation of the abilities of five (basic) senses nor in terms of reason(ing) but it can be only spiritually sensed. Even the instinctive abilities can only be understood in the sense of a hunch and having a feeling of something understood in terms of spirited dia mindual precognition. In short, the seeming-state of mental contours and outlines are already spiced and flavored in a considerable proportion by the dialect - matter.

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

Dialectically Synthesised Inner Being DIA the Inmost One: Soul

Two other closely related theses (the Indispensability of Reason Thesis and the Superiority of Reason Thesis) are generally adopted by rationalists, although one can certainly be a ("modern-contemporary") rationalist without adopting either of them. Now, pay particular attention to this stage of the natural evolutionary development of the (bipolar DIA) binary way of thinking in (recti) linear space and time, whose culmination is the deserting of a postulate of the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th and 19th Century understood in connection with the superiority of reason compared to the mind. Does it mean that the proponents of this way of understanding of the rationalism of the 20th and 21th Century completed and implemented the original idea that the reason should play the main role in human life? Not at all because in the physical social universe there is no place for the reason in the sense as it was understood by Descartes. Actually, in the physical societal universe there is no place for anything that belongs to the domain of the soul: spirit, mind, or emotive emotional presence understood in terms of the open showing of emotions, feelings .... (except doing it in the silence of the created vacuum of this physical societal universe). In other words, there is no place there for anything that cannot be mathematically quantitated, or expressed in monetary terms (money), and in contrast to the dialect-mind, the value of the dialect-reason can be evaluated in terms of money. Or said it in a different way, the supremacy of the dialect-reason compared to the mind was in the meantime so deeply engraved in the inner being of the people that it no longer makes sense to directly emphasize it.

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US: Note, there is no inner space "and" time in the head of this simple-minded and simple-reasonable person but an abandoned hollow, as a consequence of relocation of the mind dia reason from its innate place [as a result of it, only external space and time is perceived, while each spiritual, minded and reasonable content also has to be "depicted" in this external space and time in order to be perceived and verified by the five basic (scientific) senses]

As the next stage of this naturally evolutionary development and implementation of the bipolar dia binary way of thinking, the "the playing the main role in human life instead of emotions and religious beliefs" was finally reworked in the sense of playing solo-role by this already very weakened dialect-reason, understood in terms of an excessive coloring and flavoring it by both the dialect-matter and materialistic incentives, in particular. Anyway, they (dia them) actually initiated a new Age, the Age of Obscurity, Insecurity and Non-Transparency of the debt method of managing the economy at the expense of the emergence of the economy of debtors and borrowers [characterized by acting behind the hidden, dark sceneries within the vastness of this abandoned hole (of the creative darkness) of the (recti) linear way of (creative) orientation in space and time] through the implementation of the postulates of the concept of the physical (societal) universe. This utmost result of the understanding of space in terms of something outside of us, as well as of understanding of time in this spatial sense, too, implemented (in the reality) in the sense of mathematical quantitatisation of all and everything within this created physical (societal) universe of things and objects (referred and addressed to), will be elaborated in more details in the next creative article. To reminded me, thee, us, the rationalism from its early days was associated with the idea of introduction of mathematical methods into philosophy (into the realm of art and culture too, if you will), and not only in the field of science.

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

Four Basic Mathematical Operations presented like a Road of Triangles


Gravitational Abysses ("0" - Black Holes) Bounded with the Numbers (Values) TWO (2) AND ZERO (0)

From this reason, by this was said nothing new but rather here the words goes about a culmination of the (mathematically) rational dia-processes, which were initiated for very long time ago. If to this mentioned was added the approaching of the Bioinformation Age, hope, it is not difficult to imagine and anticipate in which direction this development of creative events and related (after)effects leads, in particular, when it takes place within the broader context of the physical societal universe. By reinterpreting the aforementioned in a methodological way, understood in the sense of the reviewing this dialectical content from the standpoint of mathematics using the dialectical interactive approach, the range between the 0 and 2 due to powerful bipolar dia binary gravitational forces between 0 - 1 is known as the area of conflict and extremism: an unexhausted source of the bipolar DIA binary way of thinking, when this is implemented in a natiocratic working, business, ideological, political, and living reality. In fact, it could be argued that this is actually the other (mathematical) "face" of the smoldering conflict within the "simple(st)" mind, that is, of the inner conflict between the dialects - mind dia reason and the subordinated spirit, as a consequence of the supremacy of the dialect-reason in the living reality.

As a result of this already mature rationalism, recall, the end of the 19th and the 20th Century was the age of the rising nationalism (-chauvinism) and national expansion, traditional communism (based on the scientific materialism), fascism and nazism: the Age of Two World Wars. And all this, precisely because of the superiority of the reason in relation to the mind, and especially due to the growing absence of spirituality, the result of which are various manifestations of the vulgarity in the living reality. But this in no way is the end of this natural evolutionary development of the natiocratism. To shorten this long story, it was deeply entered into the Era of Debtism (successor of the Age of Capitalism), which is based on the scientific materialisticism, characterised by a further and more sophisticated application of the mathematical methods, quantisation and further and further RATIONALISATION of all and everything: a life dia living in a highly materialistic societal universe of the money-oriented dia indebting-oriented consumer societies, which are excessively (or exclusively) concerned with material possessions, excessive consumption on the cost of growing over-indebtedness (and greed as well, if you so will), where "ALL IS ABOUT MONEY" and revolves around it. This is also the Era of Great World Recessions and (Financial and Economic) Crises (in the year 1929... 2008....) and of the numerous economic recessions

  • [consequences of excessive indebtedness of citizens, companies, corporations, states, world: the whole (physical) societal universe is tranquilized by debts on the expense of being (indefinitely) addicted to debt (without an end in sight), and unable to stop taking new debts without incurring adverse social effects. If to this is added the problematics of the produced, but unsold products and goods, uncollected cash for the sold goods and services (unpayable receivables), unpaid real estates, unpaid salaries and wages, unpaid dividends to shareholders, uncollectable DEBTS, generally speaking, it emerges gradually the complete picture of the main cause of economic recessions and crises. The main problem with debt, or with the release of securities (issuance of valuable papers) of any kind, as only potentially cash can be obtained (debtor's dia debt-economy), is the unpredictability of its intertwined implications for the involved networked partakers, understood in terms of both space and time, in particular, its wide-, and far-reaching consequences and aftereffects in an entirely globalized economy (global village). As more lengthy is the period between its issuing and collecting CASH (repayment of a debt), as its consequences and aftereffects for others are more unforeseeable. On the other hand, the payment with cash (in advance) for the undelivered goods, service, real estates ...., for example, a prepayment, a deposit, will ONLY affect the cash-holders and have much less impact on others (apart from members of its collective: family, company ....). In short, unlike the uncollectable debts (fog), the collected cash is somewhere in initiated business cycles. From this follows, the problematic of REGULAR DIA SUCCESSFUL closing the started business cycles by getting the CASH in hand, or in a bank account, is a COMMON challenge (problem) in order to be continued with initialization of new business cycles (or normal life cycles of citizens, if you so will): continuous circulation of cash flows.]

because the crises and recessions are an inherent part and a faithful companion of this inaugurated cultural, economic and financial system (debtism).

Seen from a METHODOLOGICAL point of view, although in the (working, business and living) reality of the common sense (of the human being) there is no doubt that it was spent all time (DIA space: spirit, mind dia reason, matter) by living in the societies of the physical universe, in the ideological field of the natural evolutionary development of the natiocratism it (only superficially) seems that we lived in different societies, understood in terms of both time and space. For example, all traditional communistic societies of the 20th century (already disappeared from this natiocratic scene) continued to live in the age of the Marx and Engels VERSUS Hegel (of the 19th century). In short, using various ideological means and methods (forcible, too), the attention of their residents was distracting and dissuading [not to take appropriate (re-)actions: (counter)measures] until it was successfully diverted from real events and far more relevant happenings, which took place within the contemporary capitalistic societies, especially seen from a long-run perspective

  • [emulation of the basic ideas of socialism understood in terms of introducing and implementing the system of social welfare and other forms of benefits, as well as providing humanitarian aid and other means of public assistance]

to these gone and irrelevant happenings and events of the 19th century, when the mind and spirit still played a significant role in the coming into being of new ideas in those days capitalistic societies. In other words, materialists continued to claim that everything can be explained in terms of the dialect - matter [for example, the idea is a product of the brain, and for this reason it is of physical origin] in spite of the fact that the concept of idealism played an irrelevant role in the capitalistic societies of the 20th century. In the meantime, the fundamental ideas of the concept of the physical universe managed to prevail in the contemporary societies of the debtism, although manifested in a different way. In other words, after ending the Age of the Cold War period, in spite of the fact that the dialect-spirit (and mind) ceased to be substantially of any significance in comparison with the tremendous influence of the materialistic trends and tendencies

  • [an odd manifestation of the dialect-matter, which gradually occupies the expanses of the abandoned hollow with a generous help of the weaken dialect-reason, after being deserted by the dialect-mind],

the (excessively indebted) contemporary societies of debtism also continue to live in the age of a pointless ideological debate: materialism - idealism, rationalism - empiricism, capitalism - communism.... As an example, just think thoughtfully about, how China responded to the changed Post-Cold War political and economic environment by revising the basic postulates of the traditional communism, understood in the sense of the introducing and implementing the typical capitalistic methods, which were beyond imagination even in the most advanced socialistic societies.

On the other hand, whether as a result of this pressure or they are asleep by the achievement of their main goal [fall of the traditional communism as well as unwillingness of their elite to continue to finance the aforementioned system of social welfare], they responded to this challenge by an accelerated process of dismantling of that. Note, in order to control the significant increase in the number of simplest dia vulgar minds (a by-product of these undertaken measures), as well as to control access to the use of the remaining social protection benefits, the bureaucratic apparatus was not reduced in the same proportion. Moreover, there is a trend of its increase, as well as a tendency to alleviate (mitigate) the negative social effects through the increasing role of the public assistance (at the expense of tax-payers) and of humanitarian organizations in particular [a hidden form of additional taxation of citizens]. At the same time, taxpayer money from the budget is redirected to other non-productive purposes, including the redirection for non-human purposes as well. If to this is added that superiority of reason also does not play an important role in the "modern" (re-) interpretation of the rationalism from the aforementioned reasons, their only common denominator of the happenings in the societal physical universe are the five (basic or scientific) senses. In other words, everything that can not be felt and noticed by the five basic senses, or evaluated, and express in terms of money (by this kind of weakened reason), it is not part of reality (of this already inaugurated physical societal universe). This raises the question, how this kind of collective hypnosis and paranoia of masses, understood both in terms of time and space, has been feasible? As it will be shown in other creative articles, the answer to this raised question should be sought in the vast spaces of the abandoned (creative) hollow by dialect-mind dia reason.

The age of reason was ignited by the idea that reason and logic should  play the main role in human life rather than emotions, spiritual speculations, and religious beliefs, Far-reaching Consequences of the Superiority of Reason compared to the Mind in the Living Reality

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space

By reconsidering the aforementioned, to my opinion, both Descartes and Hegel would "rotate in their graves" if they were to find out the final fate of their concepts and theories. Keep in mind that Descartes began with his creative acting in the best human intention in order to reverse the well-known course of events of the Middle Ages. In his creative works, he did not deny the existence of God. Moreover, he believed that the innate ideas were given to us by God. Even his famous words, "I think, therefore I am!" were pronounced in this purpose (and not to prove the existence of himself). Using this basic idea, Descartes asserted the MIND is the seat and center of consciousness. On the other hand, although it sounds paradoxical, in spite of the collapse of traditional communism, Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) has enough reasons for "smiling in the grave", because in this nascent societal (physical) universe in all spheres of human action the various manifestations of the dialect-matter prevailed, and in the field of science especially. Keep in mind that Marx did not intend to implement his ideas in rural and agricultural countries (of East Europe), where the working class was scarce and existent but precisely in the most developed capitalistic countries. In spite of all this, this also shows that an IDEA (based on the dialect-matter in this particular case) is more valuable and lasts longer than a realization of its (scientific materialism) in the working, business and living reality because it can be adapted, modified and implemented in a different way (scientific materialisticism, ....).

Although it seems that the scientific materialisticism is a kind of emulation of the basic ideas of scientific materialism, in my opinion, it is rather a creative outcome of the action of the physical social universe and of the way in which the fused mind-spirit functions, characterised by the materialisation dia the physicalization of all and everything within it, in order to be feasible expressing of that in mathematical and money sense, as well as being perceived dia verified by the five basic (scientific) senses. In other words, it may be argued that each idea, which was born in such a creative environment in the passage of time AND space tends to interact, and to be merged (to be fused: a peculiarity of the fused mind-spirit) with the closest related existing ideas of the dialect-matter within the created physical societal universe of the things and objects.

  • Or said it in a different way, some manifestation of the dialect-matter will easily override, overtake, sprinkle, penetrate and permeate the relatively shallow expanses of the dialect-reason. In particular, if you are driven and encouraged by the incentives of the fused mind-spirit, that is, there were used these incentives during the creative orientation in the (recti) linear time and space, where the dialect-reason was abandoned by the dialect-mind and then preoccupied with the subordination of the dialect-spirit, or it was simply expelled by the dialect-reason by the means of various manifestations of the dialect-matter. By the way said, most of us have experienced some kind of this aforementioned materialization of the dialect-mind and reason, or intoxication of that if you prefer to be said in this way, for example, after having a few alcoholic drinks (consuming narcotics, and the like). Therefore, it is not at all difficult to conjure up the associated manifestations of the pervading dia saturation, and intoxication of the dialects mind and reason by the dialect-matter, as it is the addiction to the materialistic complacency, to the ideology, nationalism-chauvinism, racism..., which are, in fact, also some kind of the dimming of the mind dia reason [Apart from the external source of ideas and inspiration, there is also an internal root for the extraction of additional fuel in the inner dia the innermost being]. By using this method of thinking various psychic states of emotional mindlessness and insanity can be explained and interpreted, such as anger, rage, envy, jealousy, greed.... as well as related forms of self-discharge, where the released emotional venom, malice, spiritual misery, harsh, mental filth, and gall of the subordinated, subdued and oppressed dialect-spirit [the inner unsatisfaction, generally speaking] serves as a kind of trigger and igniter (detonator) of the dialect-matter (a form of the manifestation of the matter dia antimatter in action).

Anyway, by dialectical synthesizing of the all previously mentioned, the moral lesson that can be drawn from all above mentioned is that every creative ("BLACK") acting within the limits of the framework for (creative dis-) orientation in the (recti) linear understanding of time and space, leads and ends in a (dialectically) long run in the (trouble waters of the) opposite (extreme, undesirable) ("WHITE") meaning of the original idea, understood in the sense of a gradual moving of this imaginative dot over passing this time and space from a pole (of this imaginary line) to the opposite pole. There is no doubt that any attempt of dissolution and transformation of the fused mind-spirit in this rectilinear (binary bipolar) sense would again lead to some kind of (medieval) fused spirit-mind because simply this is how the fused mind ⇢ spirit works. In short, here the word goes about a further continuation of (malignant) growth of this magic spiral of the captured time and space.

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