Essential Values of the Time dia Space
Time has always been a subject of interest of people, and a very important dialectical content under ongoing creative re-thinking in culture (dia religion), philosophy, art, and science as well as in their resulting fields such as business, politics, sport, and the like. As an implication of this, the time has always played a very important role in all types of the social organization of essential activities, which were necessary for survival and progress of the established family, community [and much later of established societies as well]. In short, for each of these group entities as well as for the included individuals, the time played a key-value during the struggle for survival, the core of which was implanted into the basic instinct for survival of living beings in general. This key-surviving value of time, as a kind of the co-fellow reminder ("alarm-clock"), is manifested in such a trivial manner that, for example, if it was not provided and taken food after a short period of time, that person will die. Or by transferring this self-awareness to the level of a group, the whole established community will die out as a result of it. This awareness gradually led, as a result of various forms of manifesting grouping and crowding in a more and more limited space, among many other factors, to the acquisition of economic value of the time (dia space), which is better known in day-to-day life as "time is money".
As a result of this development of events in time and space, on the strategic transit (spatial) passes were built the for-runners of modern customs institutions ["citadels on the bridges" for collecting various levies], the establishment of which was precisely based on the sale of this economic value of time in exchange for adequate savings on time (and space), that even more accelerated the aforementioned process of grouping and crowding of people and goods, as well as later through the increased exchange of goods and adequate services, which led to emerging of markets, money, banks and other financial institutions too. Especially, after the development of the concept of (compound) interest rate, this kind of time value was also harnessed and exploited in financial aspects of the daily life. In short, this initial financial value of time, based on the mathematical calculation of the (economic) value of time (and space) led to further development of the established financial institutions.
In the contemporary age (of information), in a combination of it with the proper information [at the right time dia the adequate investment in the right places (space)], the time finally acquired the financial value as well, which led to the establishment of financial markets too. Although it might be argued that in this way were also initiated dialectical processes of acquiring the knowledge value of time and space, in my opinion, it is still (to a much greater extent) based on ignorance (or on inferior knowledge) of real happenings in time dia the appropriate space, in particular, on global markets ("global village"). As a result of this (imperfect) information value of time and space, the future development of these already initiated dialectical processes (dia-processes) will give the right answer to this addressed dilemma in connection with the knowledge value of time (and space), based on the wisdom of past times.
Time also plays a significant role in social life generally speaking. Particularly, for humans living in this (contemporary) Age of Information, characterized by a rapid pace of change in all spheres of life, this current development of events throughout the global village additionally accelerates the speed by which time passes, or more precisely said, how this way of passing time was personally experienced. As a result of these latest developments, the time has even more precious personal value, due to increasing awareness of this real meaning of time and space, perceived and experienced also in the sense of understanding the time [and the appropriate (increasingly crowded) scope of space] as a more and more limited resource, not only during the entire span of life, as it was perceived and experienced in earlier epochs ["thy old age will ask thee, where and how did thou spend thy youth"] but in each encountered and experienced hour, day, month [or in any surviving unit of time if you so please] of this way of understanding the (real value of) time dia the appropriate space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter]. This latest development of creative happenings in space and time was caused, among many other factors, by technological progress too. But in spite of the apparent expansion of time "and VERSUS dia" space, for example, by the creation of virtual worlds [of this kind of manifestation of the digital reality] nothing fundamentally was changed. Moreover, this additional interweaving of these realities has stirred (up) and complicated further actual "state of things, affairs and relations" within the living, business, working.... reality.
In a deeper social, living context by this dialectical way of understanding the real value of time DIA space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter], the true meaning of life [understood in terms of its adequate, qualitative living] was addressed too. In either case, the further development of (creative, business, political, military) events in this already created global village of raw data and (mis-) information
- [based among others on initiated dia-processes of integration versus disintegration of the created global market too]
will give the right and correct answer in the coming Bio-information Age to this imminent question, which bothers (or should bother mind of) each human being, that is, whether or not, they will become prisoners of [an inhumane manner of implementation of the appropriate understanding of] time "and VERSUS dia" appropriate space, comprehended in terms of the suitable meaning of these two essential mega-dialects. Or to say otherwise, whether the time "and VERSUS dia" space will acquire knowledge value, based on the right information for the good and welfare of mankind and humanity (as a whole), or this will be wrapped in the gown with the appropriate odor (and fragment) of misinformation, ignorance, and related obscurity, hidden in the background manifestation of the concept of the physical universe, characterized among others by a continual invention of new ways for even further misuse of the created knowledge.
For this reason, by this methodological approach (dialectic interactive approach) were ajar the doors, which lead to the exploration of these reintroduced enormous vast of the inner spaces, understood in the sense of an appropriate (human way of) spending the time, in addition to the aforementioned external and virtual way of understanding (and creating and expanding) space and time. Keep in mind, these (neglected) internal spaces [in this modern age of the rule of the physical universe] can be used not only as a shelter or the last refuge from calamities and appropriate happenings in the external space and time but in the creative sense on the first place. For example, it can be used for undertaking appropriate creative voyages through this (additional way of) dialectical understanding of the creative value of these inner spaces, understood in the sense of spending the time in a suitable human way, in order to be reduced incentives in the space out of us for the physical fight of people, the war of the folks, of the created nations, of the military networks and alliances, or even worse, (attempts of) the ignition of wars of the cultures [dia involvement of the suitable religions]. In my personal opinion, without this creative "integral ingredient" (qualitative constituent dialect), or without the creative value of (this inner) time, if you so please, the (human and humane understanding of the ) knowledge value of time dia space, with its foundation in the wisdom of past times, can not be completed, and for this reason, can not be implemented.
For all these reasons, defining time in a manner that applies to all the above-mentioned fields and the corresponding spheres of conflicting interests of involved actors in these initiated dialectical processes, continues to occupy the mind of both ordinary people and scholars as well as of general users of the already developed conceptions of time and space, particularly, during solving everyday challenges of of life-reality. These disputes about the very nature of the time went so far that it was questioned the very existence of something that it is called time, apart from the undebatable understanding of it in the sense of counting and expressing various activities and mathematical problems by means of numbers that occur in time or by time, and which can be quantified, measured (such as velocity), as well as externally expressed in spatial terms.
Understanding of Space and Time through History
Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US
The conventional interpretation of space was based on the following three dimensions: Length (Longitude), Width (Latitude) and Height (Altitude), that means, on the three features of the DIALECT - MATTER. The foundation stone of this school of thought in terms of philosophical paradigmatic assumptions was laid by Aristotle, to whom space was nothing more than an aspect, property and manifestation of the dialect - matter, and thus consequently without matter there is no space. On the other hand, in this traditional way of understanding time, in full agreement with the rectilinear way of thinking, time like a bead moves through this 3-dimensional [material] space (the river of time), accordingly, in the linear understanding of time, the time is presented and understood in the form of its cyclical movement through this 3-dimensional physical space (the wheel of time). The made advance in the realm of philosophy, art, science and culture DIA meeting and multi-interplaying of theirs in terms of both time and space, revealed a simple fact that this simplified STATIC 3-dimensional [material] space does not fit the living reality.
In the Newtonian universe that dominated the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, spatial distances between bodies were RELATIVE, but space itself was ABSOLUTE. Inhabitants of this universe shared the same public space and the same public time. We talk of so many centimeters, meters or kilometers from one place to another, of so many seconds, minutes or hours from one occurrence to another, and our lives are regulated within the quantifiable domains of public space and public time. This is the world of commonsense we live in that accommodates the furniture of the biological and social sciences. The puzzling constancy of the speed of light detected by the Michelson and Morley delivered the deathblow to the Newtonian universe (Edward Harrison, 1985). As a consequence of it, the antique comprehension of space was expanded by the dialect - time, as its fourth dimension (proposed by Charles Hinton - 1887). This kind of DYNAMIC comprehending and understanding of space and time is still actual and valid in the scientific (mathematical) circles, and as such one is deeply imprinted (rooted) in conscience of people by all 5 (five) senses.
The major shortcoming of this methodological approach is equalization (in terms of value) of these three simple dimensions of dialect - matter ["PHYSICAL SPACE: lifeless nature"] with such a COMPLEX mega-dialect, as the time is. Keep in mind, dialect - time is much more difficult to be understood by the five ("scientific") senses, compared to the dialect - space. Read: Limitations of the Five Basic Senses. In spite of this, without these inner spaces [the medium of space: mind dia reason], these physical spaces understood as something out of us [space in time: matter embedded in the past] would be unperceivable by these five basic senses as well as without created knowledge within these inner spaces, these external spaces could not be explored and exploited.