Conception of Ether in Ancient Hidden Knowledge |
By Creator of Knowledge BoBan |
SECRETS OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS: The Unity and Struggle of Dialectical Contradictions in Time DIA Space
The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
Germinating DIA Potentially Fruit- Bearing Eight-Pointed Star
A Blossomed, Potentially Ripe Fruit - Bearing Twelve - Pointed Star
Fruitful DIA Potentially Germinating Four-Pointed Star
and so on in Time DIA Space, until was reached stage of the development of
A FOUR-TRIANGULAR STAR of the Four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water
This Ground Plan, based on the Four Elements of this Four-Triangular Star, was eternalized by building the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt
In this creative article, the concept of ether in ancient hidden knowledge was first presented, and then, through the prism of this ancient concept of ether, Einstein's and Newton's understanding of space and time, as well as their understanding of gravity and gravitation, were reflected, considered, and re-examined. This ancient understanding of the ether was carefully guarded from the eyes of the general public in the narrow circles of those who were in varying degrees versed in the secrets of this hidden knowledge (initiates, insiders). However, this could not prevent various speculations about this hidden knowledge outside these narrow circles. For example, based on these rumors and speculations about the role of the floor plan of this pyramid (its "fifth" side), those who were not familiar with this hidden knowledge, Aristotle (as well as in the written sources of the Far Eastern culture) called it the FIFTH ELEMENT ( ether ). But taking into account the fact that on the ground plan of this pyramid, the dialectical processes of the standard manifestation of the ether concept take place, as well as the further interactive action, refinement, and enrichment of the four basic elements (fire, water, air, earth) on a new, preferably at a higher level of time DIA space (the layer of this pyramid of time and space), they cannot be qualitatively equated with this "fifth" element (ground plan: the ground sketch of the pyramid).
ether-ambients: various manifestations of the "fifth" element
In other words, the ether represents a general (standard) creative working framework (for example, a vacuum), but also every specific created environment and creative ambience [wrapped on all sides with an invisible protective membrane] on one of the levels (building blocks) of this pyramid of time and the space within which these four elements interact creatively and cooperate with each other. Examples of the manifestation of the created ether-environment are the interplanetary star space (stellar system), interstellar spaces, galactic spaces, inter-galactic spaces, etc., while examples of the created ambient or micro-ambient are: the earth's atmosphere, the activity zone of black holes, supernovae... . From the above, it follows that the vacuum, as an almost empty airless space, actually represents an ideal neutral environment and ambience for the standard manifestation of the ether, and for this reason it occupied space (and time) on the ground plan of this pyramid.
- The Earth's atmosphere is an example of the manifestation of the ether at the higher level of this pyramid, created as a result of the interactively creative action, permeation, and enrichment of these four basic elements. The Earth's atmosphere not only provides the conditions for the creation of life, but also protects life on Earth by creating protective layers and envelopes, as well as the resulting atmospheric pressure of this created ambient in mutual cooperation with the force of the Earth's gravity, which in fact enables the creation of liquid water, as well as to keep it on the surface of the Earth.
- The Earth's atmosphere also contains a suitable mixture of gases for the smooth functioning of life on Earth. In addition, its protective coverings and layers absorb ultraviolet solar radiation, warming its surface by retaining the generated heat (greenhouse effect), thus reducing the temperature (extreme) differences between day and night.
- This type of manifestation of the ether and the created ambient with its different layers is maintained and retained around the Earth by gravitation and the force of its weight (gravity). The magnetosphere is the ultimate invisible protective shell that actually separates the Earth's atmosphere from the harsh interplanetary space of the solar system, further protecting life on Earth from harmful solar and cosmic radiation.
By the way, every created ambient contains some manifestation of a protective envelope, which actually separates it from other ether - environments and ambients. Because of this special (protective) role of this form of manifestation of ether - vacuum, as well as its ability to metamorphose into various forms of manifestation of ether - ambient, which actually created the necessary environment and desirable ambient for the origin of life here on Earth, as well as the conditions for its maintenance, it could be said that this is really about one (HIGHER) SUPER-ELEMENT, and not about some fifth, non-existent element.
During his early creative days, due to the previously mentioned misinterpretation of the aether in terms of an additional fifth element, pondering and debating whether the empty space of space is a substance or a property of it, Newton solved this creative challenge by filling this vacuum with aether to prove its original action of the force of gravity, understood in terms of the pressure of this invisible fifth element from above, as well as later to explain the cause of gravity. It was similar in the late 19th century, when it was considered that this theoretically universal substance permeates all space, and thus acts as a medium for the transmission of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic waves, which was very actual at that time. In other words, breaking over the question of whether light is an elementary particle OR a wave, the prevailing opinion was that it is a wave, and for that reason it was necessary to provide a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, similar to the movement of sound through some elastic medium such as it is air, in this particular case. After the Mitchelson-Morlay experiment (1887), a serious blow was dealt to this way of applying the ether, which was devised to detect the movement of the Earth through the ether, and which showed that it does not affect its movement at all. In other words, the presence of this medium was not detected. In 1905, this inspired Einstein to develop the Special Theory of Relativity, which led to the ether hypothesis being abandoned. In short, there was no longer a need for this medium, due to Einstein's postulation that the speed of light was in fact a new physical constant, and therefore there was no need to use the ether.
the speed of light considered through the prism of different manifestations of ether-ambients
Is it possible to ignore the ether and the resulting ambients in such a methodologically inconsistent way? In my opinion, based on the previously explained understanding of the role of ether in hidden knowledge, it is not so simple, because all this was based on the misinterpretation of the term ether as the fifth element by those who were ignorant of the secrets of hidden knowledge. In fact, the Mitchelson-Morlay experiment only showed that the vacuum is a neutral state of the ether, which creates the conditions for the movement of celestial bodies with minimal resistance from this universal environment. As a result of this methodological inconsistency, that is, the fact that actually the vacuum is a far more widespread and universal constant, if such a thing can exist in the world of dialectics (in a continuous process of dia-change), paradoxical situations have arisen. In other words, this physical constant of Einstein remained sketchy and insufficiently defined, seen from a methodological point of view.
- For example, although Einstein ignored the ether, one cannot ignore the fact that the movement of light behaves differently in various manifestations of the ether - environment and created ambient. For example, the distance traveled by the speed of light is greater in a vacuum than within a star system, or within the created micro-environment of the Earth's atmosphere, the ocean, as well as being smaller than in intergalactic space due to the expansion of the universe.
- In addition, the speed at which light propagates through transparent materials, such as glass, air, or water, is less than the speed of light in airless space. If to this is added that the speed of movement of electromagnetic waves in wire cables is also slower than the speed of light through a vacuum depending on the resistance of the material used for its transmission (friction), a complete picture of the consequences of this methodological vagueness is gotn, as an end result of ignoring or disregarding this pre - ancient way of understanding the concept of ether and its multitude of manifestations within different created ambients [segments of this pyramid of time and space].
- It is similar with the action of the earth's gravity. For example, heavy and light objects will fall at the same speed in a vacuum or near-airless space. On the other hand, within the resulting ether ambient of the earth's atmosphere, significantly heavier objects will fall to the ground far sooner than feathers, because they offer far less resistance to air and air currents compared to feathers. Similarly, a sheet of paper will fall more slowly than the same sheet of paper crumpled into a ball because it has a larger surface area, and for this reason, it experiences more air resistance to its motion than a crumpled sheet of paper.
From the above, it is easy to conclude that in this ancient methodological approach, instead of adapting reality to a model of reality that the subject under creative consideration [the speed of light, in this particular case] could function universally [ hence the need for the ether as an omnipotent medium ], variations of the reality model are adapted to the resulting ambients of reality. In other words, the reality of this created ether - ambient was respected by adding a new layer to this pyramid for the proper functioning of the four elements (adjustment of the reality model), accordingly by adding the Dialectical Creative Working Framework for Orientation in this dialectical understanding of time and space in a wider, further, and deeper meaning of this term. This is very important when driving a spaceship through space (cosmos) at enormous speeds, because then the artificial intelligence controls it and adjusts the speed of movement according to the ether-ambients it passes through. For each new discovered ether-ambient, a new layer is added to this pyramid, that is, the database is updated. It is important to note here that the speed of movement should not be even close to the speed of light, to understand that it exceeds human abilities to control and react while moving through space.
On the other hand, it should also be emphasized here that the use of the ether, as a temporary auxiliary "crutch" for explaining something inexplicable and unfathomable in a specific age with the reached level of knowledge, can be justified with cognition and the fact, especially in the era of the creative activity of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, that is a far better solution than creatively saying nothing, that is, waiting until all the missing pieces of this nascent knowledge are put together. Just try to imagine the consequences of such a creative approach on the future course of development of creative and scientific thought, in such a critical moment and creative environment ("ether-ambient") of that medieval era of the reign of the then manifestation of blackness (of spirit, mind and reason). After all, in full agreement with the dialectical interactively creative methodological approach to the creation of (new or revival of old) knowledge, no one on Earth is omniscient, nor should the creation of (absolute) dogma be allowed. Especially because this methodological approach represents in fact an interactively creative filling and supplementing of the enigmatic puzzle of the dialectical understanding of time and space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter] by a continuous dia-process of its disassembly and reassembly, that is, by inserting, replacing, by filling in and supplementing incomplete and missing links and cubes of knowledge.
reading creative works between rows, columns, and diagonals
In full accordance with the peculiarities of the dialectical interactive approach, here it is talked about a kind of creative interactive communication with great minds, thinkers, and creators of knowledge who worked in the past, and whose creative contribution to the future course of knowledge development in all four key areas of human activity ( culture, art, philosophy, science), supported with the appropriate degree of technological and intellectual development, is immeasurable and inexpressible in words. For this creator of knowledge, it is a special honor and pleasure to exchange thoughts with these great men of the past, although our representations and interpretations of this ancient "fifth" element, or pre-ancient super-element, differ. It should be emphasized here the fact that "dead mouths" cannot speak and contradict in agreement with the development of creative events in time and space, for example, caused by a higher level of technological development. In spite of this, this dialectical understanding of time and space opens a small door for them, so that they too can participate in this creative debate, reading their creative works between rows, columns, and diagonals. It is especially relevant in this creative age of the reign of these five-sense modernists, for whom this revival and return to this creative stage of the concept - ether is a new and unwelcome overtone and evocation of the specter of the past.
Dialectical Concept of Time and Space
To remind me ⇄ thee ⇄ us, in accordance with this methodological approach, every creative outcome is a temporary conclusion in time DIA space, that is, a never fully completed interactively creative or creatively interactive discussion for all those who want to participate in it. For this reason, this is a creative debate of both the participants of the (ancient) past, as well as those who act HERE and NOW (Space in Time), and those who listen curiously to this conversation (NOW and THERE: Time in Space), and who will therefore one day appear on this magnificent creative stage, intended for a more human collision of ideas and their expressed thoughts. Since this is not a very distant period of time, this type of mundane retrospective recall, recollection and remembrance of this creative event of the relatively recent past is reduced to entering the creative framework of that era, reading between the rows, columns and diagonals, that is, all their doubts and vague thoughts and reflections, which remained deeply etched there, and which only need to be reflected through the prism of contemporary knowledge and acquired experience and new cognition, about which they could only dream.
Every knowledge creator has such or similar doubts, including this creator of knowledge, which, as unspoken, are also placed between diagonals, columns and written lines in their creative works. One such dilemma of this creator of knowledge was whether it is worth re-summoning the specters of this gone past, that is, opening this form of manifestation of the pandora's box in which the concept - ether was kept, which was thrown out of the scientific creative practice in the last century by agreement and tacit acceptance of this option by majority of the most influential creators of that era. Regardless of the authority of all those who stand behind the abandonment of the concept - ether, as well as the strong inner call that encouraged me to do so, in the end the fact prevailed that this fifth (fundamental) side of Cheops' pyramid is nevertheless an extremely important part of hidden knowledge, because this is actually a super-element, without which one cannot fully understand the action of the four basic elements (fire, water, air, earth) in this dialectical reality.
- "What is it there in places where there is no matter?" Isaac Newton asked himself in 1706. "Nature is terrified of a vacuum, and so are people. All the time that we have considered the universe, we have sought to fill this void of it."
Although those of us who have watched on TV the cheerful hopping of cosmonauts on the moon, or in the vacuum of the International Space Station their fun floating catch of a toothbrush that floats in front of their mouths, to which even small children do not remain indifferent, everything that was previously said 300 years ago about horrors of empty space seems like stories to scare small children. In our age, it would be something similar to scaring people with the concept of dark matter, which in the scientific sense is still not known for sure whether it exists, nor if it exists how to detect it and then verify it in terms of the application of the five scientific senses, that is, using this modern scientific method. In other words, in order for the imaginary model of the universe, in which the proportion of matter is only 5%, to function properly, it is necessary to at least theoretically fill it with this still hypothetical dark matter (27%) and the corresponding dark energy (68%). No matter how paradoxical it sounds, although these two related ways of thinking and deliberations, as well as ways of solving the perceived creative challenge, are separated by 100-300 years, if I ⇄ thou ⇄ we carefully consider what needs to be filled, it is about the vacuum again as a standard form of ether manifestation. Coincidence? I do not believe that this is a game of random thoughts and ideas to revisit and reconsider this seemingly inevitable topic. As for Isaac Newton, there is no doubt that he was and remained a great supporter of the concept - ether for the rest of his life. So great that he began to deal with alhemia, trying to find the Holy Grail, or the philosopher's stone of wisdom, in this area. Although he could not recognize all the force and strength of the vacuum, and recognize the ether in it, Newton had a premonition that the ether is a strong, subtle, and elastic medium. This common theme was one of the reasons for this wordless conversation within this dialectical understanding of time and space, which led to the ether concept returning, that is, re-entering the small door of this great creative stage that does not recognize any earthly authorities, nor does it embrace any kind of taboo subject. The one who does not understand this, also does not understand the essence and the main message of this ancient methodological approach (dialectical interactive approach).
the concept of dark matter and energy considered through the prism of vacuum and airlessness
The concept of dark matter and energy is important because for the (continuous) expansion of the universe, some source is necessary to fill this elastic and stretchable ether - vacuum. In other words, the recycling of stardust created in space factories after a supernova explosion, as well as the released material created in black holes, the resulting plasma contained in stellar winds, including the reprocessing and refinement of unused cosmic dust contained in the vacuum, is not enough to explain the origin of new galaxies. It is necessary to emphasize here that a large number of galaxies that are seen as they looked like a few billion years ago, are in fact illusory and ghostly images of one and the same galaxy in different stages of development. In other words, it is the end result of the limitation of the speed of light in combination with the very mysterious movement of galaxies due to the expansion of the cosmos, at a speed that even exceeds the speed of light.
Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
To remind me ⇄ thee ⇄ us, Time in Space [NOW and THERE: the future hidden in the spirit] also represents the external, very distant, ghostly, spooky, and unknown worlds of dialectics, as well as the internal (hidden), and with the five senses, invisible contents of the dialectical understanding of time and space. Therefore, it is very important to emphasize here that it is not so important where that galaxy was or how it looked 10 or 5 billion years ago, but where it is now, and how it looks now, as well as what was created NOW and THERE [Space in Time: matter embedded in the past], and whose pictorial representation of these invisible events in far and deep space has not yet reached Earth due to the limited velocity of light, as well as numerous gravitational obstacles and protective envelopes (the resulting ether - ambients), which further slow it down and distort it by its refraction, giving us a distorted picture of these very distant events of the bygone past. In any case, each form of manifestation of movement faster than the maximum speed of light represents a gray area that separates us from the (potentially) reachable universe, regardless of whether it is about ghostly or spooky images of galaxies of the distant past, of the expansion of the universe, of the division of the universe by the stretching of the ether -vacuum (similar to cell division), or about anything else. In short, these faraway regions of space are unreachable, considered from the point of view of Einstein's view of the role of the speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum), as a physical constant of space. In other words, everything that is within the boundaries of this gray zone of space should be creatively considered as various forms of manifestation of (distant) reality (thesis: various manifestations of Space in Time), while everything that is outside, behind, and beyond this gray zone should be creatively considered in the sense of obtaining clearer ideas about the origin of the universe, as well as of the further development of events in it (antithesis: Time in Space). Otherwise, seen from a methodological point of view, it is necessary to redefine the theory of general relativity, that is, to redefine its methodological presumptions and assumptions, or to develop a new theory.
Be that as it may or not, as a banal mundane example of the manifestation of images of the stars of the past, if you somehow revived the ancient Sumerian astrologers, after 5000 years it would take some time for them to adjust their eyes to this new image of the sky, that is, to immediately recognize the once very recognizable images of the constellations, because in the changing worlds of dialectics, nothing stays in one place, not even the stars. However, these vast cosmological expanses are not about a few thousand Earth years, but billions of light years. Since the modern observation of images of the cosmos, including these ghostly and spooky scenes of the past, is a very young branch of science, it will take hundreds and perhaps even thousands of years to gain a clearer insight into how this greatest initiated creative endeavor works in reality, as well as to find out what is actually happening in this macro-cosmic reality. For this reason, it is necessary to more clearly separate events in Space and Time from various types of manifestation of optical illusions of the visible cosmos due to the well-known "far" - reach of the sense of sight, as well as the conclusions derived on that basis. In short, "all that glitters is not gold". Only then it will be possible to say more precisely what percentage of the cosmos is occupied by dark matter and dark energy, that is, how much it occupied in the early phase of the cosmos' development.
In addition, although the vacuum is mostly filled with the lightest elements (hydrogen and helium), since it is about the infinite airless expanses of the cosmos, it is not such a negligible mass. It reminds me of that wise ancient chessplayer, who used his ability to strategically predict the unfolding of events on the chess board for far-sighted and far-reaching calculations, asking the king to pay him the prize by placing only one seed on the first chess square, and then it increases at first sight by a negligible and simple increase of that yield in accordance with the geometric progression. If to this is added that the expanses of space are not limited to 64 chess fields, a deeper insight into this dialectical interactive content that is creatively considered is gotn. It should be emphasized here that the ether (- vacuum, although almost airless), including its various manifestations, is one superelement, far stronger than the known applications of the four elements (hydraulics, pneumatics...). In short, the ether vacuum effortlessly overcomes the powerful shocks and supernova explosions, holding on its "backs" giant black holes, neutron stars, galaxies ... interconnected and bound by the shackles of gravity and gravitation, where everything spins and turns around various centers of gravitational forces and powers, and whose borders are marked with various swollen manifestations of the protective sheath.
It follows from the above that although it has been shown that the vacuum represents an ideal environment for the movement of light, I am afraid that even this modernized and modern underestimation of the power and strength of the void of airless space only leads to further unnecessary complication of the already complicated reality of the macrouniverse due to the limited movement of the speed of light, that is, of electromagnetic waves, generally speaking. If dark energy is really so widespread, permeating the entire universe (68%), and thus inevitably (ether -) vacuum, and at the same time it cannot be detected in the vast airless expanses of the solar system, i.e. in the vacuum sample taken, then airlessness as an essence of the vacuum can represent or hide within itself this mysterious powerful energy, which in fact gives such a dark color to the vacuum. Even today, wherever thou look at the luminous celestial bodies during a starry night, thou get the impression that thou are there, not only emotionally, but also physically and visually. No matter how many times thou close thy eyes to make visual breaks, thou will immediately see the same star image when thou open thy eyes. This enigmatic phenomenon of space and time is independent of how you measured it, or where you looked in the sky, because the speed of light is always the same, which Einstein also noticed and applied for the development of the Special Theory of Relativity. In Einstein's words, the speed of light in a vacuum is a manifestation of a physical constant (thesis), and he used this phenomenon to circumvent the elusive concept of the ether.
Despite this kind of manifestation of a black-and-white way of thinking, one cannot ignore the fact that the vacuum is such a good conductor and transmitter of light, that it not only does not absorb light, but also hides that light within itself from prying eyes. And so well that the star beam cannot be seen with the naked eye (antithesis), as if it were a hidden network of invisible cables. And it was precisely this mysterious behavior of this (almost) airless space that puzzled both ancient and antique astrologers, as well as all other celestial observers, until the appearance of Albert Einstein. In short, they did not have at their disposal such powerful auxiliary eyes (telescopes) due to the inferior level of technological development, which in itself requires a higher level of development of their spiritual, intellectual and mindual abilities, and for this reason they were forced to supplement it with their phantasy and imagination. This was even more complicated with the behavior of the light rays of our star (the Sun) during the day, when everything looks the opposite of what was previously described. In other words, aren't the night stars the same as the day stars, those with these different manifestations of ethereal ambience were intrigued? I would like to say that during this silent conversation with the greats of the past, it is necessary to reconsider any new or renewed knowledge from the perspective of their creative age, and then use it as a common starting point for continuing this creative debate that has begun within this dialectical understanding of space and time [future, emotively emotional presence dia physical presence, past].
After all, didn't Einstein also consider developments in his understanding of space and time through the frame of reference or "glasses" of a space traveler moving at high speed through a vacuum relative to a stationary observer (twin brother) here on Earth, reflecting it all through the prism of this physical constant (the speed of light) to tell us that for this space traveler, as seen from his personal perspective, time is measured and passes QUANTITATIVELY slower compared to this earthbound observer. By the way, Einstein was well aware of the fact that both in the macro-universe and in the micro-universe, nothing stands still, but everything is forced not only to move, but also exposed to dialectical changes. In other words, this quantitative measurement of the passage of time had a strong resonance for so long that it gave false hope that this was a new kind of manifestation of the elixir of longevity, of eternal youth, or even of immortality, as well as opening various illusory doors for physical travel into the past (to change its course?), and similar. If to this is added the fact that this space traveler will also be forced to adjust and move his watch to the time here on Earth, that is, to the clock of this stationed observer and not the other way around, similar to the clocks of numerous satellites orbiting the Earth, whose clocks were advanced to be adjusted to this final purpose of theirs, as well as he will be forced to adapt to the gravitational force of Earth, much like the cosmonauts when they return from their brief excursion into space, one gets a deeper insight into this QUALITATIVE reconsideration of Einstein's understanding of space and time.
On the other hand, seen from a methodological point of view, one could ask where there is room for rational thinking in this four-dimensional unified space-time continuum (physical universe). In short, unlike Newton, who defined space and time as separate and immutable concepts in an absolute sense, Einstein simply relativized it by fusing the three dimensions of matter with the bare concept of time. To remind me ⇄ thee ⇄ us, in the social physical universe, based on this Einstein's understanding of space and time [that is, created by the abuse of this model of reality in the social sphere], there is no place for either spiritual or mental or any reasonable action. Furthermore, it could be said that this material and materialistic reality of the created social universe, based on and imbued with this applied physical model of reality, is very reminiscent of the image of the world from the medieval era of the rule of blackness, where this time various manifestations of the earthly gods look down through the firmament on happenings within this created social physical universe. But as a methodologist, I know very well that even this black-and-white view of the world leads nowhere, that is, it only contributes to a significant slowing down of the progress of this civilization in every sense. Regarding the manifestation of this Einsteinian physical constant, it could be said that the vacuum, with airlessness as its essence and intrinsic property, regardless of whether it is additionally permeated with dark energy or not, also represents some kind of very widespread neutral "constant" for relatively undisturbed unfolding of the initiated dynamic and dialectical processes within it, and which, in fact, is the most deserving of this Einstein's physical constant receiving the epithet constant.
If to this is added that according to scientists even the "maximum" emptied space (airlessness) still contains vacuum energy, the Higgs field, as well as some form of manifestation of gravity and gravitation, it is necessary to resolve the ambiguities arising from it. Vacuum energy or vacuum fluctuation (zero point of energy) represents countless elementary particles and anti-particles in mutual interaction that briefly flash and then immediately go out [when they see the airlessness of the darkness that surrounds them], while the Higgs field gives mass to these elementary particles (electrons, quarks) taking this background energy right from the vacuum. And where there is (potential) mass, there is inevitable gravity and gravitation, no matter how negligible it is. Here it is very important to emphasize that the various types of manifestation of gravity in interaction with gravitation are very discerning during the determination, accordingly deciding, what will be affected and which weight of the mass will not. In other words, what will undergo free fall, what will remain floating, and what will orbit around the appropriate source of gravity, or be simply (temporarily) stopped or slowed down with its protective envelope. If to this is added that the vacuum is filled with various forms of manifestation of electromagnetic energy (radiation), from that it follows that this almost neutral vacuum [for extinguishing and bringing under control various fires that appear or smolder in it from time to time, here and there] imbued with various ways of manifesting energy, not only with ions, particles... (mass).
Although according to scientists, both dark energy and dark matter, similar to airlessness [a completely emptied and sucked vacuum], do not absorb and do not reflect (electromagnetic) radiation, this does not necessarily mean that they do not interact with the Higgs field, because they are already assumed to counteract or cooperate in some hidden way with the gravitational field. By the way, (quantum) airlessness (of darkness: thesis) similarly to light (antithesis) also does not contain particles but only (vacuum) energy, which fluctuates ("sparkles") with the continual appearance and disappearance of virtual particles in a dia-process known as quantum tunneling. If sub-atomic particles can really penetrate some potential energy barrier using this quantum tunneling, whose height is greater than the total energy of that particle, then quantum tunneling can even more easily create and maintain this invisible network of tunnels through the ether - vacuum for the unimpeded passage of light, that is, for the flow of various types of manifestation of electromagnetic energy. In other words, in this way, airlessness (darkness: thesis) in interaction with light (antithesis) participates in the creation and maintenance of this cosmological constant (speed of light velocity).
This also sheds more light on the different behavior of this cosmological constant as it passes through various ether-environments and resulting ambients. For example, this explains why sunlight is scattered in the form of its spectrum (of colors) within the earth's atmosphere (the created micro-ambient), while within the (airlessness of darkness of) ether - environment, star rays are invisible to the naked eye except for their light source of white color (speed of movement of darkness). This would be something similar to showing and proving that all this above-mentioned interacting with vacuum energy [and with the darkness of airlessness as an inherent property and the very essence of the vacuum, that is, instead of with the hypothetical dark energy] actually supports and maintains the momentum (inertial motion) and kinetic energy of the photon during of its journey through the vacuum. And in this case (without the need for the concept of dark energy) the ether would manifest as it was imagined by great scientists and thinkers before the advent of Einstein. It follows from this that the attention of knowledge creators should be focused on the interaction between the (known) physical fields and all the constituent components of the vacuum, including airlessness (darkness) as an innate and intrinsic property and the very essence of the vacuum.
Regardless of all of the above, if dark matter and energy are detected within the ether - vacuum, it means that the corresponding ether - ambient has also been created there. But here it should be emphasized that this additional source for the expansion of the universe can also be outside the universe, with the fact that there must also be a way to draw it and bring it into the ether - vacuum. Hidden knowledge pictorially and symbolically represents this hidden source of matter within the primordial chaos (origin point of the universe) with the enigmatic play of the numbers 6 and 9. In other words, it depends on how and from which side you look at this gate, that is, the gate of life and death (from above or below). Since the number 8 (the symbol of eternity) is located between these two numbers (6 and 9), it seems that this interplay of life and death within the dialectical understanding of time and space is the key to entering eternity, that is, its meaning. In short, if the original symbols for the numerous values 6 and 9 are dialectically combined and fitted, a pictorial representation of the number 8 emerges (the symbol of eternity), the essence of which is the rebirth and renewal of this reality, preferably at a higher level of this dialectical understanding of time and space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter). This was symbolized by the symbol 10, but not in the sense of a numerical value of ten but as her first life cycle and zero phase (1.0) and so on.
In short, this form of manifestation of the dialectical method in reality is contained in the primary rule or the primary law of dialectics. In other words, the action of this primary law of dialectics, whose purpose is the previously explained manifestation of rebirth and renewal of reality, is everywhere visible and present, both here on Earth and in space. In the macro-universe, it is recognizable by considering the real purpose of multiple processing and finishing of cosmic dust in the aforementioned cosmic factories. For example, through the multiple birth, death, and rebirth of stars, and all of that to create the conditions for the emergence of a star of the type of our Sun (life-bearing stars). Everything said above should be understood in this wider creative context, that is, creatively reflected through the prism of this applied methodological approach. In other words, the dialectical interactively creative approach not only does not negate the scientific achievements of the great and greatest thinkers and minds of mankind, rather, it actually supplements them again and again, filling in the methodologically vague, weak, and missing links of knowledge, that is, the cubes of this creatively unassembled puzzle of the dialectical understanding of time and space [because absolute truth and corresponding knowledge belong to the Ever-Living God, and to no one else].
Gravity and Gravitation
The Background Simulation Settings of the Dialectic Interactive Approach
Although it seems to many of you, or you have been told so on "Ruling Great TV", that Einstein's understanding of time and space completely replaces Newton's understanding of this dialectical content under creative consideration, that is, that Einstein's understanding of gravitation completely negates Newton's understanding of gravity, it is not so in reality, because this is actually about different views, the way of interpreting and presenting this complex concept in different epochs of knowledge creation, as well as about different creative approaches to the dialectical content that was creatively considered, seen from the point of view of the development of scientific, cultural, artistic and philosophical thoughts. For example, Newton's understanding of time and space [and without additional supplementation and refinement] is adequate in the useful range and reach of the five basic senses (not the universe), while Einstein's understanding of space and time better and more artistically reflects reality in the (potentially) attainable and the (currently) accessible universe, but not in the visible universe, and especially not in the parts of the universe, which will never reach the human sense of sight, both due to the limitation of the speed of light and of the expansion of the cosmos.
It is similar with their understanding of gravitation, which in fact complement and supplement each other. Although Newton noted that the movement of the heavenly body (gravitation) and the free fall of physical objects on the heavenly body (gravity) are determined and caused by the same force, considered from the perspective of the dialectical interactive approach, a better methodological procedure is to separate these two concepts, that is, to consider them as a thesis (gravity) and antithesis (gravitation). In other words, while the concept of gravity (gravity force of a celestial body) explains why less massive objects fall on a celestial body, the concept of gravitation explains why more massive celestial bodies do not do so but orbit around each other. In other words, separated but interacting like this, these two concepts explain, that is, one can guess why asteroids and meteorites fall to Earth while its companion, the Moon, orbits around it. Generally speaking, the closer a space object (spaceship, satellite, orbital station...) is to the source of gravity (the Earth, for example), the stronger the effect of gravity on it, and as a result, a higher speed of movement of this space object is necessary in order not to fell to Earth and vice versa.
- As an example, the International Space Station does not fall to the Earth but orbits around it, because it is moving forward at just the right speed that when combined with the rate of its free fall due to gravity, it creates the right relationship between its speed of motion and the acceleration of its free fall, that is, there is an annulment of these two opposites in time and space.
- Since this is a relatively small and insufficiently heavy space object (it has a lower gravitational force and higher acceleration), with an inadequate shape, it is difficult to achieve and maintain its orbital path at the desired height for a long period of time. In order to compensate for this, approximately once a month, its thrusters are briefly turned on to bring it back to the right height, that is, to the desired distance from the source of gravity.
The difference between gravity and gravitation is visible and noticeable in the way cosmonauts move in different manifestations of ether - ambience. For example, in a vacuum where gravitation prevails in relation to gravity, cosmonauts holding a spoon in front of them float (a feeling of weightlessness), while in the opposite case they can only more or less jump (on Earth) or hop happily (on the Moon, for example), that is, they are subject to the action of free fall (gravity). In my opinion, Newton's understanding of the action of the gravitational force (distinguishing between "G" and the "g" constant) conveys this far better to those who are not versed in the mathematical mysteries and all the intricacies of physics [the reach of common sense] than Einstein's concepts of Relativity, where in every created ether - ambient, all this is tried to be evoked and conjured up by the curvature and warping of space-time. More will be said about it in the following chapters of this creative article.
It follows from the above that gravity is measured and expressed by the acceleration it gives to a freely falling object, while gravitation, expressed by the inertia of the celestial body's movement speed, keeps it in orbit. Gravitational potential on the Earth's surface is mostly caused by the mass and centrifugal force of the Earth (artificial gravity), as well as to a lesser extent by the action of gravitation in interaction with the gravity of the Moon, the Sun and other (closer) heavenly bodies. Instead of the action of the force of gravity and gravitation, Einstein presented these attractive forces as the result of a curved four-dimensional space-time. According to him, this curvature is what feels like both gravity and gravitation. In order to solve the previously described problem with maintaining the desired height (altitude) of the International Space Station, according to Einstein, it is necessary to make its curved path (orbit) so that it corresponds to the curvature of the space around the Earth.
While this vividly evokes the free fall of an object onto a celestial body, as well as the orbiting of a celestial body (around the Sun) in ideal conditions predetermined by the way the designed Grand Plan (Magnificent Picture) of the Creator of this universe works, it is far less appropriate for a graphic presentation and a graphic solution to the problems that have arisen in the useful domain and range of the five basic senses (Newton's "universe"), as it was emphasized previously. Another example, where the interplay between Newton's and Einstein's view of the action of gravity and gravitation (within Newton's "universe", also in interaction) is even more clearly seen, is the phenomenon of tides and ebb tides, as well as the lifting of the Earth's soil ["to breathe and aerate it", 20 cm according to some scientists]. In other words, although the Earth has a much larger mass compared to the Moon, and for that reason it curves space and space-time much more, the Moon nevertheless manages to exert such a strong influence on the Earth, that is, it pulls its mass out of its "hole" surmounting and overcoming the orbital ramparts that separate them, and whose forces are so powerful that they even bend, refract, and redirect light.
For your proper orientation, in order to overcome the force of the earth's gravity, that is, to free the flying object from its shackles, it is necessary to move at least at a speed of 11 km per second. How challenging it is, can be seen during the launch of spaceships and flying objects loaded with a relatively small load (mass), despite the achieved technological progress in this area of space conquest. And if to this is added, that even descending down to the celestial body is still a challenge, then an even better idea about this dialectical content under creative consideration is gotn. Since the Moon and the Earth exert mutual gravitational attraction, that is, attraction towards their own sources of gravity, tides as a consequence of the interactive action of the forces of gravity and gravitation (of heavenly bodies) progressively spread towards the edges of the coasts, that is, they bulge both toward the side of the Earth closest to the Moon and toward its side farthest (opposite) from the Moon, which makes this gravitational phenomenon of tides appear like a regular rise and fall of sea and ocean levels.
This phenomenon of tides and ebbs is most noticeable in the vast, deep and large masses of water and surfaces that extend both equatorially and meridianally on the GLOBE. This apparent indentation in the oceans (bowling lane), which occurs as a result of the movement of huge water masses towards its shores, is very reminiscent of Einstein's indentation of the structural fabric of space-time caused by numerous "bowling balls" of different masses. In other words, instead of this mutual pulling, stretching and attraction of celestial bodies, Einstein saw gravitation as the result of this manifestation of warped and curved space-time. Since this interplay of "tides and ebbs" both on the globe and within the solar elliptical system takes place from day to day, the orbits of celestial bodies are the result of their following elliptical up-and-down paths caused by the multiple interactive action of "tides and ebbs" in this interplanetary "ocean" of the solar system (bubble) filled with solar vacuum.
These imprinted paths by the action of the "tides" [and then refilled by the "ebb" of the solar vacuum], which actually create the orbital paths for the movement (and pushing) of the celestial body, as a result of the free fall of the celestial body through this curved (and warped) spacetime, Einstein called gravity, while according to Newton it would be the result of the action of gravitational forces in mutual cooperation. Since both Newton and Einstein creatively consider the same phenomenon, with a careful reading of everything mentioned above it is not difficult to determine, considered from a methodological point of view, what is the cause and what is the effect of thess "tides and ebbs". In my opinion, this is an additional reason why it is necessary to separate the concepts of gravity and gravitation, in order to avoid further confusion of these concepts, as was emphasized at the beginning of this chapter dedicated to the action of gravitational forces. If to this is added that it is impossible to accurately predict and determine the gravitational effects and interactions of star systems within numerous constellations that consist of a large number of celestial bodies, and where everything revolves around itself, as well as around larger and more massive bodies of the universe, affecting each other, one gets an even more complex picture of this dialectical interactively creative content under consideration.
In general, Einstein's concept of gravitation is more applicable at the galactic level (ether-vacuum), while Newton's conception of gravity and gravitation is easier to understand and applicable at the level of the resulting ether-micro-ambient. It should be emphasized here that Newton, unlike Einstein, did not have such a large number of faithful followers, who would actively participate in maintaining and supplementing his concept of acting gravitational force. On the other hand, Einstein's followers supplemented and completed his concepts of Relativity, sometimes adapting or changing various Einstein statements, often contradictory, and if necessary redefining them, as well as filling in the "holes" and methodological inconsistencies of the General and Special Theory of Relativity, about which will be told more in the following chapters of this creative article. However, all of this previously explained completely contradicts the ruling black and white view of the world, as well as modern scientific events in it: Einstein OR Newton, in this particular case.
Creation of Prerequisites and Conditions for the Application of the Concept of Materialism in Social Reality
Reading Einstein's various statements (often contradictory), and especially what was left unfinished and unsaid in his creative works and articles, and which was hidden between rows, columns, and diagonals, it is noticeable that Einstein also adapted to the "winds" that were blowing with all side, but in such a way as to elevate his theories of Relativity. In other words, although the young Einstein was a supporter of the ether in the depths of his soul, in order to get out of anonymity, he first, by simply ignoring and bypassing the concept of the ether, introduced a new physical constant (the speed of light) in order to adapt to this new artistically creative climate, which not only gradually permeated artistic creativity but also dominated the philosophy and culture of the time. Let's remember, that was the era of the emergence of various types of interpretations of materialism, not only Marx's understanding of materialism. For me personally, it is a big surprise that the science of that time managed to resist these huge external pressures and influences for so long, considering its ultimate purpose and essence.
In my opinion, this can be largely attributed to the huge influence of the great inventors of the late 19th century, some of whom were great supporters of the ether concept until the end of their lives. For example, Maxwell (the father of the theory of electromagnetic waves), Lorentz (the creator of the theory of the ether), and Nikola Tesla [perfected the system of alternating current, which is still used today], to mention only a few of them. In other words, surrounded by various cables and conductors, they too, similar to Isaac Newton, could not imagine air spaces or a vacuum without some intermediate medium, i.e. ether. Moreover, Nikola Tesla stuck to it well into the 20th century, writing in 1938 that all attempts to explain the workings of the cosmos without acknowledging the existence of a light-bearing aether are futile. While this galaxy of great inventors created using their imaginations, a new generation of scientists was maturing for the coming era of the rule of materialism, as well as its transition to materialisticism, where everything is valued, expressed, and limited by the scope of money, including the manifestation of creative potential.
In short, great inventors, as bearers of science and creative ideas and thoughts in those time, were simply squeezed out or suppressed from this great creative scene and stage, and gradually replaced by a multitude of quasi-scientists and academic scientists, in the literal sense of this term. Honor to the exceptions! In other words, quality has been replaced by quantity, as the guiding idea of every form of manifestation of materialism. It went so far that this materialistic dogma and taboo topic in all key areas of human activity is simply untouchable even today, despite the fact that traditional communism, based on Marx's scientific socialism and materialism, has disappeared. In short, these "eternal" modern natiocratic dogmas based on the authority of personality must not be touched because of the various guardians of their works, assets and inviolable characters. Or put it in another way, to touch the untouchables in this scientifically materialistic world created by the application of various types of censorship, one has to pay a too high price, because it is necessary to sacrifice not only a scientific career and the benefits associated with it, but it is followed by a rapid fall to the very bottom of their warped and distorted "space-time" in this created physical social universe.
According to these new rules of the creative game, Einstein continued to play with his followers, even during the development of the General Theory of Relativity. In other words, although his former professor (Herman Minkovski) was in fact the creator of the concept of four-dimensional space-time (1908), Einstein also used this idea to develop the theory of General Relativity (1916), but implemented not in the usual way it is used in mathematics or statistics. In short, again reading between the rows, columns, and diagonals, his hidden replacement of the concept of ether with the concept of four-dimensional space-time comes to light. In other words, if the concept of space-time is replaced with ether - vacuum or ether, these hidden or skillfully disguised thoughts of his come to light, that is, the real background of his theory of General Relativity.
To remind me ⇄ thee ⇄ us, the theory of General Relativity says that space and time form a unified continuum [space-time ie ETHER - VACUUM], and this continuum can be curved, distorted, and stretched in the presence of matter. According to Einstein, all objects in the universe are located in this smooth, four-dimensional fabric, called space-time [ETHER - VACUUM]. Massive objects such as the Sun bend and warp space-time [ETHER - VACUUM] around them, and so the orbit of a celestial body is simply the result of its following this curvature of space-time [ETHER - VACUUM]. This curvature of space-time [ETHER - VACUUM] is what is felt as gravity.
It follows from this that Albert Einstein, creatively moving along the line of least resistance, simply put in their ears exactly what this emerging scientific elite wanted to hear: An abstract, elastic, stretchy, and "bombastic" concept, which although sounds nice and resonates in to the ears of that post-romantic era, it essentially completely deviates from the well-established walls of the physical universe, despite the fact that Einstein, with the above-mentioned artistic method and transplating techniques, managed to interweave it in a modern scientific sense with this miraculous four-dimensional fabric of space-time, which resembles to the pre-Einstein miraculous conception of the ether. Consequently, within this Einsteinian elastic and stretchable framework for weaving and fusing space and time, the end result of which is space-time, various quantitative manipulations with the concept of time are feasible, including the ability to slow down and stop it.
According to Einstein and his followers, time stops running inside a black hole singularity, as it does for photons as they travel at the speed of light. But the purpose of light, i.e. photons, is not only to enable the functioning of the sense of sight, but, for example, for sunlight to warm us, or for its energy to be used by plants during the dia-process of photosynthesis, by solar panels for its transformation into other types of energy, in salt pans for the production of salt, and the like. In other words, the purpose of light and individual photons is not only to move (dynamics), but also to be absorbed and transformed into something even more useful and purposeful (dialectics). In short, while light dies when its source stops emitting it, individual photons as carriers of particles of energy and information "die" or pass into another state after each form of absorption. On the other hand, if a black hole could truly swallow and stop time, then it would be immortal. Unfortunately for her, and all supporters of this way of thinking as well, everything is subject to and subordinated to time, especially Einstein's understanding of physical space, as well as his understanding of integrated but stripped time with these three dimensions of physical space.
Keep in mind that although in the generally accepted way of understanding the concept of life, stars, black holes, and the like, are included in the so-called still ("dead") nature, this is not the case in the dialectical sense of understanding this very complex concept and meaning of the term life. To cut this long story short, these heavenly bodies, thanks to the built-in cosmological clock of their own time, are very "aware" of their past as well as their physical presence, and using their "emotional" presence in the dialectical worlds to observe the dialectical events around them, they "subconsciously" know very well what they need to do in the future, as well as why they did it in the past, which actually came from this dialectical understanding of the term - the future. In fact, the concept of time is confused here with the measurement of (this stripped) time, which does not distinguish between past, present, and future, manifested through various ways of passing time in different ether - environments and ambients with the flow and cessation of the flow of one's own (assigned) time.
The Hidden Knowledge: Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE US, out of Stars and other Celestial Bodies
In short, seen and considered from a methodological perspective, an abstract concept is confused with its concrete ways of manifestation. After all, every clock for measuring time has components of a physical (material) nature, and is therefore subject to the influence of gravity and gravitation, for example, no matter how small it is. It should be emphasized here that each ether-ambient consists of several segments of different composition and density, which can also affect how gravity and gravitation will be manifested, and thus affect the measurement of time. On the other hand, the "teeth" of time erode and grind everything, no matter how slow or too fast it appears, or so it seemed. Of course, this statement does not dispute the possibility that a neutron star or a black hole can swallow and interrupt the flow of time in some concrete way of manifestation of Einstein's four-dimensional creation (integrated space-time), because this is in accordance with the methodological presumptions and assumptions of his model of reality. In fact, various ways to stop the flow of one's allotted time are happening around you day and night.
For example, a black hole can suck in a star, and thus interrupt the flow of time allocated to that star, which it deforms, distorts, and sucks in with its gravitational force. But this act will not stop the flow of time of that constellation or universe (mega-time), because it happens continuously within it, without even mentioning the flow or transfer of time (dia space) from its real source: eternity (DIA infinity). Moreover, for Einstein, this previously explained integrated time and space (star, black hole, as well as other celestial bodies) represent three dimensions of matter (mass) in whose presence or under its weight this physically directly unfathomable space-time bends and twists, that is, it indirectly manifests itself as gravity. It follows from this that even in Einstein's understanding of time and space, time is represented as something out of us, outside the stars and other heavenly bodies.
In Plato's words, every (methodological) concept of time and space is in fact a copy, that is, manifestation or application of the eternal (DIA infinite) model of dialectical reality. Or to put it another way, everything that was created within any way of manifesting the dialectical understanding of time and space (copy), regardless of how long it will last, will disappear sooner or later, that is, it will pass and turn into another form of its manifestation. This is a short dialectical answer to the philosophical dilemma, whether time (and its corresponding space) has a beginning or an end. Or to put it another way, if abstract space can be dimly perceived with the five human senses in a scientific sense, and then evoked and conjured up in the human mind, the same does not apply to the abstract understanding of time, because abstract time is unfathomable to these senses, but only some concrete manifestations of this abstract understanding of (space in) time can be observed.
Abstract Methodological Creative Framework of the Dialectical Interactive Approach: Four Key Concepts of the Dialectical Understanding of Time and Space, expressed through its Two Paired Dialects: Time in Space ⇄ Space in Time DIA Medium of Time ⇄ Medium of Space
For this reason, it is no coincidence that in every conception of time and space, including the dialectical understanding of this concept, time has always been represented and interpreted with the help of the constituent concrete dialects of space. As an example, if all its dialects are removed from the apstract model of the dialectical understanding of time and space, only four multicolored triangles remain inside it, which represent pictorial representations of the pre-ancient four elements (water, air, fire, earth). If that is also removed from this abstract model of reality, only an empty shell of its (methodologically) vague abstract concepts remains. It follows from this that, from a methodological point of view, it is very important to distinguish abstract concepts from concrete dialects, that is, from concrete manifestations of the applied model of reality. In other words, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between what is concrete and what is abstract; what is subject to change and what is not; what can be manipulated or speculated on, and what cannot and should not be done. Through this methodological prism, the previously mentioned, apparently banal, reinterpretation of what is happening in a black hole, as well as within a ray of light, should be passed through, reflected, and looked at more deeply.
quantitative properties and features of Einstein's understanding of space and time
There are rumors that after achieving all his worldly goals, including the well-deserved Nobel Prize in Physics, Einstein returned to the concept of the ether, moreover, he tried to equate the ether with the vacuum. Be that as it may, it was not accepted in wider scientific circles. Harmlessly but for too long playing and fishing with the net in these murky creative waters, he himself became too networked, that is, it was too late to tear himself out of these invisible modern scientific shackles of this hidden mechanical social structure. In other words, put this in the wider social context of the creative age, as well as the years that were unstoppably advancing. In short, there was an era of the reign of various manifestations of materialism with the formation of social, mechanistic structures, which stripped, depersonalized, and dehumanized man, reducing him to a mechanical being so that he could more easily fit into this emerging mechanical material social universe.
How strong and powerful the "mechanical structures" of this created physical social universe are still is shown by the fact that Einstein's outdated illustration of the curvature of space-time with the image of a rubber mat curved and dented under the weight of a bowling ball no longer corresponds to the actual state observed in the ether-vacuum. Namely, it is even known from a strictly scientific point of view, since the spacecraft Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 succeeded in different places to leave the solar system (its Heliosphere) and enter the interstellar space of our galaxy. In short, the point is not there in the curvature or indentation in the abstract four-dimensional space-time, because here it is actually about a bubble "inflated" by the solar vacuum. This solar protective mantle is continuously maintained with the warm plasma of the solar wind and the electromagnetic field of our star (the Sun), thus preventing the penetration of cold and much denser interstellar plasma, as well as of cosmic ionizing radiation. There is no doubt that if Einstein had had this current scientific knowledge at his disposal, he would have enveloped the solar planetary system with its abstract four-dimensional space-time, instead of making a dent in it.
On the other hand, his followers, instead of harmonizing his theories with the reality of this star system, continue to dream of establishing a civilization on the satellites of the outer planets of the solar system, that is, as a new refuge for them, even within their oceans, as some sort of solution when the sun runs out of its available fuel. It seems that the essential consequences of the dying Sun are completely ignored here, and in the first place, who or what will maintain the protective membrane of this solar bubble. Or to put it another way, the fact that this interstellar element will blow away not only all the water, but also the rest of the atmosphere from all its solid planets, as well as strip all the planets of gas, is lightly glossed over.
Moreover, although the interplanetary manifestation of the airless space of the solar system seems very harsh to the astronauts, it is nothing compared to the manifestation of the vacuum in interstellar space, and especially its manifestation in intergalactic space.... All this again reminds to their illusory journeys into the past, elixirs of longevity by traveling at the speed of light, and their similarly simple-minded adventures into the known. And what drives them to these journeys into the worlds of illusions and self-deception? Precisely this elastic, "bombastic" and abstract concept, which is insufficiently (methodologically) defined: a four-dimensional creation of space-time, within which there is no place, not only for spiritual but also for mental-reasonable action and influence on events within this ways of understanding space and time.
It follows from this that the main difference between Einstein's and the dialectical understanding of time and space is that Einstein's conception focuses on its quantitative properties, while the dialectical understanding emphasizes the qualitative properties of time and space. For this reason, even at the cost, to use Einstein's words, of not using the term ether, a far better option is to use the term vacuum or airlessness, if one insists on a more exotic concept, than abstract and methodologically vague space-time, because it corresponds far better to the physical nature and quantitative properties and features of this Einsteinian model of reality. In short, the vacuum is a very elastic and stretchable but also a concrete creation, which can be scientifically considered and studied, that is, measured and quantitatively expressed, because it is of a physical nature.
bohemian rhapsody within the dialectical understanding of time and space
With the above, the greatness of Einstein's creative achievements is not disputed, but his understanding of space and time was creatively considered and re-examined from the point of view of the dialectical understanding of time and space, as well as from the methodological perspective of the dialectical interactive approach. It is very important to note here that both Newton and Einstein attached little importance to the application of an adequate methodological approach during the development of their conceptions of space and time. Regardless of these objections, Albert Einstein, especially in his second stage of life, as he was in a sweater, casually dressed, with his harmless, deep, far-reaching, transparent and penetrating gaze, is completely different from the majority of his followers and supporters, with whom he played as "a big cat with mice of various sizes". As such, Einstein could have been a great star in the field of art with a huge number of fans, i.e. followers in today's virtual world of the Internet, although he is also very present there as a scientist.
In short, at least some common features and characteristics can be observed here, which unite him with this creator of knowledge, who belongs to the contemporary lineage of the last romantic bohemians, and which are also slowly dying out and disappearing, that is, they are almost imperceptibly withdrawing from this great all-theatrical creative stage due to a strong gust of diverse and numerous faceless masses dressed in uniforms of different colors. But regardless of the threatening phenomena and various manifestations of these always and everywhere present (hidden) "mechanical structures", we still lack Isaac Newton, to start a real creative fun conversation. Especially if he runs out of his all-knowing alchemy laboratory, sprinkled with various chemicals, solutions, and stardust of every possible color, reddened in the face from inhaling the fumes of this form of soma manifestation and drinking ambrosia, the favorite elixirs of the ancient Vedas and Greeks of old, carrying in hand the Holy Grail, even if it has been drunk to the bottom, to pour into it the white or red wine of truth, or beer of unforgettability, or anything else that is available to us, because creative people will make a festival and a creative atmosphere out of pure spring water, which will be remembered. All this taken together is encouraging, and is more than enough to start a creative discussion, as well as the exchange of accumulated experience, ideas and thoughts worthy of a human being, despite the fact that we come from different epoches of creative activity.
And as for the fate of this dialectical understanding of time and space, isn't the main message of this revived (pre-ancient) methodological approach to the creation or renewal of knowledge enough (dialectical interactive approach), that this is actually a temporary conclusion of this time, that is, of this creative epoch, in time DIA space. As for the inevitable criticism of this dialectical understanding of time and space, criticizing with empty words without first developing one's own concept and (methodologically) elaborated conception of time and space is in complete contrast to the dialectical interactive approach. On the other hand, additional alignment with Newton's and Einstein's understanding of space and time, in terms of filling in the missing links and cubes of knowledge, is in the spirit of this methodological approach, because these two conceptions of space and time also arose in the post-Copernican epoch of knowledge creation, and therefore compatible with each other.
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